Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

Sheila's favorite books »

Friday, July 31, 2020

Coming Home to Bellingham By Katie Stewart Stone: Blog Tour Review, Giveaway & Exclusive Author Interview

Product Details

  • Title: Coming Home to Bellingham 
  • Author: Katie Stewart Stone
  • Genre: Regency Romance
  • Paperback: 224 pages
  • Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc. (July 1, 2020)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1524413178
***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own*** 

Book Summary
 What begins as a pleasant holiday with a new friend in Brighton quickly turns to devastation for Anabelle Milton when she receives the tragic news: her parents are dead. Turned out of the only home she's ever known, Anabelle is sent to live with an aunt and uncle who are strangers to her. Heartbroken, she arrives at Bellingham Cottage, a cozy home on the sprawling grounds of the Bellingham estate, to find an unexpectedly warm welcome—not only from her own family but also from the family of their aristocratic neighbors, Lord and Lady Bellingham.
Anabelle soon attracts the attention of the heirs of Bellingham—brothers who, though connected by blood, could not be more different. As she slowly begins to distance herself from the polite and obedient young woman her mother trained her to be, Anabelle is free for the first time to choose her own path. She knows she must be true to herself, even if it means risking unrequited love—but can she trust that the gentleman who has stolen her heart will not break it?

My Review 
I loved this debut novel: Coming Home to Bellingham by Katie Stewart Stone. The main character is young and spoiled when we first meet her. Tragedy soon comes into her life when both her parents pass on from an illness. Poor Anabelle is on her own until she is invited to come and live with her aunt and uncle at Bellingham cottage on the Bellingham Estate. Along with the land, there are four brothers that Anabelle gets to know and her life changes quickly.

I loved Anabelle and how she could be outspoken and a little sarcastic at times. It really reminded me of myself at times. She often spoke out loud what she was thinking but there were many humorous moments from her many social gaffes and some very awkward encounters. Some of my favorite characters were Anabelle's Aunt, her little cousin Andrew, and Robert the youngest Alexander brother. He was fun-loving and they all made Anabelle feel right at home. 

It was pretty obvious who the love interest was going to be but there was still a lot of angst and troubles among the Alexander brothers: Peter, Nathan, Hollis, and Robert. Lord and Lady Bellingham were also very kind and supportive. With such great characters, the story flowed easy, and I stayed up very late to finish the book. This Regency Romance is clean, with a budding romance, and a story of learning to love and grow and blossom in new surroundings. I'm excited to see what will come next from this new author.

Meet Author Katie Stewart Stone

Katie Stewart Stone is an Austen enthusiast, a blogger, a journal-writer, and a wife and mother. With her debut work, Coming Home to Bellingham, Katie achieved a life-long goal of finishing and publishing a novel. She writes what she wants to read and rarely reads anything without a good romance. Katie graduated from Brigham Young University in 2012 with a bachelors in Therapuetic Recreation and spent six years working in the non-profit world, while writing on the side. When her beautiful boy was born in 2018, she quit her day-job and committed to finishing her first Regency novel. Now she spends her days dreaming up new ways to bring young lovers together in the most Regency-appropriate scenarios possible, along with carrying out her duties as a stay-at-home mother to two wonderful children who were named after Austen characters.

Follow Katie on Facebook HERE:

Follow Katie on Instagram HERE: 

**Exclusive Interview with
 Katie Stewart Stone**

1.How long did it take you to write Coming Home to Bellingham from creative concept to final draft?

                It took me about 5 years, because I didn't focus on it much until 2019. 

2. Do you have a favorite character from your novel? Who is it and why?

I love Robert. He cracks me up and I can visualize him better than anyone.

3. Is another novel in the works with these same characters/family found in Coming Home to Bellingham?

I have begun a story with one of Lucy's sisters and grown up Andrew.

4. Have you ever traveled to England?

I have! In 2017 I went to northern England. We visited Yorkshire and the lakes mostly. It was AMAZING and I can't wait to go again to see more.

5.What do you enjoy most about writing?

I love... When a scene really comes together and it is exactly how I imagined it.

  **Enter the Giveaway to win a copy of
Coming Home to Bellingham*** 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Charlock's Secret By Leah Moyes: Official Book Blitz and Giveaway

Leah Moyes is from the sunny state of Arizona. She is a wife and a mother, a former teacher, and a coach with a background in Archaeology. She loves popcorn and seafood (though not together) and is slowly checking off her very long bucket list.  

