Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

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Friday, June 30, 2017

Great Summer Reads Countdown Blitz and Giveaway-Day 11: The Neighbor's Secret, A Secret Billionaire Romance By Kimberley Montpetit

When she was in Paris, Kimberley Montpetit spent most of her souvenir money at the La Patisserie shops with their beautiful and delicious pastries. She grew up in the fabulous city of San Francisco, loves all things chocolate, and now lives in a small town along the Rio Grande with her engineer husband and three sons.

She once stayed in the haunted tower room at Borthwick Castle in Scotland and didn't sleep a wink, sailed the Seine in Paris, rode a camel in the ancient world wonder of Petra, shopped the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, and spent the night in an old Communist hotel in Bulgaria.

Kimberley also writes Award-winning Middle-Grade novels with Scholastic and Young Adult novels with Harpercollins under the name, Kimberley Griffiths Little.

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After being left at the altar on her wedding day, businesswoman Allie Strickland returns to her hometown to heal her broken heart. But Heartland Cove County is a small town of Victorian homes and quirky, gossiping citizens.

Grieving the trauma of her ex-fiancé’s betrayal and overwhelmed by her clingy mother, Allie rents the first available house she can find. But on the very first night, Allie’s peace is violated by an unexpected intruder who breaks into the house while she’s taking a bubble bath. An intruder using an alias with old ties to Heartland Cove.

Forced by unusual circumstances to share the same rental house, Allie’s suspicions of the man grow—even as she finds herself attracted to him. But is Ethan Smith merely a magazine freelancer on assignment—or an undercover spy for the mayor who wants to ruin the charming town by running a new highway through for his own profit?

Is Ethan Smith friend or foe? Enemy or lover?

This book is on Sale for .99 for today only! 
Make sure you get your copy now!

~ Amazon ~ Amazon UK
 The next book in the series is available next week! 

Make sure to check it out on Author Kimberley Montpetit Amazon page!

Q & A:

1.       If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
To have the New York Times Bestselling Author status! 😊
I’d love to travel back in time to ancient Egypt, or the Edwardian Era, or the Renaissance Era. I’m not picky!
To never gain a single ounce while consuming all the chocolate I want!

2.       Where do you write?
I have a little writing cottage that my brother built for me in my backyard. I decorated it with Victorian style furniture and long, lacey curtains, and there are windows on all four sides. I love lots of light and can gaze at my big cottonwood trees outside the window while day-dreaming. Here’s a picture!

3.       How long does it normally take you to write a novel?
Anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 months, depending on how complicated the story is, or the research it needs - and life’s craziness! That’s just the drafting part. Add more than that for revisions.

4.       What are your inspirations?
Reading other great books is a great source of inspiration. I also love exploring unique setting and going on research trips. Brainstorming with writer friends can be enormously helpful and really gets the ideas going when I’m feeling stuck or just spending too much time alone with my own thoughts.

5.       How did you come to write this particular book or series?
I love stories about rich people and their interesting lives – like a modern fantasy tale – and decided to write my own series featuring billionaires. Not necessarily Hollywood celebrities, or royalty billionaires (although that would be fun down the road!) but ordinary people with goals and dreams doing good things with their lives. I’m also setting most of them in small towns with swoony, billionaire heroes who keep their wealthy status more of a secret, or under-the-radar, and I include a personal secret that ties him and the heroine together. Hence, the series name A Secret Billionaire Romance.
6.     What was the hardest part of writing your book, and how did you overcome it?

Long-distance research. A friend of mine from Canada knows Hartland Cove County, home of the longest covered bridge in North America and came back super excited to share this quirky Victorian town (population 999) with me and the huge tourist industry it boasts. She sent maps and pictures but I still did a lot of my own internet research – thank goodness for the world-wide-web! I hope readers enjoy the fun details and various tourist industries.

For example, Allie Strickland’s family runs the Fry Shack on the banks of the river where the bridge is, and my second Hartland Cove book coming out in a few weeks, The Admirer’s Secret, is about the whale tour girl, but the stories are about so much more, including romance – and the mafia – but Ssh! 

Of course, we changed the real Hartland Cove name to Heartland Cove -it’s romance, right?!

7.     What is your writing drive? The power that keeps you going when your writing gets difficult?
Deadlines are a huge motivator! Sheer grit and determination some days. But mostly, it comes down to the desire to see my characters and their stories come to life. I have a story that I can’t get out of my head. I think about it, dream about it, and then live it each day in front of the computer. I want to see what’s going to happen, too!

