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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Stonebearer's Betrayal By Jodi L. Milner-Book Review and Exclusive Author Interview

Product Details

  • Title: Stonebearer's Betrayal
  • Author: Jodi L. Milner
  • File Size: 6989 KB
  • Print Length: 333 pages
  • Publisher: Immortal Works (November 13, 2018)
  • Publication Date: November 13, 2018
  • Genre: Noble Dark YA Epic Fantasy
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ***I received a review e-copy in exchange for an honest review*** 
Book Summary
A secret society of immortals, tasked to protect the world.
A demon bent on revenge.

A girl brave enough to fight for her family when the two collide.

Archdemoness Wrothe stirs the ashes from a long dead war, rekindling a fire that threatens to burn the world. Only the legendary Stonebearers of the Khandashii have the power to stop her, if they catch wind of her plans in time. Katira didn’t believe the legends. She didn’t believe a person could alter the fabric of reality or live forever. She didn’t believe in the dark mirror realm or in the dangerous creatures 
prowling there either.

That was before the first shadow hound came for her

Book Excerpt from Stonebearer’s Betrayal:

“Regulus Tauricen heaved himself against the worm-eaten timbers of yet another storeroom door with a grunt. Quests were for younger men, not him. He rubbed at his shoulder to soothe away the ache. Whoever wished for immortality had no idea what they were asking for. Even with the power of the Khandashii sustaining him, his back hurt and a deep-seated fatigue always itched in his bones.
He missed the comforts of the warm library at Amul Dun. What he would give to be surrounded by thousands of beautiful books and studying about ancient Dashiian magic again. Anything would be better than crawling through dank catacombs.
But when High Master Ternan gave an order, it must be carried out. Something of this importance couldn’t be trusted to a younger man, or so his master had said. The Disk of Shaldeer had to be found. With the knowledge bound within its crystalline depths, they might learn how to lock the shadow creatures back in their own realm once and for all.
Regulus and his apprentice, Isben, had been searching the ruins of Khanrosh for ten days. Ten long days of digging through rubble, breathing dust, and crawling through collapsed tunnels. Regulus gave the door another shove. Instead of opening, the wood gave away with a thud, sending him sprawling to the floor in an eruption of dust. Whatever had been behind the door tottered and fell with a mighty crash.”

My Review
Anyone that knows me well has figured out that my favorite genre to read is YA Fantasy. I happen to know the author of Stonebearer's Betrayal. As a reviewer, I often review my friend's books but I always give an honest review and don't give people a break just because they're my friend. Let's just say, there is no break needed here. This epic YA Fantasy was amazing! Jodi's world building was done so well and the magic system was unique and fascinating. 

From the very first chapter I was totally sucked into this fantasy. I'm so glad I started it on a weekend because I basically sat down, started reading, and with only a few breaks in between I read this 300+page novel. I think I finished around 3 a.m.

The great cast of characters all stood on their own as strong, diverse people who couldn't just be lumped into a good or evil category. There were many in the gray category and I really liked that. Character growth was happening for many of them throughout the story. This really helped to integrate me into their lives and journeys. I don't want to get into any specifics at all in this review because I want you to read this book and experience it all for yourself. After you read the author interview I did with Jodi it will make you want to read this fantasy novel even more. This book took a long time to write and it shows by how well it was written. This is book one in a trilogy but it ended in a satisfying way without a huge cliff hanger. Book one certainly sets up an amazing world with brilliant characters that will draw you in making you anxious to return. I for one can't wait to read the next book in the series.

Purchase Stonebearer's Betrayal

***Exclusive Interview with 
Author Jodi L. Milner***

1.How long did it take you to write Stonebearer's Betrayal?

From idea to finished project, Stonebearer’s Betrayal took almost 10 years. As a first book, I picked it up and put it down as life demanded, and life got demanding. Those years were well spent learning about how to write a compelling scene, structure a story, and create engaging characters. 

2.Where did you get your ideas for your book?

I grew up with my nose planted in books. From Roald Dahl to Brian Jacques, Terry Brooks to Robert Jordan, I was fed a steady diet of wonderful stories. Those magical moments collected and combined into their own unique tale that needed to be written. 

3.Do you have a favorite character and why?

Absolutely! My favorite character is Bremin, the chief informant for the leader of the Stonebearers. The reason I like him so much is that while he’s a fully trained Stonebearer and can sense the magic of the world around him, he can’t use it safely. When he does use his magic, it knocks him out afterward and he has no memory of what happened. Because of this, he chooses to use his intelligence and charm to solve most of the problems he falls into and saves his magic for life or death situations.

4.What else are you writing right now?

Plenty – I’m currently finishing drafting the last book in the Stonebearer Trilogy and am so excited about how this story ends. I’m also cowriting a middle grade fantasy with Daniel Swenson, a friend and fellow Immortal Works Press author. This book is about a redheaded boy who thinks dragons want to eat him because redheads are delicious. It’s going to be adorable. When I’m not working on either of those, I’m creating content for my blog and Instagram. 

5.Who has influenced or helped you as a writer?

My family been a huge help by being understanding and allowing me time to attend meetings and conferences and spend endless hours of working at the computer. As for the greatest influence, I want to thank the Utah writing community. I’ve been part of several wonderful organizations, including the League of Utah Writers, and the support and network I’ve found there is invaluable. Lastly, I need to pay tribute to all the brave writers who have gone before me with the courage to put their ideas into words and then worked to put those words into print for all the world to see. 

6.What's your best advice for upcoming writers?

Don’t be afraid to write messy. Not all sentences are pretty and not all chapters work the first time they are written. But a written page can be fixed. A blank one can’t. The next bit of advice is what helped me to finish my book instead of rewriting the first chapter over and over again. Don’t edit a single scene until you finish the story. I mean that in a very literal way. Write the entire thing, beginning, middle, and end and figure out everything that happens to your character from the discovery of their problem to when they succeed in solving it. As you write, your understanding of the main character will shift and deepen. After you finish, it’s so much easier to return to the beginning and see how things fit together and how that character interacts with the world. This doesn’t work for everyone, but if you are stuck in a never-ending editing loop, give it a try.

Meet Author Jodi L. Milner
Jodi L. Milner is the author of the YA noble dark fantasy Stonebearer’s Betrayal as well as several short stories appearing in numerous anthologies and SQ Magazine.
In her community, she holds a leadership position in the League of Utah Writers and teaches at chapter meetings and conferences. She’s a world traveler, married a magician, studied Kenpo karate, and performed reptile shows several times a week while in college.

When not putting her characters in dire peril, Jodi can be folding the children and feeding the laundry, often in that order. She can also be found crocheting cute character sidekicks, playing lame app-based games, and reading – always reading.

Jodi is a firm believer that life is what you make it and she intends to make it a good one. She is an avid student of the interesting and obscure and has an unhealthy fascination with medical science. This path led to her working professionally in both human and animal medicine. These days she raises a pair of cranky chickens and is interested in taking up exotic animal rescue, much to her husband’s horror.

She makes her home in the mountains of Utah. 
Follow these links to learn more about Jodi and her books:

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