Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

Sheila's favorite books »

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Jam Run: An Eddie Barrow Mystery By Russell Brooks- Spotlight Post


Synopsis (from Amazon):

What if crying out for help made you a target?


Within hours of arriving in Montego Bay, Eddie Barrow and his friend Corey Stephenson witness a gruesome murder outside a bar. When the victim’s sister reaches out for help, they learn of machinations to conceal foreign corporate corruption and a series of horrific sex crimes. However, Barrow and Stephenson’s commitment to solving the case is put to the test once they find themselves in the crosshairs of a ruthless criminal network—one that extends beyond the shores of Jamaica.


Author Bio:


Russell Brooks is an Amazon bestselling author of several thrillers—Pandora’s Succession, Unsavory Delicacies, Chill Run, and The Demeter Code. If you enjoy heart-pounding thrillers with conspiracies, martial arts, sex, betrayal, and revenge, then you don’t need to look any further and see why these are among the best mystery thriller books of all time.







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Jam Run is a gripping crime thriller about the ever-present menace and violence the LGBTQ community faces daily.”

Richard Burnett, Fugues Magazine.


Monday, May 29, 2023

The Light Keeper By Christina Wallace-YA Fantasy Book Review, Excerpt, and other Fun Things

The Light Keeper

by Christina Wallace

Genre: Epic YA Fantasy 

****I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, NetGalley, book tours, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.****

Wishes aren't all they're cracked up to be... especially when you have to capture the Fairies who grant them to you.

Er... make that faeries... and not the normal, hiding-in-plain-sight magical kind.

When a misadventure cleaning out the attic leads Isaac to release a faerie trapped in a glass ball of light, he believes he's struck gold--in the form of wishes. All he has to do is mention the name that was engraved on the ball, and the indebted faerie would grant him any three wishes he wanted.

The best part of all was knowing that there was an entire chest of captured faeries waiting to be freed...

But when strange things start to happen around town, Isaac begins to wonder if the increasingly unfortunate events are his doing.

Only his mysterious neighbor, Yara, knows the truth about his lineage as a Light Keeper.

Can Yara's strength and wisdom guide Isaac into his new role?

Can Isaac make things right again?

Or will his dream-come-true turn into his worst nightmare?

My Review

I've never heard of this book before nor the author, but I'm so happy I was able to read it! I loved the story, the characters, the villains, the magic, and the plot. I read the book in one day. I know the target audience for The Light Keeper are tweens and teens but I thoroughly enjoyed this YA Fantasy. 

Main character Isaac is a typical twelve-year-old who loves to hang with his friends and play video games. One day while cleaning the attic, a whole new world of magic opens up for him. The variety of magical characters made this novel fun and exciting. You will never look at fairies the same way again. The title of the book is fitting but readers don't learn about it until mid-way in the book. The climactic ending was action-packed and left me wanting more from this world that Author Christina Wallace has created. I'm glad that book two is coming in November 2023. 

**Check out the kickstarter campaign HERE!**

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Book Trailer

Christina Wallace has been many things. A student, an analyst, a wife, a mother, a gamer, and a lifelong writer. For almost as long as she can remember she’s dreamed of people and places that only existed in her mind, and sharing her stories is a dream come true.

Christina writes books not only for middle-grade audiences, but for young and new adults as well. Stories should be an escape. Christina likes to write about people who become their own heroes and take fate into their own hands. Many of her works contain fantastical elements and also a bit of love, but strong friendships are the common thread.

The Light Keeper is Christina’s debut series with more books soon to come. She is thrilled to begin this adventure of her very own as an author.

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Rows and rows of glass balls stared back at me. They almost reminded me of ornaments without the hooks. I reached in and clasped one of the balls in my hands; the ball glowed a faint orange. I rolled it around but couldn’t identify a battery or a charge port. What powered this thing? The only other interesting thing about the glass was the word engraved on the side. C-R-I-S-T-O. Cristo? What a disappointment. Lightbulbs. I had torn the attic upside down for lightbulbs.

I was reaching back down to pick up another ball when the first slipped from my hand. I grabbed for it but clasped only air. I couldn’t do anything except listen to the glass shatter on the floor.

