Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

Sheila's favorite books »

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Valentine Countdown Blitz & Giveaway 12 Days of Clean Romance: Day 3: Baker's Dozen By Amey Zeigler

Amey Zeigler wrote her first mystery with her best friend in fourth grade. She wrote, the friend illustrated. It also had a cute boy in it with spiky hair (because that was the style back then). Not much has changed. She loves mysteries. She loves romance. She loves suspense. She loves action, adventure and comedy. But she wants it to have a happy ending.

Because she grew up moving all around the United States, Amey loves writing about different places. In her books, she explores the whole world.

Growing up, Amey was always trying new things. She played violin, drums, flute, piano, all before she was sixteen. She also discovered she didn't have much talent for music.

When people asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up, she was afraid to tell them she wanted to be a writer because she didn't know how to write.

She is so grateful for her Sophomore year Honor's English teacher who gave her a star and five points (out of five!) for Voice on her personal essay. Otherwise, she wouldn't have had enough courage to pursue writing.

In her spare time, she adopts stray furniture left on the side of the road, fixes it up and gives it a new look and home. Amey lives with her husband and three children near Austin, TX.

Connect with the Author here: 
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Twenty-three year-old investigative journalist, Andy Miller is armed with her many disguises and creativity to take down the riff-raff of Saint Louis. When her stepbrother is murdered by the mob, Andy soon discovers she’s out of her depth.

Enter Hugh Donaldson who has reasons of his own for discovering the murderer. He’ll use everything in his power to achieve that, including lying to Andy about his past. Dangerous as he is attractive, his martial arts skills and his quirky ways raise Andy’s suspicions.

Although Andy balks at his lies, Hugh’s charms, twenty-inch biceps, and electrifying blue eyes are difficult to resist. Striking out on their own, Hugh and Andy try to outwit each other as they traverse North America tracking down people connected to the case.

As clues disappear and the body count climbs, Andy and Hugh must trust each other and use their combined skills to bring the murderer to justice.

Ten Fun Facts:

1.      My second toe is longer than my first
2.      I’ve lived in Alaska for eight years, in Europe for a year and a half.
3.      I speak French proficiently. But I usually don’t ask people to pardon it.
4.      I always have batteries and lemon juice in my fridge—for different reasons 
5.      I’ve taken ballet class three times but have never been in a performance
6.      In sixth grade, I was the class clown. *Sweeping bow*
7.      I am an orthodontia-wearing adult
8.      I still can’t ride a bike but I roller-blade like an Olympic figure skater.
9.      My dream car is a cornflower-blue Mercedes convertible
10.  I call my mom nearly every day.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Valentine Countdown Blitz & Giveaway 12 Days of Clean Romance: Day 2: Courting the Countess By Donna Hatch

Donna Hatch is the author of the best-selling “Rogue Hearts Series,” and a winner of writing awards such as The Golden Quill and the International Digital Award.

 A hopeless romantic and adventurer at heart, she discovered her writing passion at the tender age of 8 and has been listening to those voices ever since. She has become a sought-after workshop presenter, and also juggles freelance editing, multiple volunteer positions, and most of all, her six children (seven, counting her husband). 

A native of Arizona who recently transplanted to the Pacific Northwest, she and her husband of over twenty years are living proof that there really is a happily ever after.

Connect with the Author here: 

When charming rake Tristan Barrett sweeps Lady Elizabeth off her feet, stealing both her heart and a kiss in a secluded garden, her brother challenges Tristan to a duel. The only way to save her brother and Tristan from harm—not to mention preserve her reputation—is to get married.

But her father, the Duke of Pemberton, refuses to allow his daughter to marry anyone but a titled lord. The duke demands that Elizabeth marry Tristan’s older brother, Richard, the Earl of Averston. Now Elizabeth must give up Tristan to marry a man who despises her, a man who loves another, a man she’ll never love. 

Richard fears Elizabeth is as untrustworthy as his mother, who ran off with another man. However, to protect his brother from a duel and their family name from further scandal, he agrees to the wedding, certain his new bride will betray him. Yet when Elizabeth turns his house upside down and worms her way into his reluctant heart, Richard suspects he can’t live without his new countess. Will she stay with him or is it too little, too late?



Q & A With The Author:

1.      Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
Music is a big deal in my life--I sing and play the harp and I enjoy listening to good music. I also love to dance, and to go for long walks and hikes. Reading also gives me a lot of pleasure.

