Product Details
- Title: Newtimber: Fractured (Book 1)
- Author: Karen E. Hoover
- File Size: 5276 KB
- Print Length: 214 pages
- Publisher: Trifecta Books (June 17, 2014)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Genre: YA Urban Fantasy
- ASIN: B00L2X36A0
- FTC, FYI: Received a review e-copy in exchange for an honest review.
Book Description:
There was absolutely no way a black dragon hovered outside of Newtimber. Sianna rubbed her eyes, but the dragon was still there, clutching a round object that looked like a spotted egg. And then the egg fell, hitting the ground like an atomic bomb, sending out waves of a slow-moving fog that distorted everything it touched.
The citizens of Newtimber change. The old man down the street stretches into a screaming tree. Sianna’s skateboarding friend, Matt, transforms into a giant green dragon. Pegasus. Sirens. Griffins. Vampires. Zombies. Creatures from the myths of every culture come to life through the people.
Even Sianna changes, her skin becoming stone hard, and she gains the ability to travel from the human realm into the dimension of the fae, using it to free her father from prison and enlist his aid in battling the evil bent on taking over the world.
One person to heal a family, a town, and save the world. It seems an impossible task, but with the help of her new friends, it could happen.
Excerpts Teasers From Fractured:
Quote #1: "The green fog seemed to pull itself forward
with finger-like tendrils, almost like a hound searching out a smell. It must
have caught on to the man because all of the fingers pointed at him. The green
stuff gathered and thickened, almost like a cat does when it’s about to pounce,
and then pounce it did, completely covering the man. I could hear his screams
as he was eaten by the mist."
Quote #2: "His mouth opened into a scream as his feet
rooted first, and then his body leaned forward and his arms reached out, bark
racing across his skin like a wave of super-freak ants. His face changed last
of all, his mouth still open in the scream as the bark rippled and tore his
skin, his eyes and nose fading into knotted wood with a gaping hole left for
his mouth.”
Quote #3: “Go ahead and think I’m crazy if it makes you
happy, but I saw what I saw. That wasn’t an atomic bomb or a nuclear bomb. It
didn’t look right or act right, not like the pictures and movies I’ve seen. It
acted intelligent, choosing its victims and pouncing on them. It was slow, like
. . . like . . .” I just couldn’t find the words, but wasn’t sure if it was
because of adrenaline, fear, or my stupid brain. Frustrated, I stood and spun.
“It was like watching pollen moving in the wind, but it’s no kind of pollen I’ve
ever seen. It followed me.”
Quote #4: “It’s true!” Austin yelled. “A bad black dragon
dropped a bomb and people are turning into the Fae.”
Quote #5: To my left was a large piece of glass, roughly in
the shape of a broad knife. I picked it up carefully, settled it in my palm,
and then, closing my eyes, I squeezed. Instead of the sharp pain I expected,
there was the shatter of glass. I opened my eyes and looked at my hand. My palm
was covered with shards. I squeezed it again, watching this time as the glass
crushed to powder and trickled between my fingers.
My Review:
What is it like reading Fractured? You feel like you are reading a pretty average YA Contemporary book until...main character Sianna looks up to see a black dragon flying into town, it drops a speckled egg and BANG, green mist everywhere, and everything or I should say, EVERYONE changes!! After that,you know that things are bound to get exciting. This book centers around the Fae people, but Hoover writes a very interesting twist on the world of the Fae. It was fun to have things changed up and I know that middle grade and YA readers will like this too.
Sianna is written as a kick-butt teen who has lived a hard life, and is well written. She is an inspiring protagonist who young girls will really like. The main male protagonist, Matt, turns into a green dragon who becomes a real hero and Sianna's first boyfriend. Many other friends and family turn into creatures from the mist.It's exciting as Sianna learns about different dimensions that she can travel between. It seems like you just get into the story when it finishes and of course you want more. I'm so glad that the next book will be coming out soon. This book is the first in a 5 book series.Fractured is an exciting story, with characters that change, grow and learn about love and loyalty. The surprise at the end leads nicely into the next book!
You Can Purchase Fractured Here...

Karen E. Hoover has loved the written word for as long as she can remember. Her favorite memory of her dad is the time he spent with Karen on his lap, telling her stories for hours on end. Her dad promised he would have Karen reading on her own by the time she was four years old … and he very nearly did. Karen took the gift of words her dad gave her and ran with it. Since then, she’s written two novels and reams of poetry. Her head is fairly popping with ideas, so she plans to write until she’s ninety-four or maybe even a hundred and four. Inspiration is found everywhere, but Karen’s heart is fueled by her husband and two sons, the Rocky Mountains, her chronic addiction to pens and paper, and the smell of her laser printer in the morning.
The first book in Karen's The Wolfchild Saga, The Sapphire Flute is free right now! Amazon and B & N.
You can learn more about Karen and her books at the following places:
Great review. I've got this on my list.