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Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Broken Smiles by Tara Mayoros-Review and Author Interview

Product Description
  • Title: Broken Smiles
  • Author:
  • File Size: 584 KB
  • Print Length: 319 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: Astraea Press Publishing, LLC (September 22, 2014)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00NU69UMU
  • FTC, FYI: I received a review e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Book Description
One fateful night while performing at the Grammys, the pressure from the music industry becomes too much for Laidan. She is quickly carried off the stage, leaving the world audience stunned and amazed by her emotional performance. Accompanying her are a trusted bodyguard and a close childhood friend. Together they make for the jungles of China where she meets Doctor Rafe Watkins, a humanitarian who has reasons of his own for why he has chosen to live deep within the bamboo forests. The handsome doctor is building an orphanage and runs a clinic that fixes children’s broken smiles or cleft palets. Watching him perform his many acts of kind service, Laidan’s “broken smile” is also healing and she begins to fall deeply in love with him. She has finally found a place where she belongs. One problem – because of Rafe’s intentional seclusion from society for the past seven years, he does not know Laidan’s true identity. What will he do when he finds out? Can love conquer all, or is Laidan’s rock star fame too big for his quiet life?

My Review
Broken Smiles has many wonderful things going on in this novel. The beautiful descriptive settings in places like China and Morocco, sweep you away as if you were there. Not only do you "see" what it would look like there, but you also learn many things about the culture. You can clearly see the large amount of research that Author Tara Mayoros has done in the writing of this book.

I also love the characters in this novel. Main character Laidan is bold, beautiful, honest and kind. She is very different from many heroines in a romance novel that are weak and whiny. She is always trying to find ways to help her family and friends. Laidan's musical talents bring both happiness and heartache to her life. In the book, we read many of the lyrics that Laidan writes and makes into #1 hits. I have to say, I was very impressed with the lyrics that Tara wrote for her character. I also really liked the male lead character, Dr. Rafe, with his life mission to help the orphan children in China, especially those that needed to have cleft-palet surgeries. Both Laidan and Rafe have many things to overcome from their past, but they really click and their love story is real and melts your heart. This is a book written for adults, so some of the scenes have a little heat, but no sex. I also loved the way that Laidan sticks to her morals and comes right out to tell Rafe that she is waiting for marriage before sex. The side characters are also some of my favorites with Laidan's quirky best friend Andi and her devoted, Tongan bodyguard, Kort. They both brought much needed humor and support for Laidan. In fact, I'd have to say that they are some of my favorite supporting characters that I've read in a long time. 

Let me warn you now, Broken Smiles will bring out many emotions in you. One minute you will be sad, then the next laughing, then you'll be cheering someone on, then again something will bring you to tears. But in the end, you will be completely satisfied with the ending and wishing for more. Tara is an author who I know will be writing many more great novels in the future, and I'll be there cheering her on.

I hope that you'll enjoy this interview that I did with Tara!

Interview with Author Tara Mayoros

1. What inspired you to write Broken Smiles?

It is best to read my blog post   My inspiration for the novel Broken Smiles came first from song lyrics that came to mind. They would not leave me alone. The dreams soon began and characters talked to me and the settings came to life. Then of course my living in China was fuel for the story and setting.

2.What is your favorite place to travel to?

My love for Asia is in my life blood. As a child I lived there and went back to visit many times and then lived in China as a college student. I also love Yellowstone, Moab, and the beach.

3.What are the most important things you've learned about being a writer and an author?

Have patience and determination. Those are tools that are crucial when it comes to writing. Things happen very slowly. There are times when you will wonder why this whole crazy process even matters. But there is someone out there who needs your voice and your words. What you write is important. 

4. What book/s are you working on right now?

I have a Christmas Novella releasing very soon called "Eight Birds for Christmas." It is a companion novella to Broken Smiles.
I am also working on a YA fantasy trilogy called "Vagabond." It is so different than my women's fiction, but I am loving writing fantasy with a bit of horror.

5.What is your best advice for aspiring writers?

My best advise for aspiring writers would be to not give up. Seek out critique partners and like minded people who can be your cheering section and brainstorm with you. Be a constant student of the writing craft. No matter where you are in the writing and publication process, there is always more to learn. Go to conferences, enter writing competitions, don't get discouraged. The process of creation should be fun.

6.What makes you the happiest?

Being with my family makes me the most happy. I have learned to stick to a writing schedule. I used to write whenever the muse nagged at me, even if it took away from family time. Now, I am much more strict about if I will listen to my imagination and itchy fingers when I am not at my scheduled writing time. Balance makes me happy. It is easy to get so wrapped up in your story that things begin to become off tilt. The act of creation, whether it is writing, painting, or playing my music, makes me very happy and it is a huge part of my life.
Author Bio: 
As a child, Tara Mayoros moved to Asia with her family where her love of different cultures and travel began. In college she satisfied her wanderlust by moving to China, filling her head with countless stories, and occasionally writing them down.

Years, marriage, children and many adventures later, she picked up her dusty pen and paper (or laptop) and realized that writing took her to different worlds and gave her the experiences that she yearned for. As an author, artist, baker, music teacher, gardener, and nature lover – she sees the beauty in the process, and the miracle, of creation. The Rocky Mountains are her home and they call to her whenever she finds herself in need of inspiration.
You can contact Tara here at her website:
or at her Facebook page HERE 

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