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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Bears: The Mighty Grizzlies of the West by Julie Argyle-Non-Fiction Book Review and Exclusive Author Interview

Book Summary

An up-close look at the powerful, notable grizzly bears—legendary apex predators of the American West.

The mighty North American brown bear, most often referred to as the grizzly, is an iconic symbol of power and strength. Mostly found in the Western United States and Canada, the still-endangered bruin has made strides into a tenuous sustainability. The strikingly beautiful photography, and the essay woven through the pages of Bears: The Mighty Grizzlies of the West, showcases this beautiful, smart, and incredible species. Julie Argyle explores their behavior, their family dynamics, and what it means to be a grizzly in the wilderness of the greater Yellowstone area. She includes stories about individual bears: Raspberry and Snow, The Beryl Sow, The Obsidian Sow, Snaggletooth, and 791 (a famous boar), and looks at the issues of increasing conflicts between humans and the grizzlies and what the future holds for them.

Book Details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Gibbs Smith (September 21, 2021)
  • Genre: Non-Fiction Animal Photography
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 224 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1423658795
  • I purchased my own copy for Christmas because I REALLY wanted this book! :)

My Review

Bears: The Mighty Grizzlies of the West by Julie Argyle is a book that takes you to the beautiful Rocky Mountains. The photos bring to life the Mighty Grizzlies in their habitat as they strive to survive in a world that is not always kind to them. With their habitat shrinking, more encounters between humans and bears are occurring with the bears sadly paying for these run-ins with their lives.

I really loved the way that Julie wrote such a marvelous discourse as she introduced us to several Grizzlies that she has photographed and learned to love through the years. She writes about Raspberry and Snow, The Beryl Sow, The Obsidian Sow, Snaggletooth, and 791 (a famous boar). I have grown to love many of these same Grizzlies especially Raspberry, Snow(her daughter), and Snow's new cubs. Also, I love the famous Grizzly 399 in Grand Teton National Park. 

Julie has a way of capturing the heart and soul of the animals she photographs. Once you see her work, you'll also fall in love with these animals and hopefully will want to get involved in protecting and conserving The Grizzlies and their homes. This book is not a long read, but it is packed full of powerful photos that will be ingrained in your mind and heart. I have always loved bears and I'm known as the "Bear" teacher. As a lover of these tremendous animals, Bears: The Mighty Grizzlies of the West is at the top of my list for you to buy. I promise you'll never look at Grizzlies in the same way again and you'll gain a greater appreciation for this impressive species.

****Meet Author Julie Argyle****
Julie Argyle is a professional photographer who has spent 40 years observing and photographing grizzly bears, along with other wildlife, within the Rocky Mountain West. Her photography business, Wild Love Images, has grown to capture the lives and stories of much of the wildlife in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Julie is an active voice for their preservation and protection.

See more of her works of photography 

Interview with Julie Argyle
I asked Julie Argyle why she wrote this book. I also asked her what she hopes readers gain from reading this book. 

Here are her answers:

In writing my books, I was hoping for people to gain compassion, understanding, and perhaps see a different view of what they once thought about grizzly bears. 

I would want them to know that they are so much more than what they are portrayed to be. 

Right now some would have you believe that grizzlies are vicious killers that need to be controlled, and the only way to control them is by killing them. That is so far from the truth.

In most cases, grizzlies do not attack just to attack, it is usually because they are defending their young or a food source. 

More often than not, it is a surprise encounter and a lot of the time it is due to human error. 

People need to understand that without all of the wide open spaces there once was conflicts between humankind and grizzlies are going to continue and only rise in numbers, therefore, it is very important to educate yourself and learn how to coexist. 

You can’t live peacefully beside something if you continue to fear them, and do not understand them. Therefore, knowledge is the most important tool you have. 

Coexistence is the key to the future, not only for grizzly bears, but for so many other species, including our own.

Bears: The Mighty Grizzlies of the West

Here are some websites where you can go to get more information about how to get involved and protect the mighty grizzlies and other animals that are threatened, like Wolves.-

Vital Ground works in the northern Rocky Mountains to conserve land for grizzly bears and other wildlife. As a land trust, we focus on private lands that connect larger wild strongholds, building lifelines for grizzlies and all things wild.

  • Bear League: People Living in Harmony With Bears.
  • Our mission is to promote “People living in harmony with bears.” We believe that education is the cornerstone of our mission. It is our goal to educate people about the true nature of these animals.

For The Love Of Bears Is A Nonprofit Committed To Bears And The Critical Ecosystems They Call Home Through conservation, education, research, and advocacy we seek to safeguard the future of bears.

The Wolf Conservation Center envisions a world where wolves thrive

Our mission is to advance the survival of wolves by inspiring a global community through education, advocacy, research, and recovery

We are driven by our values of respect, community, and passion.

Respect - We respect wolves, their complex ecological role, the landscapes they shape, the people who care about them, and the people who live among them.

Community  - We are inspired by the pack. We bring people together, we nurture, we educate, we aid, we protect, we organize, and we defend. We are always stronger together.

Passion - We have a passion for wolves, for the landscapes we share, and for the work of protecting them. Our passion drives us to learn, see the big picture, and be diligent and tenacious in the long-term work of saving wolves.

Defenders of Wildlife works on the ground, in the courts, and on Capitol Hill to protect and restore imperiled wildlife and habitats across North America. Together, we can ensure a future for the wildlife and wild places we all love.

Other Beautiful Photos from Julie

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