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The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
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Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
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Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

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Sunday, August 28, 2022

Divine Direction: 22 Inspirational Devotionals for Hope, Healing, Breakthrough and Transformation By Benecia Ponder-Book Blitz, Review, and Tour Giveaway

Divine Direction tour banner

This is my stop during the bookstagram blitz for Divine Direction by Benecia Ponder. Divine Direction is a non-fiction inspirational book.

This bookstagram blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. This bookstagram blitz runs from 22 till 28 August. See the tour schedule here.

Don’t miss the tour-wide giveaway! There are three prizes you can win. You can enter the giveaway at the bottom of this post.

Divine Direction book cover
Divine Direction
By Benecia Ponder
Genre: Non-fiction Inspirational
Release Date: 28 February 2022

Divine Direction is a collection of stories of ordinary people who received extraordinary guidance in their lives. Whether it was a career or life change, a relationship in trouble, or a crisis, each of the authors found a way to listen to the Divine and let Him steer them in the right direction at just the right time.

The stories are often raw and vulnerable, reflections on the human experience in all of its messy yet perfectly aligned beauty.

Readers are encouraged to approach this book in whatever way feels right. The stories can be read in order and from beginning to end, or at random. Either way, take time to pause and reflect on the story and its message before moving on to the next chapter.

The authors’ journeys and revelations will help you gain insight into the messages and lessons you’ve received in your own life, providing clarity and inspiration as you endeavor to find our own divine direction!

•• Divine Direction Co-Authors ••
Ardra Caldwell • Breyuna Williams • Cheryl Graham • Cindy Beckles • Crystal Reilley • Jennine Carter • Karen Lynn Robinson • Karen Skinner • Katherine James • Kathy Haynie • Kelly McCausey • Kenya Williams • Lady Rayven Monique • Lesa Dale • Lisa Antley • Maureen Riley • Patricia Ortega • Paula Ames • Stephanie Sherwood • Sue Fattibene • Tracy Mitchell • Treyonda Towns

My Review

The Divine Direction was a nice, short read. It's full of personal stories of people that had gone through hard times and felt the light and love of God or a higher power in their lives. Many of the things people said I could really relate to. Other things were so inspiring to me to look at things differently. 
Here are some excerpts from the book...

“Awareness is very powerful. It restores our power and control over our lives and our futures.
It’s the gift of being conscious -- in the moment -- that we all have a choice about how we want to show up, and what impact we want to have, because we’re always having an impact, whether we know it or not.” -Lady Rayven

“As the poet and mystic Rumi once said, “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” When you feel like you are failing miserably, just focus on the next baby step. Know that if you stumble, someone will come along to take over for you or will carry you over the finish line. You will grow stronger with each baby step. Let your higher power carry you. Let the light enter your wounds. Refuse to be shamed by your trauma. Don’t claim the shame. -Karen Robinson

Another nice thing about this book is that each story has a passage of scripture and a prayer that follows. The chapters are short enough to pick one up and read it before you start your busy day. This is a good devotional book for those looking for a spiritual uplift in their lives.

Purchase Links:

About the Author:
Benecia Ponder is a Story Coach and Book Publishing Mentor to Inspirational Authors—purpose driven entrepreneurs who share their God-given gifts and life experiences through powerful stories that make an impact.

Benecia's clients want to tell their story and have a real impact on the world. They want to open doors to connect with people they feel called to serve.

Since 2006, Benecia has been helping entrepreneurs and organizations clarify, hone, and share their messages to inspire change.

With more than 10 years of passionate experience helping storytellers go all the way from outlining to publication, Benecia loves to speak, teach and motivate entrepreneurs.

Want to show your people how to write, publish, and leverage a book that boosts their business with more clients, credibility, and cash flow? Benecia would love to be a part of that.

"I believe we all have a message...a beautiful, transformational message that has the power to create a positive impact in the lives of others.”
-Benecia Ponder

Author links:

There is a tour wide giveaway for the bookstagram blitz for Divine Direction. This giveaway is open international. Here are the prizes you can win:
- A paperback copy of The Overnight Success Journal by Benecia Ponder
- A paperback copy of Detox Your Soul by Benecia Ponder
- A free book strategy call with Benecia Ponder

You can enter the giveaway here.

Or use the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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