As I imagined Mom’s frustration when I explained to her that I’d broken one of Grandfather’s priceless heirlooms, a wispy fog poured out from the shattered glass, floated over the floor, and expanded to cover every inch of space. The cold and damp fog sent a chill through my body. The light from the window illuminated the silhouette of a figure in the mist. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I swatted my hand to wave away the fog from my face, but the figure remained.

I wanted to run back downstairs, nail the door shut, and apologize to Mom and Dad, but I couldn’t move. I wasn’t sure if I was frozen in fear or had an intense fight complex or my curiosity was too strong, but I needed to see what was coming. My knees quaked, and my heart thumped as the fog cleared and the shape in front of me became more pronounced.

The figure loomed over me. He was thin and tall, not abnormally so but taller than the average man. His suit was one I had only seen in movies about olden times and reminded me of a leprechaun’s. The suit had a waistcoat, and he even wore his trousers tucked into long socks. He also wore loafers with buckles on the shoes. The man’s skin was rough and weathered. He had a long-hooked nose, his face formed sharp angles, and his ears were half the size of his head.

The most curious thing about this person were his eyes. The man strode toward me. His eyes turned my blood cold. Was it because looking at his pupils felt like staring into a deep well? His intense gaze locked onto mine. I wanted to leave, but something prevented me from looking away from him.

A lump in my throat grew larger with each step he took. He came to a stop in front of me with perfect posture, hands folded behind his back. In a stone so calm and quiet it almost scared me more, he asked, “Do you know my name?”

My stomach lurched and threatened to make me throw up from panic. This person had come from a ball inside a secret locked chest. My mind raced a mile a minute. How would I know his name? The only indicator I could think of was the word I read on the glass before it broke, Cristo.

In a broken voice that squeaked and made me sound younger than my sister, I asked, “Cristo?”

The man snapped into a bow. The quick gesture caught me off guard and made me hop a step backward. His friendly smile stretched from ear to ear but did not match the despair his eyes made me feel. He stood and grandly announced, “At your service. What tasks will you have me perform?”


Saturday, May 27, 2023

Beauty Reborn By Elizabeth Lowham- Fairytale Retelling Book Review & Author Interview


Book Summary

Fantasy and reality collide in this retelling of “Beauty and the Beast” about a young woman’s heroic quest to save herself.

Beauty’s life is the stuff of fairy tales. The youngest in her family, Beauty isn’t trying to catch Stephan’s eye. He is the lord baron’s heir, well above her family’s modest station, but when he kisses her hand at a party, Beauty is swept away by his charm, his wit, and his passionate declarations of love.

Hearts can be untamable creatures, especially when touched by the fires of first love, and Beauty doesn’t see the truth of Stephan’s intentions until it is too late. Until he stops asking for Beauty’s love—and simply takes it from her one night despite her refusal.

Beauty locks away the secret of what happened to her, and when her father emerges from the enchanted forest with a stolen rose in his hand and the tale of a vicious beast on his breath, Beauty seizes the chance to run as far from Stephan as possible.

She has some experience with beasts, after all. Certainly the one in the forest couldn’t be any worse than the one she’s already encountered.

Breaking the Beast’s curse might be the key to discovering her own path to healing—and finding the courage to allow herself to feel reborn.

Book Details

Beauty Reborn

by Elizabeth Lowham

Publication Date: 5/9/23


ISBN: 9781639931064

Retail Price: $19.99

Page Count: 208

Young Adult, Fantasy

Cover images: © Shutterstock/Ironika/Paprika/Havoc

Book design: © Shadow Mountain

Art Direction: Richard Erickson

Design: Sheryl Dickert Smith

****I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, NetGalley, book tours, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.****

My Review

Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite fairytale. I liked it even more after Disney released the cartoon movie showing her love for reading and books. I'm always on board to read a new re-telling of Beauty and the Beast.

Beauty Reborn has many of the same elements as other versions, but I like the unique twists that were found in the book. At first, Beauty is not the most likable character. Her trip to the Beast's castle brings many changes to her. Trigger Warning: One thing that should be mentioned, Beauty has been sexually assaulted by a titled man, Stephen, and this accounts for how she thinks and feels about the Beast. (Nothing graphic is told in the story.)

