Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

Sheila's favorite books »

Monday, December 30, 2019

The One and Only Ivan By Katherine Applegate: An Audible Book Review & Many extras about the life of Ivan the Gorilla

Product Details

  • Title: The One and Only Ivan
  • Author:
  • Age Range: 8 - 12 years
  • Grade Level: 3 - 7
  • Genre: Middle-Grade
  • Paperback: 336 pages
  • Publisher: HarperCollins; Reprint edition (January 6, 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0061992275
  • ***I voluntarily reviewed an Audible copy. All opinions are my own*** 
Book Summary
Ivan is an easygoing gorilla. Living at the Exit 8 Big Top Mall and Video Arcade, he has grown accustomed to humans watching him through the glass walls of his domain. He rarely misses his life in the jungle. In fact, he hardly ever thinks about it at all.

Instead, Ivan thinks about TV shows he's seen and about his friends Stella, an elderly elephant, and Bob, a stray dog. But mostly Ivan thinks about art and how to capture the taste of a mango or the sound of leaves with color and a well-placed line.

Then he meets Ruby, a baby elephant taken from her family, and she makes Ivan see their home - and his own art - through new eyes. When Ruby arrives, change comes with her, and it's up to Ivan to make it a change for the better.

Katherine Applegate blends humor and poignancy to create Ivan's unforgettable first-person narration in a story of friendship, art, and hope.

My Review
 Anyone that knows me well knows of my love for animals and gorillas are some of my favorite animals. I've heard of this book and finally had a  chance to listen to the Audible version while cleaning, unpacking, and organizing my bedroom. I also had someone tell me I should read this to my class of 2nd graders. Before I do a read-aloud I always read it first on my own. I'm really glad I did. This story reminds me so much of Charlotte's Web that I read each year to my class. The One and Only Ivan seems to kick the sadness aspect up a notch, especially because this novel and the gorilla Ivan is based on the real-life gorilla Ivan who spent 27 years in a small cage in a strip mall. 
At this point, I'm still debating whether or not I'll be reading it to my class. I think I'll suggest to the parents of my students to read it together at home with their child. There will be many subjects brought up that would be better discussed at home with 7-8-year-olds. 

I do want to say that I LOVED this story! It is told from Ivan's Point of View and he quickly stole this reader's heart. Each of the animals in this story from Ivan, to the elderly elephant Stella, the young baby elephant Ruby, and the gruff stray dog Bob all have such unique personalities. These wonderful animal characters are wrapped up in huge underlying subjects of poaching, animal trafficking, and inhumane living conditions. Even with such adult topics, this story is told so that children can understand the feelings of the animals and the situations they find themselves living in. There is humor in the story and the theme of friendship and sacrifice. This novel does make you think so much about humans and the way we have handled the treatment of animals in the wild and in captivity. 

I know I will read this story again. It really touched my heart and I loved learning about the real-life Ivan, who passed away in August of 2012. He was 50 years old. He spent 18 years at the Atlantic Zoo in a wonderful environment with other gorillas. I highly recommend this book as a family read-aloud.  

{Purchase The One and Only Ivan 

Watch a Video about the Real-Life Ivan:
This is a really fun video done by one his 
former caretakers at the Atlantic Zoo

Meet Author: Katherine Applegate


Katherine Applegate is the author of The One and Only Ivan, winner of the Newbery Medal and a #1 New York Times bestseller. Her other books include the acclaimed Wishtree, Crenshaw, Home of the Brave, and the Roscoe Riley Rules series. She lives in California with her family.

Here is what she had to say about this book:

On what she'd like young readers to take away from the book...
"I think we have a real obligation when we do have animals in captivity to understand their needs and to care for them as well as we can. Stella the elephant in Ivan says, 'You know humans surprise you sometimes,' and I hope that the next generation can surprise us all."

****Awards The One and Only Ivan has won****
Winner of the 2013 Newbery Medal
2012 Christopher Medal
Gold Medal in Juvenile LIterature, 2012 California Book Award
Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators 2013 Crystal Kite Award Winner
------------------------------------------------------------------ #1 New York Times bestseller
School Library Journal Best of Children's Books 2012
Kirkus Reviews Best of Children's Books 2012
Amazon 2012 Best Books of the Year, Middle Grade

Chicago Public Library Best of the Best 2012
New York Public Library 100 Books for Reading and Sharing, 2012
Cybils shortlist, 2012 middle-grade fantasy (Children’s and Young Adult Bloggers’ Literary Awards)
Texas Bluebonnet Award, 2013-14 Master List
2012 Nerdies Book Award, middle-grade fiction

A copy of the author’s Newbery Medal acceptance speech is at the back  of a copy of The One and Only Ivan. In it, the author says,
"We live in a world where children are bullied into despair and even suicide; where armed guards in a school hallway are considered desirable; where libraries are padlocked because of budget cuts; where breakfast and backpacks, for too many children are unaffordable luxuries.”

