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Friday, September 12, 2014

Janitors 4: Strike of the Sweepers by Tyler Whitesides-Blog Tour Review

Product Details

  • Title: Janitors: Strike of the Sweepers
  •  Author: Tyler Whitesides
  • Series: Janitors
  • Hardcover: 400 pages
  • Publisher: Shadow Mountain (September 9, 2014)
  • Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1609079078
  • FTC. FYI: I received a review book in exchange for an honest review.

Book Description: 
The stakes have never been higher, and you have never seen squeegees do this before! It is a wild and slightly unsanitary ride as Spencer, Daisy, and the rebels find themselves chased by Mr. Clean's new and terrifying breed of toxite--the Sweepers. Time is short. With the fabled Manualis Custodum in hand, Spencer must figure out how to summon the founding witches if they ever hope to mop up and save education.

My Review:
Janitors has been among my top favorite Middle Grade fantasy series. I've been recommending Janitors to kids and their parents since this series first came out. The kids can relate to main characters, Spencer and Daisy. They want to have a grand adventure like these now sixth-graders are having. 

Did I like this new installment in the Janitors series? With two words I answer...Of Course!!  It picked up soon after where book three ended. Mr.Clean has become even bigger and scarier as he has invented a new half-breed of toxite's called, The Sweepers. They are more fierce and deadlier than anything they've encountered yet! Spencer, Daisy, and the other rebels find their jobs are even harder as they need to find a way to summon the Founding Witches that can finally end this great fight against Mr.Clean and the BEM. 

One of the favorite things my kids loved in this book is Daisy's pet, Bookworm, a Thingamajunk: a walking heap of trash with a mind of it's own and a very unique and cute personality. It had followed Daisy home from the landfill (read in book 3 all about that!). The way it's described is hilarious! "'s head was comprised of a dented lunchbox and a moldy textbook dangling down like a sloppy jaw...his trademark smile revealed stubs of broken pencils arranged like teeth in the yellow pages." What great story starters to get kid's imagination going and thinking of what they're own trash pet would be made of and what it would look like. 

There were so many exciting plot twists in this book. It made for an fun and wild read. As always, I highly recommend that you start reading book one first and then progress through the series. This is an excellent read-aloud for classrooms and for families. Also, be prepared for an ultra shocking ending that will leave you shaking your head and saying,"WHAT?" Book five will not be out soon enough to read the conclusion to this wonderful series.

You can purchase Janitors 4: Strike of the Sweepers
at Amazon, Deseret Book and Barnes and Noble.

Meet Author: Tyler Whitesides  

Tyler Whitesides worked as a janitor at an elementary school to put himself through college. He is the best-selling author
of the Janitors series. He graduated from Utah State with a degree in Music. In addition to writing YA novels, Tyler is an avid
composer and arranger of instrumental music. He and his wife—who teaches third grade—live in Logan, Utah.

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