Beast also has a different story in that he hadn't always been a Prince, but wished to become one and a fairy gave him his wish with consequences. When Beauty and Beast interact, it's a slow burn of learning and growing before love grows.

Beauty Reborn includes Beauty's family, her father, her angry conceited older sister, and her more likable middle sister. There are many moments that I truly feel empathy for Beauty, her background, and her past relationship with her harshly critical late mother. Debut Author Elizabeth Lowham has a nice lyrical writing style that kept the story moving for me. I enjoyed this version and especially loved the moments that Beauty and Beast spent together reading, acting out plays, and letting the magic of the castle bring them together.

Beauty Reborn is a must-read for those that love fairytale retellings, especially of Beauty and the Beast.

****Meet Author Elizabeth Lowham ***

ELIZABETH LOWHAM dreams of a future house that is seventy percent library with at least three lavish window seats. Her reality is five bookshelves and a rocking chair, which isn’t so bad. Apart from reading and writing, her hobbies include sewing, sketching, dancing, eating, and other -ing verbs. Plus yoga. She has a bachelor of arts in English and works as an author, editor, and screenwriter. She is a sexual abuse survivor who believes stories have a unique power to lift and heal for author and reader alike. She lives with her husband and son in the Loveland area of Colorado.

For author interview requests, please contact Callie Hansen at

###Author Interview with Elizabeth Lowham###

Tell us about yourself! What things do you love?

Fish fossils. Music. Sewing. Other things come to mind like family and books, but you probably guessed those. I am painfully, paralyzingly afraid of disappointing others, even strangers, which I think is maybe a little too common of a trait, especially for creative types. But I love people, and I love stories. I’m pleased to see my story out in the world.

What do you love most about writing?

I like to imagine there’s a big conversation about life happening at a table, and writing gives me a seat at that table, makes me part of the conversation. Stories are empowering and thought-provoking; they give us something to connect over and talk about. I love creating that opportunity.

What aspects of the Beauty and the Beast retelling were you most excited to include in your book?

In the original fairy tale, the beast proposes repeatedly to Beauty, and I always thought that was such an interesting aspect. I grew up on the idea that a proposal is something of a “once in a lifetime” moment, and I wondered about a girl who had been proposed to many times—what would her story be? Why is she getting all these proposals? What keeps her from either saying yes or from saying no and leaving for good? It also made me think hard about the beast—because where’s the line between someone who perseveres appropriately versus someone who’s pushy or obsessed? This line of thinking is what eventually gave me the main conflict of Beauty Reborn, which is Beauty’s first dangerous relationship with Stephan juxtaposed against her second comforting relationship with Beast, the journey between the two, and the person she becomes along the way.

What separates your retelling from the original?

In my story, Beast’s castle is never truly a prison for Beauty. Rather, it’s a hiding place for her as she recuperates from the trauma she suffered at the hands of her ex. While she’s there, the same fairy that first enchanted the beast repeatedly offers Beauty a wish, and she must face the difficult decision of whether to try solving her problems with unreliable magic or whether to trust in herself and the people around her.

What message do you hope to leave with your readers?

At one point in the book, Beauty has a conversation with her father about whether good can ever come from evil. Together, they conclude that “the bad is not good, but through grace, we can make something good of it in the end.” We all face terrible things in life—pain, betrayal, loss—but I hope that Beauty’s story of learning to trust again can be a light in the dark for anyone who

needs it. We can’t prevent every bad thing in life, but just as Beauty did, we can make something good of it in the end.

How do you hope your book will help readers who have experienced trauma?

When Beauty is having a particularly difficult time, Beast sits with her in the dark—not speaking, just sitting with her. I would hope this book can do that for readers. I know it would have meant a lot to me as a teenager to have a story like this to tell me I wasn’t alone. Maybe it would have even given me a little hope for my own healing. Hope can be very scarce in the midst of trauma, so I would love if Beauty’s story could offer anyone that.

What was the inspiration for this book?

I’ve always wanted to write a Beauty and the Beast retelling, but I wanted to make sure I had something new to add to the story before I did. I’ve also tried to write several stories about my experience as a trauma survivor and never been satisfied with any of them. Once I put the two ideas together, everything fell into place. I wrote the first draft in six days.

Why a Beauty and the Beast retelling?