“What makes children better than the rest of us is that they are buoyant, unrepentant optimists.”

As a writer, reader, and lover of words, I make it a habit to ‘stop time’ whenever I come across sparkling phrases that deserve homage. A ‘stop time’ is where we stop whatever we are doing to read out loud and to listen; we listen to both the author’s words and to what made that phrase so meaningful to the reader.

Although my son and I read the same book, our reactions to it were as different as a carefree stroll through the park and being caught in a traffic snarl in the city at rush hour. Where my son delighted in the animal conversations, I sobbed.

Pixar uses humor with double meaning brilliantly in their storytelling. Katherine Applegate uses the same technique, but in a more realistic vein.
I sobbed because the adult world my son will live in doesn’t have easy answers. It isn’t colorful, silly, and happy all the time. The innocence of his childhood is beginning to seep away.

While Ivan and Ruby soothe each other and tell stories to help them sleep, the author communicates the ache of loneliness, coping skills, feeling boxed in, and the power that is found when helping a friend…or your own child.

The first ‘stop time’ that my son called happened when Ivan makes an impossible promise to Ruby, the baby elephant.
I’ve been waiting and watching for this moment. A maturity level that notices deeper concepts. An opportunity to share family ideals and values. An easing into the world of adulthood – or at least into the turbulent teens.

“Children know all about sadness,” comments Applegate in her speech. “We can’t hide it from them. We can only teach them how to cope with its inevitably and to harness their imaginations in search for joy and wonder.”

Deborah: Fugitive of Faith (Daughters of Ishmael) by Diane Stringam Tolley : Book Review

Product Details

  •  Title: Deborah: Fugitive of Faith
  •  Author: Diane Stringam Tolley 
  • Series: Daughters of Ishmael (Book 3)
  • Paperback: 337 pages
  • Publisher: Independently published (June 29, 2019)
  • Genre: Book of Mormon Fiction/LDS Fiction
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1076920217
  • ***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the author. All opinions are my own***

Book Summary 
160 B.C. A new king and a time of transition and upheaval in the kingdom of Lehi-Nephi. A young Hebrew girl, renowned for her beauty, becomes the ultimate prize of two of the priests of the evil King Noah. Oren, wicked like his king, and Alma, young and idealistic. To choose Alma, as her heart dictates, means to abandon her life of wealth and ease. Can Deborah make a choice that will impact, not only her but her entire family? And where will she and her wandering prophet make a home?

My Review 
 This novel is another great addition to this series based on people from the Book of Mormon. The women are the ones that are highlighted in this series. For me, I really like to read novels where we get to imagine how their lives were because in the actual book it's usually the men we only read about.

I love the character of Deborah. She is humble, kind, and courageous. It was also great to "get to know" Alma and Helam better through their characterization in this novel. The story of Abinadi in wicked King Noah's court was chilling even more so than reading the actual account. Diane has a wonderful way of bringing to life the stories of The Book of Mormon. This whole series has been a great read. This book, even though it's the 3td in the series, can be read as a stand-alone. I do recommend reading all of them to get the rich experience of the women from the Book of Mormon.

 Purchase Deborah: Fugitive of Faith 

Meet Author: Diane Stringham Tolley

Raised on the last of the great old Southern Alberta ranches and trained in journalism, Diane recounts tales of growing up in the bend of the north fork of the Milk River. Author of countless short stories, articles, poems, plays, songs and novels, she brings a wealth of western family ideals to her writing.
Nothing intrigues more than a background story. And nothing is quite as peaceful as reliving the past.

