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Friday, May 31, 2024

12 Ways to Age Gracefully: How to Look and Feel Younger By Susan U. Neal- Non Fiction Book Review

12 Ways to Age Gracefully JustRead Blog Tour

Welcome to the Blog Tour for 12 Ways to Age Gracefully by Susan U. Neal, hosted by JustRead Publicity Tours!

About the Book

12 Ways to Age Gracefully

Title: 12 Ways to Age Gracefully: How to Look and Feel Younger
Susan U. Neal
Iron Stream Media
Release Date:
May 28, 2024

****I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, NetGalley, book tours, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.****

Embrace the Youthful Spirit at Any Age ...

As you face the mirror each day, do you meet an older version of yourself? It’s a familiar journey, one where we acknowledge that we’re not as young as we once were, yet not quite ready to embrace being old. But what if there was a way to traverse this path with grace and vitality? 

The good news is you can slow time down. By making the right choices, you can look and feel younger. You don’t have to spend a fortune on products either; simply learn the tools needed to move gracefully and joyfully through your senior years. 

By making simple lifestyle changes, you’ll look and feel better. Discover how to choose vitality over disease; joy over depression; youthfulness over listlessness. 12 Ways to Age Gracefully, will empower you to:

  1. boost your energy levels,
  2. improve senior brain health,
  3. learn how to feel better about yourself,
  4. develop better stress management, and
  5. fulfill your God-appointed purpose with renewed vigor.

What path will you choose? Discover the secrets to not just feeling better but also looking fantastic as you do so!  

My Review

I am delighted to have had the chance to review the book "12 Ways to Age Gracefully" by RN Susan U. Neal. In each chapter, Susan U. Neal shares 12 suggestions taken from her personal experiences and her work in the medical field. The book points out the importance of nutrition, offering food lists and highlighting foods to avoid. It also touches upon the importance of maintaining good gut health, staying physically active, preserving brain health, managing toxins, hormones, stress,  a positive mindset, emotional health, and spiritual well-being. 

Some key takeaways that hit home with me include the importance of being mindful of the toxins present in our food intake, the benefits of simplifying our diet, the necessity of making healthy choices to age well, the link between stress and cravings for sugary foods, the role of proper footwear in preventing injuries, and the need for intentional fitness efforts.

 I appreciate Susan Neal's guide as it aligns with my current life stage, prompting me to make positive changes for better health. I intend to reread the book, compiling goals from each chapter. By doing this, it will help me stay on track and keep all goals in mind.

 If you or someone you know is in their 40s, 50s, 60s, or beyond, "12 Ways to Age Gracefully" could be a thoughtful gift idea. 

The overarching message of this insightful non-fiction book is that we hold the reins to our health journey, with the understanding that while self-reliance is crucial, seeking support through prayer can also aid us on the path to well-being. Now, rather than later, is the time to be in charge of your health, and "12 Ways to Age Gracefully: How to Look and Feel Younger" is a key starting point to steer readers in the right direction of attaining lifelong health at every age.  


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About the Author

Susan U. Neal

Susan U. Neal, RN, MBA, MHS, combines her passion for health and her faith to guide others toward wellness. As an acclaimed author, her works, including the transformative 7 Steps to Get Off Sugar and Carbohydrates, aim to uplift the health of the Christian community for God’s service.

Connect with Susan at to follow her on social media and sign up for email updates.

Tour Giveaway

(2) winners will each win a print copy of 12 Ways to Age Gracefully 

and a $25 VISA gift card!

12 Ways to Age Gracefully JustRead Tours blog giveaway

Full tour schedule linked below. The giveaway begins at midnight May 27, 2024 and will last through 11:59 PM EST on June 3, 2024. Winners will be notified within 2 weeks of close of the giveaway and given 48 hours to respond or risk forfeiture of prize. US only. Void where prohibited by law or logistics.

Giveaway is subject to JustRead Publicity Tours Giveaway Policies.

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