Beauty and the Beast has always been my favorite romance story. Especially when so many modern love stories seem to focus on physical attraction or intimacy above all else, the idea of cutting that aspect of romance away to focus on falling in love with a person’s personality, actions, attributes—their very soul—that really resonated with me. I think that’s why Beauty and the Beast continues to be a classic and why we’ll always see new versions. I’m proud to be part of it.

When did you start writing?

I wrote my first book when I was about six; it was the story of a magic Jack-O-Lantern. My mom gave it ten out of ten stars. When I was sixteen years old, I decided this was what I wanted to do professionally, so I made a goal to be published by the time I was twenty-five. It took a little longer than that, but I’m still happy with the path I took.

What advice do you have for aspiring writers?

No matter how much you love your first book, set it aside and write two more (unrelated books, not sequels). Nothing compares to what you learn by writing more books.

What was your favorite scene to write in the book?

The scene where Beast and Beauty have a pretend sword fight. It is delightful, if I do say so myself. :)

When did your love of books begin?

My mom always read books to me before bed, and I loved that. In elementary school, I would check a stack of books out from the Bookmobile (library) every week, and I would hide them in my desk to read while I was supposed to be learning math or state history. The Magic Tree House series really got me hooked forever and started my love of fantasy.

What are you most looking forward to as a debut author?

