Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

Sheila's favorite books »

Saturday, October 31, 2020

On The Run: A Guardian Novel By Traci Hunter Abramson-Blog Tour Review and Giveaway



Product Details

  • Title: On The Run: A Guardian Novel 
  • Series: Book 4 of 4: Guardian Series
  • Author: Traci Hunter Abramson
  • Genre: Mystery/Suspense
  • ISBN-13 : 978-1524412487
  • Publisher : Covenant Communicaions, Inc. (October 26, 2020)
  • ***I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own***

 Book Summary

As one of the top investigative journalists in the nation, Elle Jameson has a knack for uncovering the truth. So when a promising lead points to corruption on a German military base, Elle anticipates a straightforward assignment. But then she stumbles upon a deadly conspiracy beyond anything she’s faced before, and her scrutiny does not go unnoticed. She knows too much, and she can’t be allowed to live. With no idea where to turn for help, she does the only thing she can: she runs.

The guardians, an elite team of undercover agents, have one job: safeguard those under their protection. As a new guardian, Nolan has just received his first solo assignment to help a young woman who just survived an assassination attempt. Within minutes of making contact with the beautiful journalist, however, their location is discovered. Thus begins a game of cat and mouse spanning the globe as the two work to stay ahead of a determined assassin. Nolan fights to buy Elle time to complete her investigation, and what she discovers is a plot that threatens the very fabric of America. In a desperate race against evil, Nolan and Elle are the only ones who can prevent global catastrophe.


My Review 

 Here is an open letter to author Traci Hunter Abramson, you are making me miss a lot of sleep. I start your book and I can't stop and therefore lack of sleep occurs. Truthfully, I know it's my own fault that I love Traci's books and they always keep me entertained. This fast-paced fourth book in the Guardian Series has suspense and romance that keeps you reading and reading.

Elle is a Journalist at the top of her game. She uncovers a possible terrorist attack and then is on the race for her life. Guardian Nolan, or ghost, is sent to protect her. From the moment they meet their lives are in jeopardy as they stay on the run from people trying to kill them. 

I loved the action and the romance. I liked having former characters in the series being involved in this novel. The Guardian series is so good and the plot has continued through the four books. I can't wait for the next one! I know that this could be a stand-alone novel but please read the first books in the series and they'll make more sense. This thriller has great characters, loads of action and angst, and will keep you biting your nails until the end.

This clean suspense with narrow escapes, and a few nice kisses thrown in, will make any reader lose a little sleep... just to see what happens next.


Purchase your Copy HERE: 


 Meet Author Traci Hunter Abramson


Originally from Arizona, TRACI HUNTER ABRAMSON spent much of her childhood exploring the little town of Pinewood. She is a graduate of Brigham Young University and a former employee of the Central Intelligence Agency. Since leaving the CIA, Traci has written multiple novels, including the Undercurrents trilogy, Royal Target, and the Saint Squad series. When she's not writing, Traci enjoys spending time with her husband and their four children. She also enjoys cooking, although she prefers an electric stove to the wood-burning variety.



 Enter the Giveaway HERE: 



Other Books in the Series:

Friday, October 30, 2020

Autumn/Halloween Countdown Blitz & Giveaway 2020: Day 11: Beauty and the Wolf By Marina Myles

Marina Myles studied Creative Writing and English Literature at Southern Methodist University. During her college days, she was fortunate enough to have been a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. Now she lives in Arizona with her family and her adorable Maltese.

A Union Of Curses

Isabella Farrington's marriage was hasty. For all her new husband's riches, Lord Draven Winthrop is whispered about, avoided, and feared. Yet Isabella is drawn to Draven's dark good looks, his strength, the charm he can turn on as easily as she can blink. The impoverished daughter of an Egyptologist, she knows there are rumors about her, too, and the amulet she wears. Nothing more than superstitious babble...


But when Isabella returns to Draven's remote coastal manor, she senses there is something more at work in the grim gardens of Thorncliff Towers than superstition. Draven is passionate and seductive, but he has a brutal, uncontrolled side too, and a history of secrets. To live in peace she must discover the reasons behind a gypsy curse and a mother's scorn. Especially when she learns Draven believes his sweet young bride is doomed to a fate even darker than his own...