Twitter ~
Goodreads ~
Amazon ~

Desperate to hide, Kat flees. Now, trapped in time, her survival and return are threatened by her tortured heart.
Ensnared by hopelessness and grief, twenty-four-year-old Kat Shelton accepts a position as the curator of an old English estate with the sole purpose of running away from her memories and to bury life’s pain.

What she finds on her journey is much more than she bargained for—an arrogant employer, patronizing staff, and a chaotic system to name a few. Then to top it all off, an unforeseen tumble down the antiquated cellar steps brings her to a sudden halt.

Waking up in the year 1878, and mistaken for the children’s new governess, Kat scrambles to navigate nineteenth-century British lifestyle and culture. An impossible feat if it weren’t for the help of the Gilford girls and their charming and handsome brother, Merritt.

Will Kat find the strength, love and forgiveness she yearns for in the past? Or will her path bring her back to the reality she fears?

Universal Amazon Link ~ 



“Katharine,” Lizzy continued, “these are a few of Merritt's former classmates from Oxford. Each one has agreed to be your escort for a set.”
A cough camouflaged my gasps as I reached for her wrist, followed by a pathetic “excuse me” before I towed her away. Through the hall, we ended in the quiet solitude of the library. Fortunately, we were alone.
“What is the cause of this inconvenience?” She cried. Anger formed on her brow, possibly mixed with the heat of humiliation.
“Lizzy!” I wrung my hands together. “I—I . . .”
“What?” She demanded.
“I don't know if I can do this . . .”
“Do what?” She shouted with frustration. I met her eyes pleadingly but struggled to share the actual reason for my panic. “What Katharine?” She repeated indignantly.
I bit the inside of my cheek and forced the tears to stop.
“I don’t know how to dance!”
The room fell silent. The red in her face vanished as she chuckled.
“Are you jesting?” She waited for me to confirm the joke.
“No.” I put my hands to my cheeks and dropped to the nearest sofa, defeated. 

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The House of Bloodstein by Ren Garcia: Book,YouTube, Reading Blitz and $100 Giveaway

There is a treasure hunt with the prizes being a $100 and $25 giveaway!
The Treasure Hunt Questions will be based on the videos on the Author's YouTube Channel and you can answer the questions and find the YouTube links in the Rafflecopter at the bottom of this post.

Ren Garcia is a Science Fiction/Fantasy author and Texas native who grew up in western Ohio. He has been writing since before he could write, often scribbling alien lingo on any available wall or floor with assorted crayons. He attended The Ohio State University and majored in English Literature. 

Ren has been an avid lover of anything surreal since childhood. He also has a passion for caving, urban archaeology, taking pictures of clouds, and architecture. He currently lives in Columbus, Ohio with his wife, and their four dogs.

~ Website ~ YouTube ~
~ Amazon ~ 

They thought the episode with their cousin to the east, Lady Bloodstein, was over. They thought it was something to laugh about at the grand table in fond nostalgia. But they were wrong. They were so wrong. And Castle Blanchefort has fallen!

Lord Kabyl has lost everything: his wife, his kin, his family fortune, and his home. Castle Blanchefort, once a safe haven, is overrun with enemies seeking his blood.

In what follows, he must join forces with ancient enemies and with people who do not exist. He must treat with sinister, possibly untrustworthy gods and barter away his soul for urgently needed arcane help or face certain death at the hands of forgotten tyrants and their machinations from a bygone age.

And, how can a strange science known as Mentralysis, practiced in secret in the hidden places of the League, hold the key to ultimate victory?

What should have been obvious to Lord Kabyl from the start, at last, becomes crystal clear: Foolish is he who dares possess the Ultimate Object, for misery shall be his only reward.

