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Saturday, July 1, 2023

Brave Women at Work: Lessons in Confidence By Jen Pestikas, & Hope Mueller-Non-Fiction Book Review

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This is my stop during the book blitz for Brave Women at Work: Lessons in Confidence. Brave Women at Work: Lessons in Confidence is an anthology of women's stories on the power of confidence at work.

This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 27 June till 11 July. See the tour schedule here.

Brave Women at Work Lessons in Confidence book cover
Brave Women at Work: Lessons in Confidence
By Jen Pestikas, Hope Mueller, Dr. Cindy Girman, Dr. Belinda Hyppolite, Dr. Amanda James, Stephanie Joong, Dr. Praba Koomson, Dr. Zenobia Tantra and Maryilyn Vetter
Genre: Non-fiction/ Business/ Personal Development
Release Date: Late June 2023

****I received a complimentary book from publishers, publicists, NetGalley, book tours, and or authors.  A review was not required and all opinions and ideas expressed are my own.****

“Believe you can and you’re half-way there.”

— Theodore Roosevelt

Book Summary
A group of powerful women impart their wisdom and share their experiences in Brave Women at Work: Lessons in Confidence.

Believing in oneself and being confident is the foundation upon which success in business and personal lives is constructed. While building their confidence these women tackle doubt, depression, anxiety, Imposter Syndrome, uncertainty, and more. Each author forged their own path to confidence by setting aside fears and embracing their personal and professional power. This book provides the encouragement and motivation for you to grow your confidence and step into your greatest success and fulfillment.

My Review

 Brave Women at Work was a title that intrigued me, so I knew I had to read and review this book. Many times at work, I felt like I needed to have more confidence in my work. This book had so many key points that sparked ideas in my mind. One early on in the book said this,

    "Like many females, I thought working my tail off would give me visibility and move me to the top of the list for promotions. Silly me. It wasn’t until later in my career that I realized I needed to advocate for myself"

So many times I feel that as women we are scared or don't feel worthy of doing this. This book definitely gives you the courage and the boost that you need to do just this. I absolutely loved this paragraph about gaining confidence in ourselves.

   "Confidence is built, sometimes through pain, sometimes through success, but always through learning. Confidence is not constant; it ebbs and flows with our level of proficiency. When we are in a new role, our curiosity is at its peak but our confidence in our abilities might not be commensurate. As we become more proficient our confidence grows. We all have times when we doubt our abilities. Those are the times we need others to lift us up and help us see our inner light and capability. Why not you? As leaders, we must be gracious with others, and ourselves, as our team members gain confidence and skills."...Marilyn Vetter

I feel like that was a powerful message and it was within the first few pages of the book;

“Self-confidence is self-respect.”

—Sri Govindu

Here are other messages found in the book that I feel are very influential:

  • "Self-confidence is not only being comfortable in my skin, but also not wanting to trade mine for anyone else’s. I’m dialed in to who I am and what’s going to make me complete. It’s astounding how one incident played such a central role in my life, unfolding more and more decision branches with many more choices. I am unrecognizable from who I was three years ago. What I possess now is so valuable: I’m reanimated and filled with a new thirst for living. These days I have a brilliant color that radiates off me—it is genuine, effortless, and something I’m proud I created."..Stephanie Joong

  • "Know your identity—irrefutably.
  • Know what gives you energy and joy in your life and aspirations.
  • Connect to purpose within diverse settings with intent and a desire to be your best.
  • Focus on what matters most—your personal values, choices, and preferences.
  • Set your personal standards so others don’t set them for you.
  • Live your dreams and aspirations and be present for yourself.
  • Recognize your achievements and failures and reach for your best, not perfection.
  • Celebrate yourself and maintain your intrinsic motivation to be what you want to be.
  • Be your authentic self."..Dr. Praba Koomson

  • "You are more than your emotions, your job title, and your salary. You can be and become whatever you want to be. Do not let others define your success. Take ownership, and lead confidently"...Dr. Belinda Higgs Hyppolite
  • "When I start feeling anxious, I ask myself three questions: Why am I feeling anxious? Is it this obvious situation or something more subtle? What is the worst possible outcome of this situation and who is impacted? Is that so bad? Do I need medical attention, or just to talk to a friend?"
  • ...Dr. Cindy Girman
  • "The mantra I’ve got this, has served me well and allowed me to enter new experiences and new challenges with a sense of excitement and hope. It focused me on what can be done and how, even if there are setbacks and mistakes, I will lean forward because I’ve got this."...Dr. Amanda James
  • "Here are some key lessons I learned about myself and confidence building and my struggles with Imposter Syndrome: 1-Don’t ignore the red flags and take personal responsibility. 2-Listen to your own intuition and desire, and not the naysayers.3-Take small steps.4-Recognize it takes time.5-Celebrate your wins.6-Know your boundaries and recognize when they are crossed.7-Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate. 8-Don’t settle."..Jen Pestikas 
  • “A woman is unstoppable once she loves and embraces herself and has her own self-approval. Now, that is the ultimate confidence.”...Dr. Zenobia Tantra

Overall, the book shows ways that several successful women gained confidence in their lives. Each reader will be able to glean from the chapters that will help them right now in their lives. I feel the author of the book truly summed up everything well with this quote:
    "No matter how they got there, it is clear that confidence is an internal job. Confidence cannot be built or maintained from external sources. We must believe in and love ourselves first and from that our confidence blooms."

I know that this nonfiction book for women is a must-read for all women in any time period in life. It will benefit women in various stages of their careers. I'm very happy I had the chance to read this book and I know I'll go back and re-read many things.

4.5 Stars

- Goodreads
- Amazon

Brave Women at Work Lessons in Confidence graphic

Jen Pestikas author picture
****Meet Author Jen Pestikas****
Jennifer Pestikas is an executive, podcaster, career and leadership coach, and author. Jennifer has over 20 years of experience in financial services and currently works as the SVP, Business Development, of a Chicagoland credit union. Jennifer founded her podcast and her company, Brave Women at Work, in 2020. Her mission is to provide the education, resources, and inspiration for women to build confidence, speak up, get paid, and lead. Jennifer is thankful for the love and support of her husband, John, and her two daughters, Charlotte and Olivia.

Author links:
- Website
- Facebook
- LinkedIn
- Instagram

Hope Mueller author picture
About Hope Mueller:
Hope Mueller is a pharmaceutical executive, author, and small business owner. She is the founder of Hunter Street Press, a boutique publishing company focused on inspirational material that positively impacts readers, and C.L.I.M.B. Conferences, a retreat and conference organization that designs and operates highly curated events. Hope founded Hunter Street Charity, whose mission is to assist children and families during critical junctures in their lives. Hope loves traveling, exploring, and relaxing with her partner, Brad Mueller. Hope is proud of the strength and confidence of her four daughters and two grandsons.

Author links:
- Website
- Facebook
- Twitter
- LinkedIn
- Instagram

The authors:
- Dr. Cindy Girman
- Dr. Belinda Hyppolite
- Dr. Amanda James
- Stephanie Joong
- Dr. Praba Koomson
- Dr. Zenobia Tantra
- Maryilyn Vetter

~*~*~*~*Enter the Giveaway~*~*~*~*
There is a tour-wide giveaway for the book blitz of Brave Women at Work: Lessons in Confidence. 3 winners win a paperback copy of Hopey by Hope Mueller (US Only).

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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