  “Thank you for saving me,” Isabella whispered, blinking against her tears.

Lines of concern creased Draven's forehead. “I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost you. This has made me more determined than ever to convince you to stay.”

She watched his pupils dilate, thanks to the painkiller Dr. Lamstein had administered. “Did you capture the wolf that got inside the house?” she asked in a frightened voice.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Autumn/Halloween Countdown Blitz & Giveaway 2020: Day 10: Once and Future Wife By Clarissa Kae

Clarissa Kae is a preeminent voice whose professional career began as a freelance editor in 2007. She's the former president of her local California Writers Club after spending several years as the Critique Director.

Since her first novel, she's explored different writing genres and created a loyal group of fans who eagerly await her upcoming release. With numerous awards to her name, Clarissa continues to honor the role of storyteller.

Aside from the writing community, she and her daughters founded Kind Girls Make Strong Women to help undervalued nonprofit organizations—from reuniting children with families to giving Junior Olympic athletes their shot at success.

She lives in the agricultural belly of California with her family and farm of horses, chickens, dogs and kittens aplenty.

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Immortal men like Rhys Glyndwr belong to forgotten fables—along with his reincarnating wife—but instead, they haunt the mind of a modern scientist, Isla Belle Thorne. Like an old blanket, visions of the healer servant and his wife, the daughter of a duke, have comforted Isla Belle, the only constant in her unstable childhood.
When her mother is hospitalized for a mental breakdown, Isla Belle fears for her own health and keeps the visions a secret. As Isla Belle starts her new job at a renowned medical organization, she comes face to face with Rhys—the same man from her visions.
She’s told an impossible tale of a love that death cannot kill. Surrounded by science but faced with an implausible legend, Isla Belle must decide what to believe and what to leave behind.


The cold night air nipped at my skin, the temperature falling as we inched closer to the holidays. Stephen had tried once more to convince me to

stay home but I owed my mother—and myself—some answers. An army of silk dresses and black tuxedoes made their way up the two-prong staircase of the Stanford mansion. Earlier, Stephen had told me that Leland Stanford built the mansion in Sacramento years before he built the university in Palo Alto. I’d almost told Stephen that I had no memory of Leland, only his wife, Jane—an impossible idea. The Stanfords were buried a century before my birth.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Autumn/Halloween Countdown Blitz & Giveaway 2020: Day 9: Unmasking the Duke By Donna Hatch

Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award. A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband). A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

  Facebook ~ Website ~
Amazon ~
Goodreads ~ Twitter ~

The last thing Hannah Palmer wants to do is flirt with men in a crowded ballroom, but when her sister, the Countess of Tarrington, throws a Masquerade Ball, Hannah can’t say no to the invitation. 

Taking comfort behind her disguise, she dances with a charming masked gentleman, matching him wit for wit. When the glorious evening culminates in a kiss, and the two remove their masks, Hannah is horrified to discover the man she’s been flirting with all night is her most despised neighbor, the Duke of Suttenberg. 

No matter how charming the duke was at the ball, and how wonderful the kiss, he is the last man she could ever love.

~  Amazon  ~ 


As the visitor strode to the steps toward the front door, Hannah wrinkled her nose. Though his hat concealed most of his hair and shadowed his face, only the Duke of Suttenberg possessed such arrogant mastery, as if he viewed himself ruler of all the earth instead of only his own properties.

Though she’d planned to enter through a side door, Hannah followed him up the front stairs so she could better observe the full force of his snobbery. And if she were honest, catching a glimpse of his handsome face would be no hardship. As long as he didn’t turn his intimidating stare her way, she ought to manage to hold on to her wits.

He glanced over his shoulder. Her breath stilled. Though she’d spent time in his company four times—yes, she’d kept track—she was never fully prepared for his masculine allure. She’d seen plenty of gentlemen, including her brother-in-law, Cole. But the Duke of Suttenberg’s face never failed to turn her to a blithering pool of mush.

The duke cast a passing glance over her and intoned, “Inform your master I am arrived.”

Hannah’s mouth dropped open, and her face burned with one-part humiliation and two-parts anger. He didn’t remember her. Worse, he’d mistaken her for some house girl. A servant.