YouTube Clip:

The answer to Treasure Hunt Question #1 and #2 are in the video above.
Treasure Hunt Questions Chapter 3-4: 
(put your answers in the rafflecopter below)
( The $100 and $25 Rafflecopter Prizes are specifically for the Treasure Hunt Winner )

Chapter 3:--Observing a Wedding  -
1: Who is getting married in this chapter?
A)—Ennez & Tellerran
B)—Lady Kilos & Lord Mystery
C)—Lady Sarah and Tal de Roga
D)—Lord Phillip and Thomasina 19th of Waam
E)—Queen Ghome & Queen Xo

2: Who appears as a frightening image in the window?
A)—Queen Ghome
C)—Lord Kabyl
D)—A Monster
E)—Lady Sarah

Chapter 4:--Visit From Sarah -
1: Who comes to visit Kilos in her Cat God Pub?
A)—Lady Sarah
B)—Lord Kabyl
C)—Lord Phillip
D)—Lady Sammidoran
E)—Clara Wunderluck

2: What is Magistrate Kilos told during the visit?
A)—That she inherited a great deal of money
B)—That Lord Kabyl has gone missing
C)—That she is dying
D)—That her son is missing
E)—That her husband is missing

See our Official Event Page for links to where you can find the rest of the Treasure Hunt Questions.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

The Viscount's Vow By Julie Coulter Bellon: Blog Tour Review and Giveaway

Product Details

  • Title:  The Viscount's Vow
  • Author: Julie Coulter Bellon
  • Genre: Regency Historical Romance
  • File Size: 2255 KB
  • Print Length: 194 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Stone Hall Books (June 4, 2020)
  • Publication Date: June 4, 2020
  • Sold by: Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B089Q81XNS
 ***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own***

 Book Summary
A man changed by war. The woman who loves him. And a secret that could tear them apart.

A "sweet story of redemption, forgiveness, and love." ---T. Westoff

Edward Rutledge, the newly minted Viscount Carlisle, has come back from war a changed man. The echo of the battlefield and the death of his best friend Marcus haunt him to the point that he decides to break his betrothal to Charlotte---the only woman he’s ever loved.

When he’s summoned home to Hartwell Manor, he comes face-to-face with her. Slowly, her strength and love make him see that he might be able to reclaim what he thought was lost. But when word reaches him that Marcus might not have died in Spain and yet lives, Edward will do anything to bring his friend home. As the mystery deepens, however, Edward is drawn into an intrigue that forces him to confront the demons that have plagued him since he returned to England. Will he have to sacrifice everything he’s built with Charlotte in order to keep her safe?

My Review
 Edward Rutledge, the newly minted Viscount Carlisle, and Lady Charlotte are childhood sweethearts and were betrothed to one another. Edward went off to war against France and comes back a shell of the man he once was. There is also great turmoil in that he no longer wants to marry Charlotte, or Charlie as he calls her. He feels he doesn't deserve her love and he is dealing with what we now call PTSD. The kind and loving Charlotte is still in love with Edward and will do whatever it takes to be wed to Edward. They go through a lot to wed and then to stay together. You can clearly feel that this is a couple that should be together and they have great chemistry despite their struggles.

There is also a mystery of their friend Marcus that went to war along with Edward and died while there. The guilt eats at him but then there's a rumor that Marcus may be alive. There is great suspense as Edward searches for his childhood friend. There is a very low level of angst compared to the author's military suspense/romance books, but I just truly loved this sweet story of redemption and forgiveness. I always love it when a character starts to heal from metal or emotional pain. This novel did bring me to tears a few times because it is packed full of emotions. 

The Viscount's Vow was a sweet, easy read, full of clean romance, and heartfelt restitution. Regency Romance readers will enjoy reading this book.

Meet Author Julie Coulter Bellon
Julie Coulter Bellon is the author of more than a dozen romantic suspense novels. Her book All Fall Down won the RONE award for Best Suspense, The Capture was a Whitney Award finalist for Best Suspense, and Pocket Full of Posies won a RONE Honorable Mention for Best Suspense.

Julie loves to travel and her favorite cities she's visited so far are probably Athens, Paris, Ottawa, and London. She loves to read, write, teach, watch Castle, Hawaii Five-O, and eat Canadian chocolate. Not necessarily in that order.