2.      What is the thing you struggle with the most while writing? And how do you defeat it?
I struggle most with self doubt, whether what I am writing at any given time is good enough. I don't know that I ever defeat it but I fight it back by continuing to write. Fan mail also goes a long ways to reassure me that readers do enjoy my writing.

3.      What are your future projects? 
I always juggle multiple projects. Right now I am working on a short story to be included in an anthology, book 2 of the Music of the Heart series, Book 5 of the Rogue Hearts series, and book 3 of the Courting series. Those are all in various stages of planning, plotting, researching and writing. 

4.      What is the “message” of your writing?
I don't consciously start out with a message in any of my stories; it discover it once it is written. My stories seem to have a lot of themes of second chances, not judging, loving people with imperfections, listening to your heart, and sticking together through thick and thin. I do have a Mission Statement that I'm happy to share. It is: To write beautiful, inspiring stories that give readers hope for a better tomorrow and restore faith in that elusive happily ever after.

5.      Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life?
Not deliberately but I always draw from my own viewpoints and feelings. Sometimes a conversation will inspire a scene or conversation in one of my books. I did give a villain the last name of a super mean boss from years ago :-)

6.      Have you done anything writing-related, besides actually writing your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you?

I get a lot of positive feedback from my blogs posts which are usually about fun facts and trivia I discover as I research the Regency Era.

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Monday, January 29, 2018

1 Day 99 cent Blast for The Ghost Groom By Jennifer Youngblood

  The Ghost Groom by Jennifer Youngblood 
A tough football player, a devoted sister, and the most difficult choice of all … After a long, painful search that involved legions of duds, Ariana Sanchez, fitness guru and gym owner, finally meets the perfect guy when she least expects it. Not only can Rennen tear up the dance floor, but he has these adorable blonde curls and compelling green eyes, specked with gold. When Ariana’s around him she feels oh, so alive! And the best part is that he’s a perfect gentleman and easy to talk to. Their first encounter leaves Ariana floating on air, thinking there’s hope for her love life after all … until she learns that Rennen is the celebrated rookie who’s taking her brother’s position as starting running back for the Titans. Too bad she’s totally loyal to her brother and has to hate him now! Rennen Bradley, the Ghost, has worked long and hard to get the opportunity to shine as the starting running back. Sure, he feels bad that Ace Sanchez was injured and that he’s taking his place on the team, but that’s how the game rolls. Rennen never expects to fall for Ariana, and it throws him for a loop when he realizes she’s Ace’s sister. But Rennen’s not going to let a simple complication like that come between him and the woman of his dreams. He understands Ariana’s reservations—heck, even admires her loyalty to her brother. But Rennen’s used to waging uphill battles. Abandoned as a child, Rennen learned a long time ago that you have to fight tooth and nail for anything you want in this life. And he wants Ariana, heart, body, and soul! Caught between loyalty and love, will Ariana choose her family or her heart?  