Learn more about Diane and her books HERE:

Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Fire Queen (The Hundredth Queen #2) by Emily R. King: Audible Review

The Fire Queen by Emily R. King
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I've been listening to this on Audible for a few months now. I listen to it in the mornings while getting ready for work. I need to admit right off that I didn't like this second book in the series as much as I liked the first book. It seemed to drag a bit and much of the plot seemed repetitive of the first novel. There were good moments of action but there seemed to be many chapters of just a lot of talking. I really didn't like how Kalinda and Deven were apart through most of the novel. I think they are wonderful together. It brought back vibes of Twilight's 2nd book New Moon where the same thing happened to the couple in that series. I will continue this series though because I liked how it ended and I really love seeing Kalinda's powers increasing. I can't wait to see what else she can do.

View all my reviews

Christmas Jars: A Novel By Jason F. Wright: Book Review

Christmas Jars by Jason F. Wright
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I picked this book up because I had the chance to watch and review the movie based on this book. It's funny how I meant to read this book for many years and never had the opportunity. I just read it today and it's a fast read of 122 pages in a small book. I love the idea behind the Christmas Jars of saving money in a jar all year long and giving it to someone in need at Christmas time. I think this could become a beautiful tradition for families.

In comparing the book and movie, I have to say I liked the movie better. There are major differences between them and I'm not going to say what they are because I like to keep my reviews spoiler feel. Let's just say that the movie has deeper character development and a happier ending while still staying true to the spirit of the novel. I did like this novel and I feel it is a great little book to read quickly during the busy Christmas season.

View all my reviews

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Keto for Life: Look Better, Feel Better, and Watch the Weight Fall off with 160+ Delicious High-Fat Recipes by Mellissa Sevigny

Keto for Life: Look Better, Feel Better, and Watch the Weight Fall off with 160+ Delicious High-Fat Recipes by Mellissa Sevigny
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Product Details

  • Paperback: 384 pages
  • Publisher: Victory Belt Publishing (May 29, 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1628602899
  • I purchased this book and I'm giving my honest review on my own experiences with the contents of this book.

Book Summary
 The ketogenic lifestyle has been proven to aid in weight loss and to help people achieve better overall health. Mellissa Sevigny, the voice behind the highly acclaimed food blog I Breathe, I’m Hungry, has been a leader in low-carb, ketogenic living for many years and understands the key factors to achieve lifelong success. In her new book, Keto for Life, she delivers a complete road map to adopting and sustaining a ketogenic diet. Keto for Life is a book for real people with busy lives, picky family members, and moderate budgets. Mellissa firmly believes that budget, time, and eating with loved ones should not be deterrents to living a keto lifestyle, feeling great, and enjoying the food you’re eating. Keto for Life gives readers tools and recipes to thrive on keto. People who are new to the ketogenic diet want answers to the common problems of how to eat keto without needing years of experience as prep cook in a commercial kitchen and how to stay within their grocery budget, keep the rest of the family from staging a mutiny, and not be forced to shop, prep, and cook full-time to make their goals a reality. Keto for Life educates readers on the do’s and don’ts of keto, providing a wealth of tips and strategies to help them get started right away and work toward their goals. Readers can pick up this book on a Monday and be well on the way to their new keto lifestyle by the weekend.

My Review
This is a great book with so many yummy recipes. I've been reading and studying this book to get myself started back up eating more healthy. I love Mellissa Sevigny and have been following her blog, I Breathe I'm Hungry, for several years now. If you are thinking of eating Keto/Low Carb, Mellissa is the person to go to. She has a livable plan that is easy to follow. On her website, she has weekly menus to follow to get you started. This is one of the better books out there to help a novice get started on this WOE (Way of Eating). Even though I've read all of this book I know I will be using it as a resource for years to come! 

Learn more about Mellissa at her blog HERE:
"My name is Mellissa Sevigny, and I use my culinary powers for good here at IBIH by creating delicious and satisfying low carb & keto recipes. If you’re looking to lose weight, feel amazing, AND eat some of the best food you’ve ever tasted – you’ve come to the right place. Welcome!"

View all my reviews

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Home to Somersby (A Regency Romance) by Anita Stansfield-Book Review

Product Details

  • Title: Home to Somersby
  • Author: Anita Stansfield
  • Paperback: 208 pages
  • Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc. (January 1, 2020)
  • Genre: Regency Romance/Clean Romance
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1524411809
***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own*** 

Book Summary
Hazel Mae Hollingsworth is devastated following the unexpected death of her father, and she can't shake a sense of foreboding when the family solicitor arrives at the estate. Her intuition turns out to be well founded, for her father's will reveals a long-held family secret—Hazel's entire life has been a lie. Within hours of receiving the news, she is turned out by the man she once called her brother, dispossessed with little more than her mother's instruction to seek refuge with her father's sister.