Julie offers writing and publishing tips, as well as her, take on life on her blog You can also find out about all her upcoming projects at her website 

Purchase The Viscount's Vow HERE: 

Enter the Giveaway to win a $10 Amazon Gift Card or an Autographed Copy of The Viscount’s Vow

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Friday, July 17, 2020

The Enemy Between Us By Melinda Sue Sanchez: Blog Tour and Giveaway

Product Details

  • Title: The Enemy Between Us -A Historical Romance
  • Author: Melinda Sue Sanchez
  • Genre: Historical Romance
  • Paperback: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc. (July 1, 2020)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1524413461
***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own***

Book Summary
ITALY, 1943

As war tears her country apart, Franca Chessari's sole focus is on supporting her family amid Nazi occupation. But when her parents, both high-ranking partisans, go missing, Franca is compelled to take action---even if it means crossing enemy lines to save those she loves.

Peter Weimer is a German soldier forced into a war he abhors. When he can take no more of the Nazi atrocities he’s been forced to witness, he deserts the German army—a decision that brands him as an enemy.

Franca and Peter were nothing more than two strangers from enemy countries, but when their paths collide amid the horrors of war, they are swept into an epic journey of chilling danger, unparalleled courage, and a sweeping passion that could cost them everything they have fought for.

My Review
The Enemy Between Us is the second book I've read from this author. I read, The Fisherman's Daughter, which you could say is the first book in this series since the same characters are in both books. I love these books because they give readers an insight into Sicily, Italy during WWII. The book is a Historical Romance but the romance is a slow build and you get a lot of "history" depicted in a very engaging and breathtaking way. War is so ugly, and this author doesn't hold back in showing how awful it was for the soldiers and the civilians. Throughout all of this, the characters get taken on a very long, challenging journey. Franca, an Italian citizen, and Peter, a German soldier, both grow and learn so much as they start as enemies, become friends, and then something more. It should be noted that Franca is younger than Peter in this book and so much more immature at the start. I felt she showed the greatest personal growth and I truly grew to love and admire her by the end of the book. 

This novel has many selling points; forbidden love between an Italian and a German during WWII, a mean and despicable German officer(He's very well written because he gave me the creeps), families pulling together to help their loved ones during a time of war and often helping strangers, dealing with loss, and of course, not giving up, even when it comes to love. I thoroughly enjoyed The Enemy Between Us and know that anyone else that loves Historical Romance will want to read it too.

Purchase The Enemy Between Us HERE:

 Meet Author Melinda Sue Sanchez

Melinda Sue Sanchez has been passionate about books and the worlds and people they bring to life since childhood. She wrote her first book in second grade and her first poetry at age ten.
Her love of reading and writing blossomed into writing full novels and resulted in her first book, The Fisherman's Daughter was published by Covenant Books in 2018.
Her next novel, The Enemy Between Us will be released in July 2020 and will continue the saga of The Fisherman's Daughter. We'll see Franca and Peter, two mortal enemies forced into hiding from the Nazis together, and fighting a forbidden attraction to one another as they traverse the battlefields of Italy to save their families.
Melinda lives in Az with her handsome husband, beautiful family. several dogs, a cat, bird, snake, turtle, and hundreds of books.

Learn more about Melinda and her books HERE: 

Enter to WIN a paperback copy of
 The Enemy Between Us by Melinda Sue Sanchez 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A Foreign Crown (Royal Regency, #1) By Jen Geigle Johnson: Book Review

Product Description
  • Title: A Foreign Crown
  • Author: Jen Geigle Johnson
  • Series: Royal Regency, #1
  • Genre: Royal Regency Romance
  • Paperback: 256 pages
  • Publisher: Covenant Communications, Inc. (August 3, 2020)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1524413666
***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own*** 

Book Summary

Following a devastating series of misfortunes, Lady Aribella Bardsley has bravely shouldered the responsibilities of her household. But just as the bleakness of her situation threatens to overwhelm her, a summons arrives from the Queen with a providential offer: Aribella’s presence is requested as a lady-in-waiting at the palace.

Prince Layton Wilhelm’s family has clung to their neutrality in the war for far too long. As the youngest of the King of Oldenburg’s eight sons, Layton is determined to prove his worth and is unwilling to turn a blind eye to Napoleon’s encroaching privateers. When Layton embarks on a journey to England, it is for one purpose: to petition the British navy for aid. But when he becomes acquainted with the lovely Lady Aribella, he cannot deny their powerful connection. Amid the intrigues and schemes within the walls of the palace, Layton and Aribella know a future together is impossible—but torn between loyalty and love, will they risk everything to follow their hearts?

