Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Would You Like Me to Read and Review Your Book?

Would You Like Me to Read and Review Your Book?Here is my Review Policy

I am accepting books for review from authors and publishers. I prefer receiving hard copies, but I have a Kindle App for my computer and will also accept books in PDF form. Every book I read, I will then 'review'. These 'reviews' will reflect my honest opinion, I'll try to remain positive, not be overly critical, but if I don't like a book I will say so. My reviews will consist of my thoughts and feelings about the novel read and as a result, my reviews are very subjective, instead of a critical analysis.

I will read most genres: I prefer clean romances, love YA general and speculative, fantasy, sci-fi, historical, self-help and children's books.

Reviewing Time Frame: I have many books that I have in my pile to read and review. Unless I am participating in a blog tour with an assigned date, I will do my best to get your book read and reviewed in a timely manner. 

Beyond Reviews: Not only will I  review books, but I will hold contests/giveaways, interview authors, particiapte in book/blog tours and Blog Hops. Please explain in your e-mail about the particulars . 

Contact me here: at


  1. Hello,
    Delta memories is new book that I wrote about my life. I would be happy to send a pdf copy to of this book to your club to review. Perhaps it can be added to your book list. This book literally moves the soul, the mind, reaches out and touches and take people to place they have never been before. Everyone, from all walks of life, whoever picks it up is affected for it is written from the heart. I promise you this book will move you... Please read the book reviews that thus far been recieved this book is new...

    Joe Harper

    Please read some of the reviews below....

    Reelivelove Book Club shared a link.
    September 3
    Hello Facebookers, and Bookettes :)
    I'm currently reading Delta Memories by Joe Harper, so far so good, this book bring me back to the Authur Francis Ray book "Trouble don't last always". It's the message thats so strong and captivating. I must say, it's a must read, will not be disappointed.

    Vals book club
    16 hours ago
    I have just read Joe Harpers 'Delta Memories'. It is an amazing account of life as the child of a share cropper in the 1960's to 70's. It covers life as a child and his siblings, in a segregated school, home life in the Missisippi Delta as a child and the issues surrounding real people during segregation and later integration of education. I realy enjoyed this book and feel it is as moving as 'The Grapes of Wrath' that I have recently re read. It would also make an excellent film. I felt I was there throughout the book and lived the life with Joe Harper. I recomend everyone to get a copy of this book and read it. I guarantee you wont be disapointed

    Joe Harper

    By Stephan Becerra Jul 30, 2012 I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in a true-life account of a young black man coming of age in the rural south and his recollections and observations about his upbrining. The overarching theme about perseverance in the face of difficult circumstance and the power of faith in our creator will touch and uplift anyone who read it.

    By H Rouse Caffey Jul 29, 2012 This is a history of one family that experienced the hardships of share-cropping on a Mississippi Delta cotton farm, but though education, ability, and persistance, how one of the sons over came those rather bad and poor conditions. Now, after a college degree, and a rather short professional agriculture career, the author is faced with Lou Gerhig's disease, and he writes this book not in pity of his healh, but to record a first hand account of the bad and good of the Delta people where he grew up. It is a true event, and NOT fiction. I certainly recommend this book to all American families. H Rouse Caffey, Chancellor Emeritus, LSU AgCenter.

    By Curtis A. Colleton Aug 22, 2012 This is a must read!!!! The candor and truism is breath taking. As you read about this story you come to grips with the passion and care that the writer takes to allow you to walk in the the path of not hardships, but appreciation for opportunities in life. You will not be disappointed with this read. Someday this will be a classic!!! Curtis A. Colleton, DVM, DACVP, PMP

    By Michael Zecher Aug 14, 2012 Joe Harper’s Delta Memories is a story of inspiration and determination. It’s a story of joy and sadness. It’s a story about growing up as one of 12 children in absolute poverty in the North Mississippi Delta during the 1960’s. It’s a story about the value of strong family ties, and of a personal faith. It’s a story about dealing with and overcoming the imposed limitations of segregation and racism. In short, it’s a story that deserves to be read. Early in the book, Joe states “Self pity is a worthless state of mind for anyone.” (pg 9) As Joe takes the reader from his very first memories as a child through his thoughts on his current health struggles, Joe repeatedly demonstrates this attitude. I have no doubt that Joe will use the strength and determination he demonstrated in his early life as he confronts his current health challenges.

  2. I love the graphic of book covers! Cool site!