8.       How did you come up with the title?

The Neighbor’s Secret is a bit of a play on words. The handsome, wealthy hero in this tiny town, is like a neighbor since he’s had a crush on Allie since he was a kid, but they end up forced to share a house together which infuriates Allie at first (before she falls in love!) and she banishes Ethan to the downstairs while she takes the upstairs, putting up rope and sheets to keep the spaces separate. Of course, they have to share the kitchen and it turns out Ethan is a terrific cook so. . .  they end up as “neighbors” in the house, too.

9.       Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family member?
I’ve been a member of various writer’s organizations that have led to close friendships, critique partners, and people who will answer questions and cheer me on when the going gets tough. Southwest Writers, SCBWI (Society of Children’s Writers and Illustrators) and LDStorymakers. Great people, great conferences, and great inspiration. I highly recommend getting involved with a local writing group. Our SCBWI chapter here in New Mexico meets once a month for dinner and a Shop Talk about a writing or publishing subject.

Thanks for having me on your blog today!


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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Great Summer Reads Countdown Blitz and Giveaway-Day 10: Rising Tide: Dark Innocence By Claudette Melanson

Claudette Melanson writes dark fantasy in Kitchener, Ontario with four bun babies: Tegan, Pepper, Butters & Beckett. She graduated from Indiana University of Pennsylvania with a BA in English, BS in English Education and an MA in Literature. Harboring a deep admiration of vampires since the age of five left her with the desire to eventually become one, and now fuels the creation of her favorite paranormal characters. She hopes to one day work full time as an author, since there are many, many stories playing out inside her head.

In her very scant spare time, she enjoys watching Japanese Anime and reading vampire stories...along with other genres of great fiction, as well as riding every roller coaster she encounters in both her hometown and away at signings. An advocate for good health and ketogenic eating, her favorite foods are bulletproof coffee, cashew-flour crust pizza and treats made with xylitol and almond, coconut or cashew flours.

Future dreams include a cabin boasting a roaring fire, isolated inside a snow-filled wood in the Yukon—the perfect writing spot—and the completion of dozens of future novels and stories. A Rabbit Rescue fanatic and loving bunmom, she also hopes to help rescues all over the world save many innocent lives.

Connect with the Author here: 

When a cruel prank nearly claims Maura’s life, one of her classmates, Ron, rushes to her rescue. Darkly handsome & mysteriously accepting, Ron doesn’t seem to want to stay away, but Maura is reluctant to get too close, since her mother has announced she’s moving the two of them to Vancouver…nearly 3,000 miles away from their hometown of Indiana, Pennsylvania.

If life wasn’t already challenging enough, Maura begins to experience bizarre, physical changes her mother seems hell bent on ignoring, compelling Maura to fear for her own life. Vicious nightmares, blood cravings, failing health and the heart-shattering loss of Ron—as well as the discovery of a tangled web of her own mother's lies—become obstacles in Maura's desperate quest for the unfathomable truth she was never prepared to uncover.

This book is now free on Amazon!!!
Make sure you get your copy now!

Q & A:

1.  If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
To be able to write full time for a living
That my bunnies could live as long as I do
To be a vampire, of course (then we would all be immortal, lol)

2. Where do you write?
Mostly at home in the LR where I can watch my four bunnies play and interact. I love having a scary movie on in the background for inspiration.

3  How long does it normally take you to write a novel?
If it’s Maura it can go fast. I took six years to write Rising Tide, but that one was my first. I did Undertow in 9 months and Riptide in 5 months. It really varies on the subject matter/characters, but I hope to keep getting faster.

4.  What are your inspirations?
Other books and movies. The Twilight series was a huge source of inspiration. I’ve always drawn from Stephen King and Ernest Hemingway. American Horror Story, 13 Ghosts. I absorb every scary thing I see/read. I also love to have background music on. It can really get me in the right frame of mind.

5.  How did you come to write this particular book or series?
I dreamed about Maura for years. I know her very well since I fleshed her out inside my head so often after those dreams. Vampires have always been my favorite characters, so that part was a given.