Doing signings! Come meet me in person; I want to talk your ear off and give you ten bookmarks.

~~~~~~Book Trailer for Beauty Reborn~~~~~~

~*~*~*~*Purchase Beauty Reborn~*~*~*~*




Advance Praise:

“This retelling of 'Beauty and the Beast' adds a #MeToo backstory. Suspense-building flashbacks. Soul-searching, cautionary realism. Beauty herself is an intriguing, well-crafted original, her story building on the tale’s perennial theme of consent: She goes willingly to a Beast who does not force her into marriage though his life and humanity depend on it. In that respect, this iteration does not disappoint. Readers who appreciate narrative risk-taking are well served.”


“Lowham adeptly wrangles classic elements of 'Beauty and the Beast' to craft a sensitive and slow-burning retelling that tackles issues of sexual violence. Intellectual Beauty, who is still coping with having been sexually assaulted by her former suitor, a lord baron’s heir, secretly hopes the Beast will devour her, as she “would rather die” than have to face the suitor again. Instead, the magical, inexplicably empty estate provides an environment in which she and the Beast slowly develop a rapport through reading and philosophy. Beauty finds solace in the castle, and the distance from her family helps her reevaluate her complex relationships with them. Via intense flashbacks to Beauty’s life before living with the Beast, Lowham addresses Beauty’s harrowing history. While this lavish version of the original tale is comfortingly familiar, the creator’s narrative stands out in its portrayal of themes surrounding trauma and recovery alongside familiar musings on perceived differences between humans and monsters.”

—Publishers Weekly

Friday, May 26, 2023

A Path to Acceptance: A Prodigal Woman Novel By Lisa M. James-Book Review

Welcome to the Blog Tour for A Path To Acceptance by Lisa M. James, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

Title: A Path to Acceptance
The Prodigal Woman Series
Lisa M. James
Independently Published
Release Date:
May 19, 2023
Christian Romance / Fantasy

****I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, NetGalley, book tours, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.****

Book Summary

Wanton. Tainted. Immoral. These were all words that could describe Penelope. After being forced into a world of harlotry to cover her parents' debts, Penny learned how to survive without feeling. When a mysterious man approaches Penny with an offer to free her from her situation, Penny soon discovers that leaving her tavern could not rid her of the reputation she gained as a harlot. Would anyone be able to see beyond her tainted past?

Abandoned by his father as a child, Ryland refuses to depend on anyone but himself. Surviving as a mercenary for wealthy landowners, he accepts an assignment to free a harlot from a life of slavery. Frustrated when he is forced to take her under his care, Ryland discovers there is more to this harlot than her beauty. Can her unshakeable faith bring him back to a Redeemer he has long since rejected?  

Discover the story of a tainted woman in A Path to Acceptance.

PURCHASE LINKS: Goodreads | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Bookshop | BookBub

My Review

A Path to Acceptance is a Christian Fantasy novel. The premise of this book intrigued me. Penelope was sold into slavery at a brothel. Slowly her self-worth was whittled away living a life as a harlot. Even though things are implied, nothing is shown or talked about what takes place behind closed doors. This novel explores mostly the path toward forgiveness and healing and turning towards God. 

Ryland is the man that comes to take her away from her sad life. As time goes on, Penny starts to show Ryland about Faith and turning towards his Redeemer. Ryland's story is the one filled with fantastical beings, the Shadowclan, that use evil magic to hurt people and turn them dark. They want Ryland to join their clan because his father had been part of them at one time. He fights against them but he's not fully ready to embrace the Redeemer yet. As he and Penny grow closer, they both progress through a journey of healing and learning to value their own worth. These inspiring messages are woven throughout the book. The slow-burn romance is also set up beautifully. If you love to read Christian Romance, then A Path to Acceptance will be a good fit for you. 

More Books in this Series

Reckless. Extravagant. Wasteful. These were all words that could describe Esther. Thirteen years of careless living had left Esther and her young son destitute. When her husband disappears at night, leaving Esther with the full burden of their debt, Esther has no choice but to claim her husband is dead and enslave herself and her child to stay alive. So severely had she broken the relationships in her life, she never expected a man from her childhood to speak on her behalf and carry the weight of her debt. Yet Esther soon realizes that escaping the demons of her past would not be so easy.

Levi had little interest in seeing Esther again. When a promise to her father leaves him honor-bound to take her as his wife, he struggles with the bitterness he holds toward her for allowing her addictions and selfishness to derail her life. Yet, he could not hide the deep desire within him to be a husband and a father, even to a woman he did not love and a child that was not his by blood.

Discover the story of a reckless woman in A Path to Forgiveness.

Publisher: Independently Published
Release Date: January 21, 2022

****Meet Author Lisa M. James****

Lisa M. James is a Romantic Fantasy and Christian Fantasy author. Her  novels have made the Amazon Best Sellers list for numerous categories, including: Fairy Tale Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery Fantasy, Christian Fantasy, and Religious Romance. She is committed to creating fantastical worlds with clean romances and diverse female leads. When not writing, Lisa can most often be found watching Disney movies or enjoying homemade chai. 

Connect with Lisa by visiting to follow her on social media and sign up for newsletter updates.

~*~*~*~*Blog Tour Giveaway~*~*~*~*

(1) winner will receive a paperback copy of A Path to Acceptance & a Vera Bradley Crossbody bag (plum pansies print)!

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight May 22, 2023 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on May 29, 2023. Winner will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

Follow along at JustRead Tours for a full list of stops!

JustRead Publicity Tours

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Cold Light of Day: Missing in Alaska Book 1 By Elizabeth Goddard-Mystery Suspense Book Review

 Book Summary

Police Chief Autumn Long is fighting to keep her job in the quiet Alaska town of Shadow Gap when an unexpected string of criminal activity leaves her with a wounded officer, unexplained murders, and even an attack on her own father. Despite her mistrust of outsiders, she turns to Grier Brenner, a newcomer who seems to have the skills and training Autumn needs to face this threat to her community.