This was getting ridiculous. Justin was more handsy than an octopus. “Stop touching me,” Ariana warned. He laughed. “Come on, babe. Don’t be so stiff. You know you like it.” “No, I don’t like it,” she countered. “No one likes being pawed.” Revulsion churned in her gut as his eyes went to her chest. An incredulous laugh bubbled in her throat. Was he really ogling her chest, right here in front of her? What a jerk! As soon as she got home, she was going to contact Heart to Heart and put in a complaint. They really should be more diligent in making sure people were truthful in their profiles. Justin was nothing like he’d pretended to be, and it was obvious he was only after one thing … and it wasn’t a long-term relationship. She tensed, clenching her fists. “Hey, buddy. My face is up here.” He snorted out a chortle. “Yeah, but you’ve got something else going on down there. For a little girl, you’ve got a nice rack.” She froze amidst the dancing couples surrounding them. “What did you just say to me?” He laughed. “You heard me. Lighten up.” He grabbed her waist with an iron grip. “I thought Latin girls were supposed to be loose.” Her hand balled into a fist, and she thought about how it would feel to knock him across the floor. “I’m going to give you a half a second to let go of me.” He grunted in amusement. “Make me.” Heat splintered up her neck, making her feel like her head would split in two. Then cool precision took over as she calculated Justin’s height and weight. The bigger they are … the harder they fall. From the corner of her eye, she saw the blonde guy from earlier approach. “Is everything okay here?” he asked, his body taut, like he was ready to pounce. “Buzz off,” Justin grumbled. Letting loose a string of curse words. “Strike three,” Ariana muttered. She shot her arm straight up in a swift motion where it connected with Justin’s neck, right under his jaw line. Then she brought her arm back down, using her weight to knock him off his feet where he landed on his back with a heavy thud. Murmurs rippled through the couples surrounding them as they backed away. Justin gurgled, clutching his neck, a dazed look in his eyes. Ariana’s hands flew to her hips. “Just because I’m Latin does not make me easy!” Claps broke out around her. “That’s right,” a few of the women agreed. “Dirt bag,” one woman muttered, shooting Justin a death glare. As Justin stumbled to his feet, Ariana planted herself in a battle stance, ready to do more damage if necessary. Her adrenaline was going, and she’d make short work of him, putting her training to good use. But luckily for Justin, he ducked his head and scuttled away. “That has got to be the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen.” She turned to the blonde guy who was looking at her in astonishment, admiration shining in his eyes. “Thanks. I appreciate you trying to help.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, rocking forward on the balls of his feet. “Yeah, I was trying to rescue you from that creep … not that you needed my help.” Ariana’s blood was pumping so ferociously that she felt dizzy. He gave her a concerned look. “Are you okay?” A wan smile tipped her lips as she ran a hand through her hair. “Yeah, I guess that date didn’t go as planned.” He chuckled. “Life rarely does.” He held her gaze, and she felt the same buzz she’d experienced earlier. Everything around them slowed, and it was just the two of them. His voice was deeper than she imagined, with a husky edge. Her eyes traced the definition of the muscles underneath his form-fitting t-shirt. Heat fanned her face when she saw the flicker of amusement that turned his hazel-green eyes a honey-gold. He’d caught her checking him out. She jerked her eyes to his face, making a mental note to keep her focus there. He had a fine layer of scruff, emphasizing the lean line of his jaw. She swallowed, feeling she was staring at the real-life version of Thor and Captain America, all rolled into one. Captain Thor. Or Goldie Locks because of his thick tangles of beautiful curls. People around them resumed dancing, but the two of them just stood there. Ariana knew she should start dancing … or do something to break the tension, but she couldn’t get her body to cooperate. He cleared his throat, a grin washing over his face. “Um, maybe we should get off the dance floor.” “Oh, yeah.” She propelled her feet into action. Her mind whirled, going through all that had just happened. She could hardly believe he’d been the one to offer help. When they got to the side, he motioned to an empty table. “Would you like to sit down?” Her voice sounded unnaturally high and screechy in her ears. “Sure.” He pulled out a chair for her and helped her get seated. Wow. Captain Thor was a gentleman to the nth degree. A startling contrast to Justin. As they sat there, staring across the table at each other, Ariana scrambled for something halfway intelligent to say. “Thanks again. You’re a great dancer,” she blurted. Sheesh. She was making an idiot out of herself. Normally she was calm and cool around men, always knowing the right thing to say. But it seemed her mouth had disconnected from her brain. His lips curved into a radiant smile, causing the edges of his eyes to crease. “Thanks. You’re pretty good yourself.” The compliment caught her off guard, sending warm ripples cascading through her. He’d been watching her too. It was good to know the attraction went both ways. He leaned forward. “Was that guy your boyfriend?” She wrinkled her nose. “Heck no!” She laughed. “We’d never met in person before tonight. We were matched on a dating app.” His eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Really?” She felt foolish and a little desperate for resorting to a dating app. Her explanation gushed out. “It’s an app where people in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area can connect. You know, people with similar interests.” She shrugged. “It seemed like a good idea … in theory.” She scowled, darkness gathering inside her. “Of course, I should’ve known better than to go out with a football coach. Note to self … don’t date anymore coaches or football players. Their egos are the size of a whale, their brains the size of a pea, from one too many hits on the field.” He laughed. “That’s a bit of a blanket statement.” Her face fell. “Don’t tell me, you’re a football player.” Of course he was. That would be just her luck. An easy grin stole over his lips. “Well, if I were, I certainly wouldn’t admit it now.” She pursed her lips together, assessing him. He didn’t seem bothered by her scrutiny. He just sat there, patiently enduring it. “No, you’re not a football player,” she finally said. “I don’t know what you are, but you’re far too intelligent to play football.” He cocked his head. “So, all football players are stupid? Is that what you’re saying?” “Nope. Not all of them. Just about ninety percent.” “So only ten percent are intelligent.” He grinned. “See, I can do math.” The teasing tone of his voice caused her to smile. “That’s good to know.” He tsked his tongue. “What turned you against football players?” “Aside from Justin?” She lifted an eyebrow, waiting for him to respond. “Yep, aside from him. I mean, he was a douche bag, but the bite in your voice tells me there’s more.” When her brother Ace first started playing pro ball, Ariana went out with a few players on the team. After about the sixth disaster, she swore off football players altogether. “Experience,” she finally said. Interest lit his eyes. “Care to elaborate?” “Not really,” she said loudly, then felt like she was yelling when the music suddenly stopped. They turned their attention to the guy on stage holding the microphone. “Folks, we’ve got a fun evening lined up, it’s karaoke night!” He pumped a fist in the air as the crowd cheered. Ariana’s heart dropped. Oh, no! The emcee looked down at the sheet of paper in his hand. “To start, we have a duet by Ariana and Justin.” Captain Thor looked at her. “Is everything okay?” “Not really.” She groaned. “I’m Ariana.”

