Product Description
- Title: Heaven's Just a Prayer Away
- Author: Diony George
- Paperback: 112 pages
- Publisher: Cedar Fort, Inc. (July 9, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1462111890
- FTC, FYI: I was given a review copy in exchange for an honest review.
Book Description
Before we came to earth, we lived in heavenly realms. We knew our Heavenly Father. We walked and talked with Him. We heard His voice. We felt His love. In Heaven’s Just a Prayer Away, beloved author Diony George teaches us how to reestablish that relationship with Him here on earth.
With the help of this book you will...
• Learn that nothing is too small or unimportant to discuss with Heavenly Father
• Find peace and contentment through daily communication with God
• Gain a better understanding of why some prayers seem to go unanswered
• Develop a greater knowledge of the power of prayer
The inspirational and enlightening experiences found within these pages will change your life forever by strengthening your relationship with God and filling your life with peace, teaching us that heaven really is just a prayer away.
Repeatedly through prayer I’ve received wisdom to handle
situations in my life I wasn’t dealing well with on my own, especially in my
role as a Mother.
My bedroom was quiet, and warm from the afternoon sun, but I
didn’t find it comforting as I shut the door behind me. I was exhausted, filled
with so much frustration I wanted to scream. I started to cry instead.
My son had lied to me again.
I had tried to do everything I knew how to get him to stop.
Nothing worked. Not losing friends, video games or television. Not writing
sentences, or doing dishes for a week. And none of the many talks or family
home evening lessons we’d had about honesty. My discouragement ran deep and I
had run out of ideas. How could I get him to understand the immense value of
this principle? How could I believe anything he told me?
I’d prayed about it many times, at least I thought I had, in a
general way, but the problem persisted and my discouragement and feelings of
helplessness to change it increased.
I knelt down by my bed. The filtered rays of sunshine coming
through the bedroom window warmed my back and I started another prayer. I felt
tired, sad, and at a loss of where to go next. “Father in Heaven, I don’t know
what to do. Please help me…”
I told him all of my concerns until my knees were sore. When I
finished, I opened my eyes and grabbed a Kleenex to wipe the tears off my face.
I got up and sat on the edge of my bed. Releasing the emotions helped lighten
my heavy heart, but I still didn’t know what to do.
It wasn’t long before a thought entered my mind.
Really, Heavenly Father, I questioned. You want me to do that? How can that possibly work? What about the next
time and the next time he tells me something?
I was to tell my son I was not going to look back anymore at the
times he’d been dishonest, the times he’d covered the truth with excuses or
denials. That was over and done with. From then on, I would believe he was
telling me the truth. I was going to trust him.
I called my son to my bedroom so we could talk and I told him
right then I was drawing a line, separating the past from the future. I watched
his eyes grow bigger as he listened. With parted lips, he searched my face.
“Unless you do or say
something to break my trust, I am now giving it to you completely.” Heavenly Father are you sure, I
questioned again, feeling afraid.
His answer was a warm feeling of peace.
My son’s eyes watered and he hugged me. “Thanks Mom, I love you.”
He turned and left the room.
My tears fell again.
Over the next several months
I saw my son change. The first few times I asked if he was sure he was being
honest or telling the truth, there was hesitation. Occasionally he changed his
answers. As time passed the hesitations disappeared and his responses were
strong and firm.
I would never have thought to handle that situation the way I did,
on my own. That inspiration and guidance came directly from Heavenly Father as
an answer to my prayers.
My Review
This is one of the most beautiful books I have read about prayer. I loved reading the simple stories of Diony's life showing how prayer can bring peace to our lives.
I loved this message from the book...
" Modern day leaders of the Church have also taught us to pray always.
'Carry...the spirit of prayer throughout every duty that we have to perform in life.'
We can pray when we are seeking safety or facing temptation, when we need guidance and inspiration-anytime we need help with anything."
This really brings so much comfort to our souls knowing that we can pray in any situation. Some of the chapters in the book are entitled:
- Pray Always
- Pleadings for Peace
- How He Answers
- His Timing, Not Ours
- Draw Near Unto Him
- Prayer Changes Things
Meet Author Diony George

Her current fiction WIP, Inside the Heart, is based around the kidnapping and disappearance of four-year-old Emma. Her newest nonfiction book, Heaven’s Just a Prayer Away was just released by Cedar Fort, Inc.