Refuge she finds and so much more. Hazel is overwhelmed by the kind welcome she receives from Aunt Madge and her family, who warmly invite her into their fold. With the loving support of family, Hazel begins to untangle the mysterious circumstances surrounding her birth. She finds a renewed sense of peace as she rebuilds the puzzle of her life and embarks on a romance she never expected. But when the shocking truth of her heritage is revealed, Hazel is forced to reconcile her painful past with the future she envisions.

My Review
 Home to Somersby was such a pleasant surprise! I read a lot of Regency Romance and right off the bat, this novel took a shocking turn which hooked me into the story. We meet Hazel Mae Hollingsworth and her family who have suffered the tragedy of losing their head of their family, father Horace Hollingsworth. After the reading of her father's will, a long-buried secret is revealed that not only changes Hazel's life but those of her family members.

I was somewhat astonished at Hazel's brother, Clarence's actions. He showed such cruelty towards his sister. The story really took off for me when she travels to her cousin's home of Somersby. This family was absolutely delightful and memorable. I loved Aunt Marge, and cousins Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Johnna. The love and kindness of this family made me instantly warm to these characters. Hazel is a beautiful and sweet souled lady that makes the reader want what is best for her. As more of her background is uncovered the bigger the mystery becomes until a shocking conclusion is revealed in the end. I don't want to give anything away but I do want to add that the romance between Hazel and an unnamed man is very touching and sweet.

I thoroughly enjoyed this Regency Romance because of the twists and turns that made its story quite unique. I especially loved the pages that started each chapter with beautiful dragonflies that have special meaning to Hazel. I recommend this clean romance to all readers.

Purchase Home to Somersby HERE!

Meet Author: Anita Stansfield


Anita Stansfield has been the reigning queen of LDS romantic fiction for nearly two decades, although her general market releases have been among her reader's favorites. Her work has shattered the stereotypes of romance novels with her trademark ability to combine great storytelling with intense psychological depth as she focuses on the emotional struggles of the human experience. Her novels cover a huge spectrum, from the eighteenth century to the present, from heartwarming to heart-stopping. Hundreds of thousands of readers agree: Anita Stansfield's characters and the lives they lead are not easy to forget.
Anita is now also writing under the pseudonym Elizabeth D. Michaels. You can find her work on

Follow this link to see all of the books Anita has written:

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Master of Malice Box Set By Cas Peace: Offical Cover Reveal & Giveaway

Cas lives in the lovely county of Hampshire, southern UK, where she was born. On leaving school she trained for two years before qualifying as horse-riding instructor. During this time she also learned to carriage-drive. She spent thirteen years in the British Civil Service before moving to Rome, Italy, where she and her husband, Dave, lived for three years. They enjoy returning whenever they can. Cas supports many animal charities and owns two rescue dogs. She has a large collection of cacti and loves gardening. She is also a folk singer/songwriter and is currently writing and recording nine folk-style songs to accompany each of her fantasy books. You can listen to and download all the songs from her website: 

See the video of her performing live at the King’s Envoy book launch here:

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Pure evil rises once again in Albia…

Three years have passed since Baron Reen’s trial. A terrible accident on the island of his exile has transformed him into a nightmarish scarecrow creature with dark, mysterious powers. Staging his own suicide, Reen breaks free of his prison and, with the help of the former queen Sofira, embarks on a ruthless quest for vengeance against his worst enemy, the woman responsible for the overthrow of his schemes and his own ruination: Brynne Sullyan.

Sullyan is tasked with investigating Reen’s suicide. The missing body and a series of disasters in Port Loxton—a vicious murder, a brutal ambush, and a devastating fire—raise suspicions in her mind. She probes deeper, determined to uncover the truth, unsuspecting of the evil that’s about to be unleashed…

And now for the Cover








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Friday, December 20, 2019

Review and $50 Giveaway for The Christmas Jars Movie:The Miracle of One Jar... Last Minute Gift Alert!! {Based on the New York Times Bestseller by Jason F. Wright}

Based on the New York Times best- selling novel by Jason F. Wright
Hope is an aspiring reporter who has had her fair share of tragedy in life. Abandoned at birth, she's grieving the recent death of her adopted mother when her apartment is burglarized of all her possessions. While reporting the burglary to the police, Hope discovers a jar full of money, labeled "Christmas Jar." Shocked and grateful for this act of kindness, Hope discovers that people all over her hometown of Columbus, Ohio, have been receiving Christmas Jars for years during times of need. The jars are always anonymous and always contain different amounts. In this heartwarming Christmas classic, Hope goes undercover to discover the secret behind the Christmas jars, putting into motion a series of events that will change her life, and her community, forever.

