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Sunday, June 18, 2023

Come To Me: A Devotional for Healing from Hurt By Amy W. Vogel-Christian Non-Fiction Book Review & Excerpt

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This is my stop during the Book Blitz for Come to Me by Amy W. Vogel. Come to Me is a devotional for healing from hurt.

This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 5 till 18 June. See the tour schedule here.

Come to Me book cover
Book Details
Come To Me: A Devotional for Healing from Hurt

By Amy W. Vogel
Genre: Non-fiction/ Christian Inspiration & Spiritual Growth
Release Date: late May 2023
****I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, NetGalley, book tours, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.****

Book Summary
From the author of Third Person: 30 Days with the Holy Spirit comes a unique devotional experience. Come to Me stands out with messages from one particular passage, Matthew 11:28-30.

It is an invitation by Jesus to those who are hurting, with a promise to bring hope, soul-level rest, and a new vision of wholeness to those experiencing the wounds of life.

Jesus meets us right where we are, and through this collection of personal reflections, time-tested spiritual practices, and new ways to imagine God working, you can find the healing from the hurt you long for.

My Review
Come To Me is a great non-fiction Christian book about ways to heal through Jesus's message of, "Come To Me". There are 30 days of devotionals. Each entry includes a passage from scripture, a healing step, and a prayer to help us connect with God in a deeper way.

I really liked this book because of the ease of use; it has short chapters, a beautiful prayer, and a short "step" for you to do to go over what you read in that particular chapter. I have a small notebook that I used to write down my thoughts during the Healing Steps exercises. 

The first four chapters give you a great start in this journey of healing.
-Day 1: The Place We Begin
-Day 2: Breaking The Spiritual Stalemate
-Day 3: The Vision Starts Here
-Day 4: Use Your (Holy) Imagination
I liked the way that Author Amy Vogel gives simple and relatable examples throughout the book. Any person, in every circumstance, can find something to relate to in their lives from this book. I feel that Come To Me will be a great addition to anyone searching for ways to heal with the help of God and scripture. 

~*~*~*~*Purchase Come To Me~*~*~*~*

Also available as a journal version!

Come to Me is also available as a journal version. The Journal version has the same content as the devotional book just with an extra page after each day so you can write there.

About the journal edition:
Jesus meets us right where we are, and through this collection of personal reflections, time-tested spiritual practices, and new ways to imagine God working, you can find the healing from the hurt you long for and document your healing process right in the pages of the book. Your full experience is right here waiting for you.

You can buy the journal version here on Amazon

****Meet Author Amy W. Vogel****
Amy W. Vogel author picture

Amy W. Vogel is an accomplished author, speaker, podcaster, and ministry consultant. She loves learning and sharing her knowledge through stories in her inspirational projects and fiction novels.

Amy creates, leads, and speaks to large and small groups and churches to help people understand their inherent worth and goodness by giving them a vision of hope for everyone, everywhere. She is married to David, has three daughters, and lives in Houston, TX.

Author Links:
- Website
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Read An Excerpt from "Come To Me"

Now, today, we get a clue about where we are going. If it is healing, if it is wholeness, if it is a longing for feeling a different way and the possibility of living differently, it will be in, with, and through Jesus.

Other gods offer something like this. Whether you listen to ancient gods or worship modern idols we make with our hands, the siren song of “you’ll feel different” is ever-present. And, for a brief period, even a second, we will. Anything that alters our reality can own us if we want to feel differently bad enough. The kick is that these coping mechanisms only work as long as they work. There is always an expiration date.

Jesus is making that claim. It is bold and audacious, and it’s scary. Jesus is saying that to experience true life, a life you don’t have to escape from, He is the way to that life. He is offering me a chance to see that my longing for the burden of my sadness, loneliness, and pain won’t be solved by turning to another project, another person, or another substance.

There are many instances in the Scriptures when Jesus tells people to “Come follow Me,” but Matthew’s Gospel is the only recorded time where He says, “Come TO Me.” This is a whole different invitation, not to service but to what will change us forever: the real life we were always meant for. 

Prayer: Dear Jesus – I don’t know if anything will change if I accept this invitation to Come to You today. My battered heart wants to think it won’t because it often doesn’t. My situation never seems to change no matter what, not in any discernible way. So, I ask You to see me, hear me, and accept what little I have to give to You as I Come to You as You invite me to. You know I want to change, so start the change inside me. I don’t know how much I trust You, but I’m here. Amen.

Enter The Giveaway!!!!
There is a tour-wide giveaway for the book blitz of Come to Me. One winner wins a prize package including: a t-shirt, a signed paperback copy of Come to Me, a bookmark, a prayer exercise, and an inspirational card deck (US Only).

Come to me prize package

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below: 

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