6.  What was the hardest part of writing your book, and how did you overcome it?
Finishing the first one. I’ve always had so many book ideas and starts but never carried one all the way through. I also wanted to work on my writing to make sure it was good enough to put out there. When I was halfway done with Rising Tide, I thought to myself that I needed to make the big push and get it done. I worked at it every day until I finally did it and didn’t start working on anything else. I learned there are no limits when you really set your mind to something.

7.  What is your writing drive? The power that keeps you going when your writing gets difficult?
I mostly think of all I want to accomplish. I want a huge library of titles online like Bella Forrest or Stephen King. I just tell myself to keep the ball rolling, because if I quit or give up, I’ll never accomplish what I want to do. The only thing is to move forward. I have a few really good writing buddies who help to keep me going too! (Thanks Sherri, Laura & Lynn). Kind words from my readers always remind me why I’m doing this as well, both for them and for me.

8.  How did you come up with the title?
I knew this would be a trilogy, so I wanted three titles that went well together, made up a theme. I love the ocean, so I thought of Undertow first and then the other two titles just came to me easily. There are a fair amount of water metaphors and the titles fit well with the turbulence going on in Maura’s life.

9.  Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family member?
Tome Tender Book Blog was one of the first to give me a chance and a blog review. Anytime I’ve had a book out or a promo going, Dianne Bylo is always ready to help. I really hate it when some of the blogs don’t give Indies a chance, but she welcomes Indie authors with welcome arms. She really works hard on that blog, and it shows. I appreciate her help and support very much…along with many others in the book world.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Great Summer Reads Countdown Blitz and Giveaway-Day 9: Venators: Magic Unleashed By Devri Walls

Devri Walls is the best-selling author of six YA fantasy novels. She is a theater major with a flare for the dramatic and wishes more than anything for a magic wand. Devri is from Boise Idaho where she lives with her husband, two kids and the cutest mutt of a dog the world has ever seen. When she’s not writing she can be found teaching voice lessons, trying to resist the urge to sell her two beautiful children to the circus, and cooking. Because…. food. Mmmmmmm.


Connect with the Author here: 

"Six years ago, Grey Malteer was attacked by creatures he thought couldn’t possibly exist. They repeated a word, calling him a name he’d never heard before…Venator. Since then, his life has been a hellhole of secrecy—hiding old pain alongside strange new abilities.

Rune Jenkins has an itch, as she calls it, but it’s more than that. It’s an anger that builds up like the inside of a boiler whenever she’s around anything remotely supernatural. The pressure is growing steadily worse and she can’t understand why. All she knows is—her control is slipping.

By order of an unknown council Grey and Rune are pulled through a portal in the St. Louis arch, landing them in an alternate dimension where creatures of myth and legend exist. A realm that calls them, Venators.

Made up of centuries old fae, vampires, werewolves, elves and succubi the council’s corrupt nature becomes obvious as they seek to wield the newly returned Venators as weapons. Wedged in an impossible position, Grey and Rune must decide their fate—do they go against the council’s wishes and help the innocents of this unforgiving land, or face the possibility of execution by the council."

~ Amazon ~ Amazon UK

Q & A:

1     If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?

To travel the world with my husband.
That my kids will grow into successful, kind, responsible adults.
To see my books in bookstores around the world.

2        Where do you write?
I really have to bounce around a lot. Areas go stale for me, I don’t know why. I have an office and sometimes I work at my desk or armchair in there. When that doesn’t work I pick different chairs throughout the house. When THAT doesn’t work, I flee. I  have a favorite place in my hometown called The Village. It has indoor and outdoor seating, restaurants, fountains, loads of flowers! Oh, I just love it there. I’ll work in coffee shops sometimes, or parks. Wherever my laptop can go and my brain decides it can focus, that’s where I land.

3     How long does it normally take you to write a novel?
That varies so much! I’ve done it in 6 months, lately it’s been more like 9+ months. I will never be a super speedy 1 month for a book writer. My personal writing style mixed with a fantasy genre… yeah super speed is just not going to happen. But I am working on picking up the pace again.

4     What are your inspirations?
Everything!!! Nature, books, movies, people. You name it, hit me at the right time and the smallest things can inspire a total novel.

5     How did you come to write this particular book or series?
I was actively looking for something to write that could be a long series. One that lent itself to that naturally, as opposed to feeling forced when a series continues past an original three book idea. Because of this I chose to lay out this series more episodically than my previous books. This allowed me unlimited, organic storylines. Each book is a full length epic adventure, but written with both inner book story arcs, and large series story arcs that are slowly unfolding.