The butler opened the front door, drawing the duke’s attention. “Ah, Your Grace. My lord is expecting you.”

The duke entered without casting a second look at Hannah. Arrogant, thoughtless cad! That he would forget someone whom he should recognize by now spoke volumes to his conceit. Clearly, he viewed her as too far beneath his notice to have gone to all the trouble of remembering her face. True, she didn’t like being the center of attention, but neither did she want to be treated as if she were a patch of mud to be scraped off one’s boots.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

A Strand of Doubt By Donna Gustainis Fuller: Official Book Tour and Giveaway

Jana Clawson has a propensity for Chinese food, M & M’s,  chocolate chip cookies, and she deals with adversity with a wry sense of humor. She is caught up in a whirlwind known as Trevor Willis, the most eligible bachelor in Portland. He is perfect in every way, but will his secrets be too much for their relationship?

While Jana escapes to the Oregon Coast to make a decision about Trevor, a car accident stirs Jared Carpenter—a physical therapist with  kind Brown eyes who never turns down a homemade meal—into the mix. Unknown to Jana, events set in motion six years ago threaten everything she holds dear, and her life depends on one or both of these men. Combining suspense, intrigue, action, and understated humor, this book will keep you turning pages until the exciting conclusion. 

Born in Illinois, Donna Fuller has lived in a variety of places and currently resides in Butler, Pennsylvania. At times she feels like a ping-pong ball—bouncing from coast to coast and back again. Her grandchildren bring her the greatest joy. Donna has always been involved in writing, from journals to plays for Cub Scouts, to short stories for her children and as a reporter for a small newspaper. She has won awards for her writing and has taught at writing workshops and retreats. Donna is the co-founder of the annual OHPA Writer’s Retreat in Western Pennsylvania. She has published two novels: A Strand of Doubt and Code Name Scorpion. 

Learn more about Donna and her books at, or like her on Facebook at Donna Gustainis Fuller, author.

 Author photograph by Mandy Myers.

Top Ten List

10 Fun Facts

10:  On every May 19th, I celebrate Apple Fritter Day in honor of my Dad. (Look for a contest on my Facebook page on that day!)

9:  When my last child was in 8th grade, I went back to school online (and this was way before CoVid-19). Ten years later, I graduated from BYU with an emphasis in Creative Writing.

8:  I have 7 granddaughters and 1 grandson—but he’ll have company in February when our 8th grandchild, a boy, is born.

7:  I have ping-ponged across the country most of my life. I’ve lived in Chicago, Illinois;  Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Houston, Texas; Chicago:  Arizona; Murrieta, California; Keene, New Hampshire; Newberg, Oregon; and now Butler, Pennsylvania.

6: Speaking of ping pong, I grew up playing ping pong with my brother and sister on a table my dad built. 

5:  I make killer bread (You can decide for yourself if a romantic suspense author means that literally or figuratively!)

4:  My guitar, Louie, and I have been together through good and bad times since I was 10 years old. 

3:  I can extract genealogical information in Italian, Latin, and Spanish, and I can struggle through Lithuanian and German.

2:  I host a writer’s retreat at my house every year.

1. I believe in Happily Ever After. I met my husband and one month and nine days later we were engaged, and three months after that we were married. We’ve been married over 40 years.


10 Favorites

10.  Favorite meal: Stir-fried steak and roasted veggies.

9.  Favorite authors: Mary Stewart, Traci Hunter Abramson, Dorothy Keddington and Madelaine Brent (and too many more to list).

8.  Favorite thing to do to relax:  Doodle (This is new with CoVid)

7.  Favorite book:  Madam, Will You Talk by Mary Stewart

6.  Favorite ice cream:  Unfortunately, I don’t have just one, but her are the top few:  Coco-Nutty Fudge, Peanut Butter Cup, Heavenly Hash, and Mint Chocolate Chip.

5. Favorite Songs: This Old Guitar and God Bless the USA.

4. Favorite song to dance to with my husband: Lady in Red

3.  Favorite time to write: Early in the morning.

2. Favorite time to get anything done: Early in the morning.

1. Favorite people to hang out with: my grandkids:  Jenika, Kierra, Charly, Nash, Ophelia, Lily, Evie and  (in February) Ezra—and their parents.