My Review
In the new novel, A Foreign Crown, by Author Jen Geigle Johnson, it feels like a fairytale. You have a handsome prince who falls in love with the beautiful maiden. The thing is, it's more complicated than that. The beautiful maiden is Lady Aribella Bardsley, called by England's Queen Charlotte to be one of her Ladies in Waiting taking the place of Aribella's late mother. The handsome prince is Layton Wilhelm, the youngest of the King of Oldenburg’s eight sons. He has come to England to request help from Britain's navy against Napoleone's Privateers attacking Oldenburg's ships. The one thing neither Aribella nor Layton counted on was finding love and the problems this potential love brings to their lives.

Aribella and Layton are two very likable characters that show loyalty to family and country, supportive of those in need, and willing to sacrifice for the greater good. This last aspect is what caused a lot of turmoil for the characters and me, the reader. The author brings us up close and personal with the family of King George III, his wife Queen Charlotte, and their many children. It was very interesting getting insight into royal life behind the scenes; in particular how King George had many mental issues later in life that affected how he ruled his country. The story truly shows that "All that glitters isn't gold". Even though living the life of a royal may seem spectacular to an outsider, the royal family knew the truth and how the madness of their husband and father made life sad and unsettled. 

A Foreign Crown was such a great read for me with the great mix of history and fairytale, the ever unknown saga of who would end up with who, and the sweetness of true romance. This Royal Regency Romance is clean but sweet with some very nice kisses along the way. **sigh**

This novel would be good for older teens and adults that like a clean romance, interesting characters, a bit of history, and a whimsical feel that will sweep you away for a few hours. More good news: Book two is being written right now about another prince of Oldenburg and I'm not going to say who, even though I know! Another hint from the author: it will also take place in duel locations! Happy writing Jen and I can't wait for the next book in this series.

Meet Author Jen Geigle Johnson

An award-winning author, including the GOLD in Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards, Jen Geigle Johnson discovered her passion for England while kayaking on the Thames near London as a young teenager.
She once greeted an ancient turtle under the water by grabbing her fin. She knows all about the sound a water-ski makes on glassy water and how to fall down steep moguls with grace. During a study break date in college, she sat on top of a jeep's roll bars up in the mountains and fell in love.
Now, she loves to share bits of history that might otherwise be forgotten. Whether in Regency England, the French Revolution, or Colonial America, her romance novels are much like life is supposed to be: full of adventure.


Pre-order A Foreign Crown  
Release Date: August 3, 2020

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Stonebearer's Apprentice(Shadow Barrier Trilogy Book #2) by Jodi L. Milner-Book Review

Product Details

  • Title: Stonebearer's Apprentice
  • Author: Jodi L. Milner
  • Series: Shadow Barrier Trilogy Book #2)
  • Genre: YA Fantasy
  • File Size: 2192 KB
  • Print Length: 341 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Stone Orchid Press (June 12, 2020)
  • Publication Date: June 12, 2020
  • Sold by: Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B08954BYTL
***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own***

Book Summary
No monster has ever set foot inside the stronghold of Amul Dun.
Until now.

A traitor hides within its walls with orders to destroy Katira, her father, and the world they have sacrificed so much to save.
Wrothe is not as defeated as everyone believed. She plots her revenge even while banished to the other side of the shadow barrier.
Amul Dun's only hope lies within a dying man’s last words.
Katira’s only hope lies in mastering the power of the Khandashii. Without guidance, it will kill her. Her apprenticeship tests not only her strength and courage, but her determination to do what is necessary as well.

My Review
The second book in the trilogy starts up just a few weeks after the first book ends. It is VITAL that you read the first book or you will be very confused. There was wonderful world-building that went into the first book and it will help you understand and jump into this 2nd book easier. 

I really like the main character Katira. She has grown into a strong, loyal, and determined young lady. It's amazing to see how much she changes and learns in her journey to becoming a Stonebearer. There are some very intricate details about the things she must learn as she is an apprentice. Don't read it when you are tired or you may need to go back and reread. I truly wanted to take notes so I'd remember what each glyph would do. I also really loved every chapter that Katira's father, Master Jarend was in. He is brave and would sacrifice all for those he loves. Many minor characters had important roles in this novel. This made for interesting reading, especially in the action/battle scenes.  