             What is a Christmas Jar?

The Christmas Jar tradition is based on the 2005 New York Times bestselling novel by Jason Wright.

A Christmas Jar is a pickle jar, peanut butter jar, Mason jar or anything else you have to collect spare change each day.
All coins are dedicated to the jar all year long and during the week before Christmas, you carefully select someone to give it to anonymously.
Was a neighbor laid off? Is a coworker struggling with health problems? Has a friend lost a loved one?
Simply put your jar on their porch, in their car, on their desks — wherever — and you could change their life … for good!
$50, $100, even $200, you’ll be surprised how much change you can generate and how much you can impact someone’s life.

Movie Trailer

My Review

One of the bylines I read about this movie before I watched it describes it so well: "CHRISTMAS JARS is a heartfelt reminder that kindness truly is contagious." 

This movie based on the book of the same name is a very heartwarming experience. Everything about it is wholesome and very inspirational. There isn't a dull moment in this story but make sure that you have a box of tissues nearby. The message found in The Christmas Jars is one that you will want to share with all members of your family, young and old. This is now one of my favorite Christmas movies. It's a movie I will watch over and over again.

If you are still looking for that last-minute gift for friends and family you need to buy this movie to spread the love and kindness everywhere.

Make sure to enter the $50 giveaway down below.


Christmas Countdown Blitz & Giveaway 2019: Day 15-Lost Shepherd By Michael I. Judson

“Who were THOSE shepherds, and why were they so favored?” That one question stirred the imagination of author Michael I. Judson and led to the creation of Lost Shepherd, the fictional backstory of the first witnesses to the birth of the precious Babe of Bethlehem. After you read Lost Shepherd, watch for his answers to other compelling questions (his next books!)

When he’s not writing, he has a large family to love, gardens to grow, fun places to see, ancestors to discover, and even chickens to raise! He also has a full-time job that occupies the bulk of his waking hours. Though still a few years off, retirement beckons with aspirations of writing (with all the fun imagining and discovery that goes with it) becoming his full-time pursuit.

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Just who were the shepherds that were singled out from among earth's inhabitants to hear the angelic announcement of Christ's birth? What made them so special, or what uniquely qualified them to be His first witnesses? The Bible tells us very little about them. Now there is an answer!
Eleazar grows up awash in a culture of shepherding, but not among ordinary sheep. No, the flocks he and his companions tend are destined for sacrifice on the altar of the great temple at Jerusalem. Like his fathers before him, his life's work fuels the faith of a nation that tirelessly awaits the signs of their long-foretold Messiah. But unforeseen circumstances lead Eleazar away from his purposeful existence and onto a path of doubt and life-altering decisions that threaten to destroy both his faith and his future. Only the miraculous power of the Christ Child can reclaim him and restore to him to a life of hope and peace—and to an understanding of his importance as a shepherd in Israel.
Lost Shepherd is a tale of real hope and redemption, of faith lost and reclaimed. Let the story transport you back in time as you discover anew the timeless healing power found only in the Savior Jesus Christ.

~ Universal Amazon Link

Q&A With the Author:

1. What inspired this Christmas/Winter book? 
The idea for Lost Shepherd has been kicking around inside my head for more than 20 years. I love the Biblical Christmas story just the way it's told, but those who are familiar with what's written there know it is rather short on detail. I wanted to know more so I started reading it more carefully, in order to squeeze every bit of meaning from it that I could. As I did so, questions began to form in my mind: "Why shepherds? and why THOSE shepherds?," "Why a manger for His bed?," "Why an obscure village in Palestine?," "Why angels?," etc. Of course, most of those questions don't get answered very well in the scriptures, so I started searching other sources and started piecing together the snippets of information I found. What I discovered is a beautiful, rich symbolism underlying the Christmas story that I wanted to share. I felt the best way to do that was to weave it all together into a fictional narrative that included characters mentioned in the Bible, and a few who are not. While the story I have written is fiction, I like to think that it may really have happened just the way I wrote it.

