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Saturday, October 25, 2014

Review of-Spell Check by Julie Wright AND Buy it Now for 99 cents on Kindle through Halloween!

Product Details

  • Title: Spell Check
  • Author: Julie Wright
  • File Size: 1072 KB
  • Print Length: 220 pages
  • Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1941849008
  • Publisher: Heart Stone Press; 1 edition (June 30, 2014)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00LF449GG
  • AmazonGoodreads 

Book Description

"Spell Check is an impossible-to-put-down, topsy-turvy adventure with fun, romance, and fabulous characters.”
--Heather B. Moore, USA Today bestselling author

A skeleton is rattling its way out of the closet marked

Allyson Peterson believes that being hanged by the
Salem High Witches is the absolute worst thing that
can happen. But when her powers, wrested from the
trolls of ancient Sweden, manifest themselves, she
realizes that a prank hanging by vindictive cheerleaders
is the least of her worries.

Ally accidentally sends her parents to the jungle to fight
anacondas, turns her brother into a mute, and curses the
entire cheerleading team with an illness that has no cure,
proving that her spells need a little checking. Her Swedish
grandmother shows up to help her through the worst part
of all—surviving the Troll Trials and saving the guy of
her dreams from a vengeance that has festered through-
out generations.

The power is in her, if she can just get the magic right. 

My Review:
 Spell Check is a fun story of a young woman, Ally from Salem Massachusetts, whose life is turned upside down in just a few days. Not only does she find out that her thoughtless wishes are coming true, but also that she is a witch. Turning 16 is the key that unlocks her powers and boy does this cause havoc in her and her family's life, her friends and her "frenemies" lives. I really liked how her magical powers came from the four elements of earth, air, water and fire.  The best part of the book is the humor and the dialogue that will keep you laughing page after page; even when Ally is in very scary predicaments like trying to save her parents in the Amazon and during the Troll Trials.  

Julie has written some of the best side characters, in Ally's 10 year old brother Robison, and her Swedish Grandmother, Farmor, who is also a witch or a Troll Kvinna. The banter between Ally and her brother and Ally and her grandmother is sarcastic and funny. There is the sweetness and uncertainty of first young love between Ally and Jake, which is all clean, but so realistic for what teens go through. 

This YA Paranormal novel has so much to offer readers: mean girls that are chastised after they've bullied Ally for years, magical trolls with trials that can kill, and a rouge troll whose deception puts Jake's life at risk. This story is one of coming of age where Ally finally learns to love herself and be proud of who she truly is. This was a great message for anyone, especially teens to read. 

I'm ending the review by listing some of the clever chapter titles that kept me smiling. If you like books about magic combined with great humor, you and your tweens and teens will love Spell Check.

-Note to Self: A Troll is a Lame Birthday Gift.
-Note to Self: Sleep is awesome. I should try it sometime.
-Note to Self: Just because a tiny man shows up at your door with an elk in tow doesn't prove anything about Santa Claus.
-Note to Self: Dragon Boats are sarcastic, unhelpful, and deserve to sink.
-Note to Self: No matter what can be worse. At least I'm not married to a troll. 

 Spell Check is on sale for 99 Cents at the Kindle store now through Halloween!! What a great deal! (Follow this link)

Meet Author Julie Wright

Julie Wright started her first book when she was fifteen. She’s written seventeen novels since then: including the Hazzardous Universe Series and the Newport Ladies Book Club series. She won the Whitney Award for best romance for the novel Cross My Heart and the Crown Heart for The Fortune Cafe. She is represented by agent Sara Crowe with Harvey Klinger Inc. in New York. She enjoys speaking to writing groups, youth groups, and schools. She loves reading, eating, writing, hiking, and playing on the beach with her kids and husband. Julie’s favorite thing to do is watch her husband make dinner. Visit her at her website:

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