This YA Fantasy has such a cool world with many heroes, a super wicked villain, and a magic system that has totally intrigued me since book one. If you love reading YA fantasy with Kick Butt action, some mystery, and a little sweet romance, you will love reading the Stonebearer's Apprentice.

Meet Author Jodi L. Milner
Jodi L. Milner is the author of the YA noble dark fantasy Stonebearer's Betrayal as well as several short stories appearing in numerous anthologies.

In her community, she holds a leadership position in the League of Utah Writers and teaches at chapter meetings and conferences. She's a world traveler, married a magician, studied Kenpo karate, and performed reptile shows several times a week while in college.

When not putting her characters in dire peril, Jodi can be folding the children and feeding the laundry, often in that order. She can also be found crocheting cute character sidekicks, playing lame app-based games, and reading - always reading.

Learn more about Jodi and her books HERE:

Purchase  Stonebearer's Apprentice
(Shadow Barrier Trilogy Book #2)  

Read my review of Book #1 in the trilogy

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Loblolly, Loblolly, You're So Tall By Mommy Moo Moo-Children's Board Book Review

Product Details

  • Title: Loblolly, Loblooy, You're So Tall
  • Author:  Mommy Moo Moo
  • File Size: 20022 KB (e-book copy)
  • Print Length: 19 pages
  • Publisher: Damara Publishing (October 19, 2016)
  • Publication Date: October 19, 2016
  • Sold by: Services LLC
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0983158401
***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own***

Book Summary
Loblolly pine trees fill Mommy Moo Moo's magical backyard. "Loblolly, Loblolly, you're so tall. You reach to the sky, up so high." These giant pines native to the American Southeast have never been so celebrated for their grace, their strength, and their beauty as in this enchanting picture book. Written in a lyrical style perfect for bedtime, "Loblolly, Loblolly, You're So Tall" captures the whimsy of a child's imagination and the majesty of the outdoors.

My Review 
As a mom and a teacher of young children, I've read a lot of children's books. I was so excited to receive a copy of Loblolly, Loblolly, You're So Tall. This little book enchanted me from the start. The pictures are so beautiful and remind me of beautiful paintings you'd find in a museum or hung on your wall. The lyrical rhymes do make the paintings come alive. Children will love the words and love finding the many animals and little fairies that are spread throughout the pages. I also love the fact that this board book will encourage a love of nature in small children. I think at times we often forget the beautiful country and world that we live in. This book will bring about discussions with little ones about how to keep our world healthy and preserve it for many generations to come. I will be sharing this book in the Fall with my school kids and my future grandchildren. I encourage you to go to Mommy Moo Moo's website to learn more about her mission.

Buy the Board Book HERE:

Meet Author: Mommy Moo Moo aka Debbie Barbuto

Debbie Barbuto aka Mommy Moo Moo® is an unschooling mama, artist, author, and activist. She creates Board Books with a Mission: Connecting people with people, people with nature, and people with the earth.® Debbie derives inspiration for her stories from her three daughters, her Cairn Terrier, Mother Nature, and life itself. Mommy Moo Moo lives by her mantra: "We live what we create. We create what we live."

Learn more about Mommy Moo Moo, their books, and mission HERE:

Mother Earth

Mommy Moo Moo® believes that we as human beings have the highest level of responsibility to take care of and live in balance with all people, nature, and the earth itself. With this appreciation that everything is connected, she strives to live by the Golden Rule – to treat all others (i.e., people, nature, and the earth) like you want to be treated.

Board Books with a Mission™: Connecting people with people, people with nature, and people with the earth.®
  • Every product, from our board books to our shipping material and gift wrapping, is designed to be people friendly, nature friendly, and earth friendly.
  • Our books are printed on FSC® Certified paper.*
  • As a member of “1% for the Planet,” Mommy Moo Moo gives 1% of their sales to a global network of non-profit organizations that are dedicated to protecting our big blue planet. Peruse our Donation Report.
  • We comply with the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 requirements for safety standards in manufacturing children’s products.
  • Every print run is independently tested to ensure product safety for our customers.
*FSC® Certified printing meets the standards of the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), whose mission is to promote environmentally sound, socially beneficial, and economically prosperous management of the world’s forests. Their vision is that we can meet our current needs for forest products without compromising the health of the world’s forests for future generations.