Rebecca Caswell is a writer living in the beautiful foothills of the Rocky Mountains of Wyoming. She is a joy-filled wife and mother of three. When Rebecca is not writing, she runs a salon and furniture renovating business called Teal House Beauty Lounge.
What She Left Behind is Rebecca’s first book. She wrote it hoping to help others cope with the profound losses that we all must face.
We file into the board room. Quite literally, that is what it is, a staff board room. It's the only place available that would allow both privacy and sufficient space with chairs to accommodate us all. I think back to better times when the family meetings only indicated one of two things. One, mom was pregnant again, and we would be welcoming yet another family member. Or two, we were moving. I would gladly accept either alternative at this point. After ushering us into the room, both doctors stand awkwardly in the doorway as we settle in dispersing boxes of Kleenex across the long table within everyone's reach. Blown noses, red faces, and puffy lips surround the table. None of us will talk while in this state. And I realize for the first time in a long time how much alike we are more so than different. I look across the table and see that each face mirrors my own. We are in this together, and I take comfort in that. We feel closer and more united than ever. At this moment, we share the same fate.
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