  Alternate Ending - After reading The Ghost Groom be sure to download and read the FREE alternate ending written by Cami Checketts & Taylor Hart.
$25 Release Day Giveaway Ends March 5, 2018 

Valentine Countdown Blitz & Giveaway 12 Days of Clean Romance: Day 1: Sweet Valentine By Laura L. Walker

Laura L. Walker grew up in a large family in the beautiful Gila Valley of southern Arizona. From the time Laura was young, she spent hours drawing characters on paper and fantasizing about their adventures. Life became more serious, however, when Laura met her own hero and they eventually became the parents of six children. In between spurts of grocery shopping, sewing costumes or quilts, transporting kids to practices, and making dinner, Laura still enjoys putting her imagination to good use. She is the author of four contemporary romances.

Connect with the Author here: 

"All Penny Merrill wants to do is run her own bakery shop, but her money-thirsty mother and conniving stepfather are making it nearly impossible to keep her dream alive. When Penny finds a clipping advertising a Valentine's Day contest for Arizona's cutest couple, with the winnings being enough for her to hold on to her floundering business, she comes up with an idea that might just work--if she can find the right man for the job.

Commercial contractor Preston Ames is starting to develop feelings for Penny, and even though he's been through enough heartache to know that he should avoid her at all costs, he can't keep himself from visiting her sweet shop everyday. When Penny asks him to participate in a crazy scheme so that she can overturn her stepfather's underhanded business ploy, Preston is tempted to run the other way. But one look into her soulful blue eyes and he's a goner. Little does he know that his calm, orderly world is about to unravel--and that just one picture will turn Penny into his sweet valentine! "

~ AmazonAmazon UK

Q&A With The Author:

1) Tell us about things you enjoy — what you do for fun or personal satisfaction besides writing?
Traveling, when I can, and meeting new people.

2) What is the thing you struggle with the most while writing? And how do you defeat it?
I'm a pantser (a writer who writes by the seat of their pants) so plotting in general is hard for me. I'm becoming a better outliner, but I still get stuck from time to time. That's when I go back to old-fashioned pen and paper. Somehow my eyes just "see" the overall picture better and then I'm able to fill in the blanks.

3) What are your future projects?
I'm currently working on Book #2 in my When Love Happens series (LDS romances) and then I plan to write the second installment in this series, which is Holiday Contests, although I haven't decided which holiday I will focus on next.

4) What is the “message” of your writing?
My series, When Love Happens, is geared toward a religious audience so my messages will be much different than the lighter tone and overall message I convey in my rom-coms. In my inspirational fiction, I try to convey the idea that God loves us and everything will work out if we have faith. For my rom-coms, my main message will be that love conquers all.

5) Are your characters/stories/scenes, etc. based on anything in real life?
Some of my stories contain incidents from my own life. My second novel, The Matchup, was largely based on my experience as a mother to an autistic child. However, The Billionaire's Sweet Valentine is pure fantasy on my part, and I suspect as I write more rom-coms that this pattern will continue.

