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Friday, June 13, 2014

Body Image Breakthrough: Learning to See Your Body and Your Beauty in a Whole New Light by Jaci Wightman-Blog Tour Review

Product Details

  • Title: Body Image Breakthrough: Learning to See Your Body and Your Beauty in a Whole New Light
  •  Author: Jaci Wightman
  • Paperback: 144 pages
  • Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc. (June 10, 2014)
  • Genre Non-Fiction/Self Help
  • ISBN-10: 1462114385
  • FTC, FYI: Received a pdf copy in exchange for an honest review. 

Book Description:
Stop sacrificing to the idol of the perfect woman. Body Image Breakthrough cuts through the fad diets and pop psychology to find the root of women's body image issues. Free yourself from negative body image and live each day as Heavenly Father intended, wrapped in the soul-healing beauty of the Lord.

My Review:
 I've been reading several books about body image lately, and frankly I've needed this. From the very beginning of chapter one I knew that this book would have the messages I needed to hear. Jaci's voice is friendly and personal. You feel like you are talking to your best friend. One of the best things I loved about this book is the "Additional Study" information that reviews what the chapter talked about and gives you a small assignment to look up additional scriptures in the Bible, Book of Mormon and other scripture. I really liked this time to reflect more on what the scriptures had to say about beauty and image.

Here are more of the highlights from the book that will stay with me.

"It all comes down to this: if we’re trying to glorify ourselves
through our outward appearance, we’re walking a dead-end road
that will only lead to more emptiness and heartache. Truth is,
there’s only One who can fill our hearts with the acceptance and
love we’ve been longing for. There’s only One who can offer us
the satisfying and abundant fruit of the tree of life. It’s a kind of
nourishment that the world can’t even begin to imitate. But we
can only partake of this fruit if we quit looking to other people to
fill us and devote ourselves instead to seeking the acceptance and
affirmation of the Lord."

"Could it be the adversary has convinced us that the only way
to feel “secure, affirmed, and valuable” is to gain the acceptance of
our peers? Could it be that we dress for the eyes of others in order
to “fill a hole”? Maybe it’s time for us to learn where our true value
comes from. Maybe it’s time to turn our backs on the seductive
voices coming from the great and spacious building."

"Deep down, I knew there had to be a way to find balance.
There had to be a way to honor my God-given desire for beauty
without bowing down before the image of the world. Walking
away from the image couldn’t mean walking away from physical
attractiveness altogether. Instead, the answer had to involve learning
and internalizing how the Lord understood outward—not just
inward—beauty. I knew Christ didn’t view a woman’s appearance
through the lens of the world, but I certainly did. For the most
part, what the world saw as beautiful, I saw as beautiful, and what
the world shunned, I shunned. What I needed most was a body
image breakthrough. A radical change of heart. I needed the Lord
to completely re-frame the way I looked at physical beauty."

 Here is one of my favorite things that Jaci said is her book...
" Please believe me when I say that if you’ll simply allow the
Lord to lead you through the transformation process, you’ll discover
a new place to live—a place where you’ll actually rejoice in
your physical body. It’s a place where you’ll find the ability to
master your appetite; where your weight will settle in at a healthy
level; and where all obsessive thinking will finally cease. Best of all,
it’s a place where you’ll come to know the beauty and splendor of
Christ, and how it applies to your individual body. I promise, it’s a
place unlike anything you’ve ever experienced."

 How I wish I could share more with you, but as you can see, this book will truly change the way you think about yourself in many respects. I hope that all LDS women and teens will read this book. I know that lives will be changed, as minds and hearts assimilate this message of letting the Lord and his words help with their body image breakthrough. 

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  Meet Author Jaci Wightman:
A first-time author, Jaci Green Wightman (pronounced JAY-see) was raised in five different states before meeting her husband, Greg, during her freshman year of college. Together, they’re now enjoying the daunting task of raising seven children born in just eight years. In 2012, Jaci finally graduated from BYU-Idaho with a degree in University Studies, 21 years after postponing her schooling to start a family. Underneath all her outward busyness, however, Jaci is simply an ordinary woman who discovered an extraordinary Savior. Her greatest joy lies in teaching and testifying of the One who not only changed her heart, but radically transformed her entire life.
Go HERE to learn more about Jaci and her book.

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