And because I am somewhat addicted to the freedom of writing fantasy I wanted to try something that was truly unlimited. The world of the Venators has both Fantasy and Paranormal elements combined, which means I can have a dragon and a vampire in the same book and it totally works! I’m very excited about this series. So far the biggest challenge has been to keep my brain from spiraling off into all the hundred of story ideas available to me.

6     What was the hardest part of writing your book, and how did you overcome it?

Book one is always the hardest for me, everything feels…slippery. The characters, the world, they feel a little hollow. The only way for me to overcome it is to just keep going. Keep rewriting scenes until things are fully fleshed out and I have a better handle on what I’m trying to create here. It’s exhausting and first books always take me longer. But once I’ve finished that process the rest of the series flows.

7     What is your writing drive? The power that keeps you going when your writing gets difficult?

The fact that I love it. Writing fulfills a part of me that demands to be fulfilled. There are times, many times, where I cry and wonder why I’m still plugging away at this. In those times, I imagine for a moment quitting, and I just can’t fathom my life without it. So I knuckle down and try to focus on my love for the craft.

8     How did you come up with the title?

Titles are hard! This one was easier than most because the main characters are called Venators. It made sense with the layout I chose to title it Venators and use subtitles for each new book.

9     Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family member?
Does my counselor count? Lol! But no, seriously, my counselor. Unfortunately a writer’s personal life has EVERYTHING to do with their writing. Personal trauma derails a great many of us. Having someone there to help me sort out those thoughts and feelings that get in the way of my craft is huge. 

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

$50 Blast Giveaway for: Dating the It Guy by Krysten Lindsay Hager

Dating the It Guy by Krysten Lindsay Hager

Emme is a sophomore in high school who starts dating, Brendon Agretti, the popular senior who happens to be a senator’s son and well-known for his good looks. Emme feels out of her comfort zone in Brendon’s world and it doesn’t help that his picture perfect ex, Lauren seems determined to get back into his life along with every other girl who wants to be the future Mrs. Agretti. Emme is already conflicted due to the fact her last boyfriend cheated on her and her whole world is off kilter with her family issues. Life suddenly seems easier keeping Brendon away and relying on her crystals and horoscopes to guide her. Emme soon starts to realize she needs to focus less on the stars and more on her senses. Can Emme get over her insecurities and make her relationship work? Life sure is complicated when you’re dating the it guy.

I took a drink of water, and it dribbled down my chin. Lovely—I was sure all the girls at the country club drooled openly. Brendon walked over to my side of the court and asked if he could have some of my water because he had finished his sports drink. I never share drinks since I saw a story on the news about how meningitis was spread through stuff like that, but I handed him the bottle. I was surprised he’d want to drink after me, but maybe he was a step away from dehydrating, and it was between sharing my spit or death.
“Wanna quit?” he asked. I nodded and went to change. There was only one other girl in the locker room as I washed up and pulled my hair up. I went out to meet Brendon, and he asked if I wanted to get some frozen yogurt. I started to answer when the girl in the locker room came out behind me.
“Hey, stranger. Haven’t seen you around lately,” she said, putting her hand on Brendon’s arm.
“Hey, Cassie,” he said.
“What have you been up to?” she asked.
I’ve seen dogs chase the mail carrier with more dignity. Brendon shrugged and said he had been busy. He introduced me, and her eyes darted over to me just long enough to size me up. I hated girls who acted like having another female in the room was competition.
“Well, give me a call sometime,” she said, walking away.
What was her problem? She didn’t know whether or not we were dating. It was like it didn’t matter if I was his girlfriend or not because I wasn’t “good enough.”

Praise for Dating the It Guy:
“Dating the It Guy is an entertaining story that is as absorbing as it is hilarious.” Reviewed by Arya Fomonyuy for Readers’ Favorite
“A satisfying YA romance that is really about growing up and learning how to deal with life.” Writing Pearls book review blog
“There is so much to love about this book. Krysten Lindsay Hager knows how teens think and speak, and she understands why Emme would feel overwhelmed by everything about Brendon – his looks, his popularity, his feelings for her, his exes, his family.” Vox libris: the voice of books book review blog

