Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

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Friday, June 20, 2014

Midsummer's Eve Giveaway Hop...enter to win an Amazon Gift Card!

I'm so glad that Summertime is almost here!
I don't know about you, but that always means
more time for me to read. There are so many great
books that have just been released. That's why
I'm giving away a $12.00 gift card to Amazon so one lucky
winner can go and buy a new book or several new
e-books just in time for vacation.
All you need to do is fill out the Rafflecopter
form! There are going to be many more exciting give-aways
for you to enter on this hop! 
Don't miss out on visiting all of them. 
This hop is open to everyone, US and International.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I don't really have a favorite YA author, just favorite series. But Cassandra Clare, Veronica Rossi, Leigh Bardugo, and Kasie West are amazing! :)

  2. I really like Amanda Sun. Her book, "Ink," was terrific, and I'm excited to read "Rain," which comes out this month!

  3. I love books by Maria V. Snyder. They have such creative world building and brave heroines.

  4. I love Becca Fitzpatrick she wrote Hush, Hush, Crescendo, Silence, and Finale and I love this series. The series is about angels/fallen angels

  5. I love Colleen Hoover, Stephanie Perkins, Marissa Meyer, A.G Howard, Kasie West and a lot more. Their books are extraordinary. Love them all.

  6. I love Katie McGarry, Marissa Meyer, Cassandra Clare and Melissa Marr.

  7. I love Marissa Meyer, Richelle Mead and Rachel Caine.

  8. Jennifer L Armentrout! You have to check out her books if you haven't already!

    1. And Colleen Hoover of course! Her books are absolutely beautiful!
      thank you for the giveaway =)

  9. I love Cassandra Clare and Lauren Oliver. I love all of their series books for sure.

  10. I love the YA books by Shannon Hale!

  11. Cassandra Clare, Marissa Meyer, Amy Plum, Colleen Houck, the list goes on and on. <3

  12. Sally Green (Half Bad) and Samantha Shannon (The Bone Season) are two of my newest favorites.

  13. I don't really have a favorite author, but the most recent YA I read and really enjoyed was The Truth About Alice! :)

  14. I have so many...hmmm...Charlie Higdon, C.C. Hunter, Moira Young, there are just too many to list!

  15. My favorite author is Cinda Williams Chima. She is the author of The Seven Realms Series. It's a fantasy series. :D

  16. I like Richelle Mead. She wrote the Vampire Academy series. Thank you for the giveaway :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Robin McKinley - I adore her fairy tale retellings, especially Beauty and Spindle's End. But Patricia C. Wrede (Dealing with Dragons, etc.) comes in a mighty close second!

  19. My favorite YA authors are Richelle Mead and Tahereh Mafi who write paranormal and sci-fi. :D

  20. I love Kelley Armstrong who writes a lot of adult and YA paranormal romance.

  21. I like Ally Condi's books. She writes YA dystopian.

  22. Jennifer L. Armentrout. I love all of her books, but the Lux series is my favorite.

  23. I don't have just one favorite. I have MANY! The newest favorite author, just added to my favorite author and book list this past week, is Jennifer L. Armentrout with Don't Look Back! I loved the story and the characters. Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. So many choices.... Kevin J Anderson for his Young Jedi Knights series, Cassandra Clare for Immortal Instrumesnts, Richelle Mead (Vampire Academy), Tamora Pierce (Alanna) and many more loved authors.

  25. I just do not have enough room on this page for favorites. There are simply too many wonderful authors and books in many genres.

  26. Alison Goodman and Kristin Cashore!!

  27. Richelle Mead! I really love her Vampire Academy series and her Bloodlines series. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  28. Eoin Colfer is my favorite author of all time. Airman (standalone) and Artemis Fowl (series) are my favorites. I also love his W.A.R.P. series. <3

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  29. I don't have a favorite YA author - but my teenage granddaughter loves the Dork Diaries and they are helping her read.
    jrs362 at

  30. I love LJ Smith. Her Night World series made me fall in love with reading (and vampires). Thanks for the giveaway!

  31. I love Katie McGarry and Marissa Meyer.

  32. Rachel Caine and her Morganville Vampire series. There's over 13 books.

  33. I don't read YA so I'm not familiar with the authors.

  34. One of my favorite YA authors is Richelle Mead. I especially recommend the Bloodlines series.

  35. I'll go old-school with LM Montgomery--the Emily and Anne books are still fantastic!


  36. I think my favorite YA author is Stephenie Meyer.

    Thank you so much for the giveaway! Fingers crossed. :-)

  37. Jenny Han <3 I just love her style of writing <3 I enjoyed her "The Summer I Turned Pretty" trilogy :) Thanks for this awesome giveaway! :D

  38. My favorite young adult novel growing up was francine pascal from sweet valley high, lol.

  39. My favourite author is Melina Marchetta, I've read all her books except for her first book, Looking for Alibrandi. She captures teenagers very realistically and I always fall in love with the cast of characters, I've loved each of the books she's written, from contemporary to fantasy. She's just an amazing author, I hope she writes more books. Thank you for the giveaway. Enjoy your day! :)

  40. Jennifer L Armentrout is one of my favorites. I've read all her young adult books and several of her NA and adult books.

  41. I have a few, but right now I am really liking Julie Kagawa. She is the author of the Iron Fey series (fairies), the Immortal Rules series (vampires), and the upcoming Talon series (dragons).

  42. Jennifer L Armentrout's "Lux" and Michael Grant's "Gone" series are my top favs

  43. Oh, man, I don't know how to even begin to spell her last name.. That Maggie WhatsHerName; she wrote the Wolves of Mercy Falls series and just came out with a new book, Sinner.

  44. I'm not a YA reader so I'm not too familiar with those authors

  45. My favorites so far are Libba Bray and Maggie Stiefvater. Their books are young adult, paranormal fantasies. I love the way the both write imagery and romance so well... with humor too!

  46. I don't have a favorite, it's not my genre to read although I am familiar with Jennifer L Armentrout

  47. I love Jennifer Echols and Jennifer Armentrout

  48. I love Jennifer L. Armentrout's Lux Series.

    jmesparza821 at gmail dot com

  49. Libba Bray is my favorite young adult author. Her Gemma Doyle series is an amazing Victorian magic series with forbidden romance and a feisty heroine.
