Our name is our identity. We recognize our name from a very early age. How much influence does the meaning of our name really have? I have always liked the fact that my name means "Musical". Indeed I have lived up to the meaning of my name. I have always liked my name. Here is more information that I found out.
Sheila meaning and name origin
Sheila \she(i)-la\ as a girl's name is pronounced SHEE-lah. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and the meaning of Sheila is "musical". Variant of Sile, an Irish form of the Latin-derived Celia. In Australian slang, "Sheila" is a woman. Sheela is a Hindi name meaning "gentle".
Popularity of Sheila
Sheila is a very popular first name for women (#124 out of 4276) but an uncommon surname or last name for all people. (1990 U.S. Census)
Sheila has 26 variant forms: Seila, Selia, Shayla, Shaylah, Shaylagh, Shaylah, Shaylla, Sheela, Sheelagh, Sheelah, Sheilagh, Sheilah, Sheileen, Sheilia, Sheilya, Shela, Shelagh, Shelia, Shella, Sheyla, Shiela, Shila, Shilah, Shilea, Shilla and Shyla.
For more information, see also related names Sheiletta and Cecilia.
So, do you like your name? Do you know what it means?Are you similar to the meaning of your name? Now go and google your name and have a good time reading about yourself.
Interesting post for a difficult letter; at least it's unusual. Half the people in my office share my name