Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Giveaway: Saints & Soldiers: The Void DVD, the third installment in the Saints & Soldiers franchise! Enter today!

Product Description

Germany, May 1945, the twilight of World War II. On a final mission deep in the Harz mountains, a U.S. tank crew discovers a platoon of Germans, including three infamous Panzer tanks, preparing to ambush allied supply trucks.
Before the war, private Jesse Owens was a product of segregation and racial discrimination, forced by law to ride in the back of the bus and disenfranchised from the political process. As the Germans bear down on the Americans, Owens fights the Axis powers for a freedom he and his fellow African American soldiers have never felt.
With a deadly game of cat and mouse quickly unfolding, Owens and his predominantly white tank crew find themselves out-gunned and out-manned by the German Panzer tanks. Several in Owens's crew are reluctant to put their faith in a black tank driver despite their dire circumstances. With tension and fear beginning to manifest, Owens knows they must put aside their differences to stop the enemy from achieving their deadly plan. Knowing that a victory over the Nazis means a victory for racial justice, Owens and his men find a way to work together to save hundreds of lives in a desperate battle against the greatest odds they have ever faced.
Special Features

  • Audio Commentary
  • Danny Boy Music Video by Alex Boye
  • Roundtable Discussion with the Filmmakers and Actors
  • Exclusive World of Tanks Content
  •  You have a chance to win a copy of this DVD by entering the drawing today! There are only a few things that you need to do to enter. 

     Official Movie Trailer

     Product Details

    • Rating:  PG-13
    • Region:  1
    • Running Time:  1 hr. 36 min.
    • Publisher:  Excel Entertainment 2014


    Walmart | Deseret Book | iTunes | Amazon

    This is beautiful! You need to watch! 

    Alex Boyle sings "Danny Boy"


    About the Authors

    EXCEL ENTERTAINMENT is the preeminent independent film distribution company in Utah, and though largely known for its Mormon-themed films (God’s Army, The Work & the Glory series, 17 Miracles, Pride & Prejudice, etc.), Excel has also had success releasing films with non-Mormon themes and stories (Forever Strong, Saints & Soldiers, etc.).
    Although the technology and means by which audiences consume films is changing rapidly, the demand for highly creative storytelling that motivates us to live up to the light that each of us has been given is as high as ever. We feel a deep obligation to not only bring stories of hope to the world, but to promote films with high standards of craftsmanship reflective of a belief in a divine and benevolent creator.

    Now you get to enter!! Yay!

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

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