Grier is in Alaska for the same reason so many others are--to disappear--when Chief Long enlists his help. He emerges from the shadows and proves his mettle, but his presence in her life could be a deadly trap for them both. If his secret is exposed, all will be lost. And he's not sure even Autumn could save him.

As the stakes rise and the dangers increase, Autumn and Grier must rely on each other to extinguish the deadly threats.

Book Details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Revell (February 7, 2023)
  • Genre: Mystery/Suspense
  • Series: Missing in Alaska Book 1
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 336 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0800742044
  • ****I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, NetGalley, book tours, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.****

My Review

Cold Light of Day was an amazing read! I was hooked from the start and had a hard time putting it down. The angst is there and it's very intense with non-stop action. Author Elizabeth Goddard is a new author for me and I know I want to read more of her books and series she's written.

The story takes place in a small Alaskan town called Shadow Gap. It's a place where people go to relax, get away from the hustle and bustle of life, and hide away. Police Chief Autumn Long has a lot going on in her small town. City council members want her fired and there are many unsolved crimes popping up around her. Grier Brenner has found Shadow Gap a good place to hide away while figuring out a mystery. Grier gets involved in helping Autumn solve several mysterious deaths and tracking down the criminals. 

This book doesn't give you much rest as things happen quickly from one event to the next. There is a perfect balance between great characters, descriptive writing with vivid details that transport you to cold Alaska, and a fabulous slow-burn romance. I love this author's writing style and how easily readers connect to the characters and jump into the plotline. Even knowing the outcome of Cold Light of Day, this romantic mystery-suspense is one I loved so much that I'm excited to read it again.   

****Meet Author Elizabeth Goddard****

Elizabeth Goddard is the USA Today bestselling and award-winning author of more than 50 novels, including Cold Light of Day, the Rocky Mountain Courage and Uncommon Justice series. Her books have sold nearly 1.5 million copies. She is a Carol Award and Reader's Choice Award winner and a Daphne du Maurier Award finalist. When she's not writing, she loves spending time with her family, traveling to find inspiration for her next book, and serving with her husband in ministry. For more information about her books, visit her website at

To get book news sign up for her newsletter at her website:

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~*~*~*~*Purchase Cold Light of Day~*~*~*~*




Monday, May 22, 2023

The Unassuming Curator (Georgian Gentlemen Book 5) By Sian Ann Bessey-Historical Fiction Book Review

 Book Summary

Emily Norton loves nothing more than losing herself within the pages of a good book. But the solitary pastime is poor preparation for participating in the dreaded London Season. Her trepidation over formally entering Society is all-encompassing, until she stumbles upon an enigmatic gentleman digging up flowers in a hedgerow. Before she can learn his name or the reason for his unusual activity, however, she is whisked into a carriage bound for London.

Henry Buckland has a secret: he cannot discern the difference between certain colors. It’s a particularly difficult disability for the curator of natural history at the British Museum, but no more challenging than his repeated attempts to outmaneuver the machinations of the town’s most notorious matchmaker. At his parents’ dinner party, he receives assistance in outwitting the persistent busy-body from a surprising source: the intriguing young lady he met on the country lane. As Emily and Henry become formally acquainted, they discover a shared love of science and nature that makes them ideally suited. However, Henry is not alone in his admiration for the young woman. As the competition to woo Emily escalates, so, too, do tensions at the museum. When an unexpected danger threatens Henry’s livelihood―and life―it appears he may not have the chance to win Emily’s heart after all.

Book Details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Covenant Communications; First edition (April 11, 2023)
  • Series: (Georgian Gentlemen Book 5) 
  • Genre: Historical Fiction
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 224 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1524423130
  • ****I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, NetGalley,book tours, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.****

My Review

The Unassuming Curator is book five in the Georgian Gentlemen Series. It's such a sweet addition to the series. I loved how well the main characters Emily and Henry fit together. They both loved learning about new things and were studious. This is originally what brought them together. Henry is a curator for the natural history British Museum. I was very interested in the many things Henry was working on. I would love to go there someday. Emily loves reading and really doesn't love the whole "society" thing. It was fun seeing how their relationship developed.

I also loved having Phoebe and Adam from a previous book included in this novel. I also adored Henry's, Aunt Millward. Everyone should have a vivacious and smart Aunt to help them navigate life. She stole every scene she was in. 

This book can be read as a stand-alone and enjoyed by readers. As I always say though, you will enjoy reading the whole series in the written order as many characters are seen in the other books. The Unassuming Curator is another lovely romance written by Sian Ann Bessey filled with humor, mystery, artifacts, and of course love. 

****Meet Author Sian Ann Bessey****

Sian Ann Bessey was born in Cambridge, England, but grew up on the island of Anglesey off the coast of North Wales. She left her homeland to attend university in the U.S. and earned a bachelor's degree in communications with a minor in English.

She began her writing career as a student, publishing several magazine articles while still in college. Since then she has published historical romance and romantic suspense novels, along with a variety of children's books. She is a USA Today best selling author, a Foreward Reviews Book of the Year finalist, and a Whitney Award finalist.

Although Sian doesn't have the opportunity to speak Welsh very often anymore, she can still wrap her tongue around, "Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch." She loves to travel and experience other cultures, but when she's home, her favorite activities are spending time with her family, cooking, and reading.

You can visit Sian on the web at

~*~*~*~*Purchase The Unassuming Curator~*~*~*~*