2. Do you have other Holiday books? If so, what are they are for which Holidays? If not, what other books do you write? 
I'm afraid I have no other books, holiday-themed or not. However, I do have in mind a sequel to Lost Shepherd that hopefully will not take nearly as long to write as my first book.

3. What is your largest unfulfilled dream, and what are you doing to reach it? 
Publishing a book has been on my list for a long time. I'm glad to finally achieve that goal and hope to write many more in the coming years. One unfulfilled dream is to actually visit the places I have written about, namely Jerusalem and the regions thereabouts. 

4. Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing? 
Gardening, and specifically, growing food, has been a passion of mine for my whole adult life. I am especially fond of growing and eating melons (watermelon, Crenshaw, cantaloupe, honeydew). I hope one day to own a large parcel of land where I can go nuts with my gardening obsession. 

5. Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life? 
Of course, Lost Shepherd is based on the true Christmas story, and several of the characters are mentioned in the Biblical account, but most of my characters are fictional. I did mix a bit of genealogy into the book. One of the characters I gave attributes and experiences similar to those of one of my great-grandfathers.

6. Tell us one Christmas or Winter tradition that you love to do every year, and why it is so special to you. 
When I was two years old, my parents, for Easter, gave me a small little cloth doll. Apparently, when I opened the plastic egg it was inside, I exclaimed, "Baby Jesus!" I don't think that's exactly who the doll was supposed to be depicting but the name and the association stuck. Since that time "Baby Jesus" has had a place of honor on my family Christmas tree. He is now my oldest (and one of my most cherished) possessions. 

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The Librarian Picks her Poison by Author Amber Gilchrist: Officail Blog Tour Spotlight & Giveaway

Amber Gilchrist lives in New Mexico with her husband and six children. She writes YA , Romantic Comedies, and series mysteries. She calls her lifetime of jumping from one job to another 'experience' for her books and not an inability to settle down. Amber loves mysteries and a good, happy romance. She also loves to laugh. Sometimes she likes all of them together.

A fan of quirky movies and indie books, Amber likes to be with her family, is socially inept, and fears strangers and small yippy dogs. She alternates between writing and being a mom. She tries to do both at the same time but her kids don't appreciate being served lunch and told, "This is the hot dog of your discontent." So mostly she writes when everyone else is in bed.

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Audrey Scott might be a childrens librarian, but that isnt all she can do. When her best friend, Gretchen Holden, stands accused of a murder, Audrey cant handle doing nothing more than bailing Gretchen out of jail. She has to figure out who really killed Gretchens step-father, a universally hated federal judge.

With a not small list of potential people the judge has wronged, Audrey and her friends have a rough ride ahead of them trying to decide who had a motive, means, and opportunity to put the judge in an early grave. With the help of Derek Hennessy, erstwhile enemy turned very good friend, and her normal crew of cohorts, Audrey wont stop until the threat no longer looms.

Snippet #1
No matter what, Gretchen would say she was okay.  She was strong like that.  I wouldnt have been able to hide my fear or unhappiness, because I had no skills at hiding my emotions at all.  It was clear for the world to see, like a highway sign on a busy turnpike, any time I felt anything at all.  Gretchen would be sitting in a cell pretending nothing was wrong right this moment, while I was out here trying to hold back tears. 
Woody shrugged.  “They havent told us anything.  Come on.  Ill take you to the others.
As near as I could figure, the room where Woody led me contained all the families waiting for their loved ones to have bail hearings.  This was the place where people learned if they could afford to bring their family member home, or if the option would even be offered.  It hadnt occurred to me before now that maybe they wouldnt let Gretchen go.  Nor had it occurred to me how we would pay the bail.  Gretchen had plenty of money.  I did not.  I assumed we would work something out once we knew the total.    

Snippet #2
I nodded.  There were lots of things I wanted to say, but I was a mess, and I didnt even know where to start.  It was amazing to see him after all those nights spent talking, but it was also weird.  When wed seen each other last in person, Id been holding a gun on him.  And then hed just disappeared.  Things were different now.  But I couldnt deal with the intricacies of our strange relationship in the best of circumstances.  This was not the best of circumstances. 
Ill see you at noon.”  He nodded and turned to walk away.  He was down two steps before I called after him.  “Derek. He turned, but didnt speak, not that it was particularly surprising that he didnt.  I smiled very slightly.  Maybe one of his brand of smiles.  “Thanks.” 

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