Author Krysten Lyndsay Hager

Besides mining her teen years and humiliating moments for her novels, Krysten is also a book addict who has never met a bookstore she didn’t like. Krysten writes about friendship, self-esteem, fitting in, frenemies, crushes, fame, first loves, and values. She is the author of True Colors, Best Friends…Forever?, Next Door to a Star,  Landry in Like, Competing with the Star (The Star Series: Book 2), and Dating the It Guy. Her debut novel, True Colors, won the Readers Favorite award for best preteen book and the Dayton Book Expo Best Sellers award. Krysten’s work has been featured in USA Today, The Flint Journal, the Grand Haven Tribune, the Beavercreek Current, the Grand Blanc View, the Bellbrook Times and on Living Dayton.
amazon or paypal$100 Amazon Gift Card or Paypal Cash Giveaway
Ends 7/23/17
Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use an Gift Code or Paypal Cash. Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. Giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the author. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Great Summer Reads Countdown Blitz and Giveaway-Day 8: See Me For Me By Teya Peck

Her most recent accomplishment started in the summer of 2015. Making her dad’s dream come true with publishing his works as well, as an emotional accomplishment. She is the 2016 local A.N.W.A. chapter (Snake River Writers) president, won NaNoWriMo and loves StoryMakers.
            Teya has been writing for as long as she can remember. At a young age she lived on a street she affectionately named Hill Street Blues, which helped her creative writing. Her Family moved to Menan where she continued her love of writing. Her father would always be and will continue to be her inspiration, even after his untimely death in 2006.
            She loves sitting in her soft chair next to the fireplace and watching out a big living room window. It gives her plenty of creative juice for stories.
            She met the love of her life in the loft of a barn. Yep, that set up some teasing from her father. They have been happily married since 2003. They have four children and all are loving and supportive of her writing.  Her oldest daughter is following in her footsteps as a writer adding her own illustrations. She refuses to comment on the trolls in the closets and under the beds. She is active in her church, has compassion for others, and a love for all life brings.

Connect with the Author here: 

One wrong step changes Jocelyn’s Prima Ballerina’s life in one step...

A single choice results in Jeremiah facing unbearable consequences... 

When these two meet, it could be catastrophic or the answer to unspoken prayers.
Can love be tested too far? Will hearts soften and hurts be forgiven? 
Or will too much loss be too devastating to find hope?
One thing is for sure, lives are about to change forever…

Q & A: 

1. If you had 3 wishes, what would they be? 1- talk to my dad just once, 2- be out of debt NOW so I can travel with my hubby and make memories with our kids, 3- Be able to attend every writing conference I want.

2.        Where do you write? At my desk, or if I have inspiration hit me in bed I have a pad and pen. In fact I have a pad a pen everywhere because I never know when something is going to hit me.

3.        How long does it normally take you to write a novel? Depends. I've wrote my first one in a week. Sometimes its a couple weeks. If I'm working with research it could take a couple months maybe. I really focus when I write, if I don't I tend to lose interest.

4.        What are your inspirations? Anything, anywhere. I can hear a name and a story line will form. I took a field trip with my daughter to a pumpkin patch and had a story come to me. (What happened at the pumpkin patch field trip)?

5.        How did you come to write this particular book or series? I had first part a brother and sister in an accident where she ends up in a wheelchair and hospital. But it didn't have enough it needed conflict besides his guilt. I rolled around constantly through my mind. Then one day I picked up my daughter at ballet and someone called a mom's name and I instantly had the entire rest of the story slam me. I asked to use her name in the book and her eyes for the cover to which she gave permission with a smile. I wrote a couple notes down and then drove home as fast as I could and finished the story. (The wheelchair part was inspired by my father, who spent most of his adult life in one.)

6.        What was the hardest part of writing your book, and how did you overcome it? Making sure the medical terms were correct and research was right. Plus I conversed with the ballet teacher to make sure I had things right as well.

7.        What is your writing drive? The power that keeps you going when you’re writing gets difficult? The drive is my characters. The power is knowing these stories come from inside of me and no one else could ever right like me or share these stories but me. It's a humbling and powerful thought.

8.        How did you come up with the title? See me for me title to a few changes and hits, but in the end everyone wants to be seen for who they are and one of the characters says this exact line. We want to be seen for who we are by everyone not who someone things we should be.

 9.  Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family member? I would not have any inspiration or ideas without me Heavenly Father behind me all the way. Also a powerful push when ideas come to mind. Especially poetry it’s like a conduit opens between me and heaven and it I don't write it down I lose it.

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