6) Have you done anything writing-related, besides actually writing your books, that seemed to get a lot of positive response? Something that encouraged you?
I'm fortunate to have found wonderful mentors who have shown me how to navigate the writing and publishing world. I've attended a few writing conferences that have been very beneficial. I also met in person a blogger who had participated in one of my earlier blog tours while I was at a book signing. She came just to support me. That was a great experience. I've also formed a fun street team on Facebook where we talk about bookish things. Members of my street team also get to read my newest releases for free, and in turn give a shoutout on social media for my books. If you would like to join, here is the link:  

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Romance is in the Air: A Celebration of Clean Romance-$100 Kick Off Giveaway

– Romance is in the Air –

A Month-Long Celebration of Clean Romance

– February 2018 –

Starting February 1st and running through the entire month of February I'll be showcasing 14 fabulous authors. There will be 15 different giveaways, free ebooks and lots of great deals on books.
It's starting off with a $100 Kick-Off Giveaway. One lucky winner will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Code or $100 in Paypal Cash.
Check out this great list of authors who will be spotlighted!

Kimberley Montpetit

Be sure to stop by each week during February to learn about these amazing authors. You definitely don’t want to miss out on all the giveaways! To be sure you never miss a post subscribe to my mailing list and join my blog here at Why Not? Because I Said So!

{Giveaway Details}

$100 in Paypal Cash or a $100 eGift Card

Ends 2/28/18

Open only to those who can legally enter, receive and use money sent via PayPal or gift codes via Winning Entry will be verified prior to prize being awarded. No purchase necessary. You must be 18 or older to enter or have your parent enter for you. The winner will be chosen by rafflecopter and announced here as well as emailed and will have 48 hours to respond or a new winner will be chosen. This giveaway is in no way associated with Facebook, Twitter, Rafflecopter or any other entity unless otherwise specified. The number of eligible entries received determines the odds of winning. This giveaway was organized by Kathy from I Am A Reader and sponsored by the participating authors. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Potion Masters: The Eternity Elixir By Frank L. Cole-Blog Tour Review

{Product Details}

Title: Potion Masters: The Eternity Elixir
Age Range: 8 - 12 years
Grade Level: 4 - 6
Series: Potion Masters (Book 1)
Hardcover: 272 pages
Publisher: Shadow Mountain (January 2, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1629723584
FTC, FYI: I received a review copy in exchange for an honest review.

{Book Description}
Twelve-year-old Gordy Stitser is one of the few people who knows the truth about the secret society of potion masters, because not only is Gordy's mom on the Board of Ruling Elixirists Worldwide (B.R.E.W.), but she has also been training Gordy in the art of potion-making.

Gordy is a natural, and every day he sneaks down to the basement lab to invent new potions using exotic ingredients like fire ant eggs, porcupine quills, and Bosnian tickling juice.

One afternoon, Gordy receives a mysterious package containing an extremely rare potion known as ''The Eternity Elixir.'' In the right hands, the Elixir continues to protect society. But in the wrong hands, it could destroy the world as we know it.

Now, sinister potion masters are on the hunt to steal the Eternity Elixir. It's up to Gordy, his parents, and his best friends, Max and Adeline, to prevent an all-out potion war.

{Book Trailer}

{My Review}
Frank Cole has done it once again and written an exciting, and humorous middle grade book that kids of all ages are going to love along with adults. I loved the magical aspect of this story and the Potion Makers and the very unique potions that readers will find in this book.

Main character Gordy is so likable and capable. I say this because he more than once saves the day even with adults in the room with him. He's smart and talented and does what he needs to, even though his conscious gets the better of him at times, but this is good for kids to read. His two side kick friends are there for him, but I liked his friend Max the best. He provided some much needed comical relief when the story was getting too intense. 

There are some truly scary and intense moments in the story and one is depicted on the front cover. I saw this playing out in my mind as it would in a movie. The front cover shows one of my favorite scenes from the book. 
(Shh...I'm not telling you anything about what happens here. I don't want to spoil the surprise!) 

One really cool thing that the author added at the back of the book, is a glossary of all of the potions that were in the book. I kept flipping back and forth while reading the novel so as to learn more about the potions when they were mentioned. 

I'm excited for this new series and The Eternity Elixir is a great start to a fun, new world of potions, mayhem, and magic. Kids ages 8-13 will especially love this book.

{Meet Author: Frank L. Cole}

Frank L. Cole has lived in such exotic places as the Philippines and Kentucky, and currently lives with his wife and three children out west. While he strived for years to earn his publishing credits, Frank considers sharing his message of “Exercising Your Imagination” to over 45,000 kids across the country as his greatest accomplishment. You can learn more about his writing at