Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

Sheila's favorite books »

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer Reading...Here I Come!!

I have one more week of school left. Teaching on a year round schedule is wonderful until the end of school. Everywhere else Summer is being celebrated, except at year round school. We are trying to maintain some semblance of organized teaching while following a schedule. Once school is out I am like a crazy person; one that is addicted to books. I have so many books that I would like to read and my pile of books is high. Here are just a few of the books that I will be spending my time with during my Summer break.

-The Help by Kathryn Stockett (I am cheating a little here because I am already reading it. :)

-Janitors Book 1 by Tyler Whitesides

-Captive Heart by Michele Paige Holmes

-A World Without Heroes: Beyonders #1 by Brandon Mull

-Heart of A Hero by Marie Higgins

-The Perfect Fit by Michele Ashman Belle

-Possession by Elana Johnson

-Queen In Exile by Donna Hatch

-Hazzardous Universe by Julie Wright

-Watched by Cindy Hogan

-Voice Across Time by Linda Todd Bush

-If I Should Die by Jennie Hansen

-Abish Mother of Faith by K.C. Grant

-Gifted by Karey White

-Don't Cry Wolf by Clair M. Poulson

There are more books in my pile, but these are the ones that I am going to start with. I have to admit, this has always been my favorite part of summer when I had time to read and read. Every summer my siblings and I would join the Summer Reading Program at our local library. I loved reading as much as I could so I would earn my free book. These days, I take my children to the library to join the summer reading program. I love the fact that adults can join the program and earn a free book. We have signed up for this summer's program and are on our way to earning our free books. Regardless of the free book we earn, I love more that my children and I can share our love of books and reading together.

One World, Many Stories

Children's Summer Reading Program 2011

We live in a world full of stories – stories about other places, other people, other times. Come to the library this summer and read some of the many stories that exist in our one world.

When: May 31 - August 20, 2011

Who Can Participate: Children from birth to age 11.

How it Works: Sign up to participate in the Summer Reading Program, then read for at least 20 minutes each day. You may count the time you spend reading books, comic books, newspapers, or magazines. You may also count the time you spend listening to books that are read to you, or to recorded books. There are no assignments (and never any tests) – you choose what you want to read!

Keep track of your reading on your Reading Card (you’ll get one when you sign up) and you will get a prize when you bring the completed card back to the library. You can earn up to five prizes this summer, just by reading.

Go to your library's website to read about the teen and adult Summer Reading Program.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Review of Nia by Mella Reese

Nia by Mella Reese
Released: March 03, 2011
Published By: Black Rose Writing
Pages: 224, Paperback
Young Adult
Source: Author/Blog Tour
Author Website| |Author Blog|

Excerpt from the book:
Suddenly this kneeling, filthy man caused all of my attention to pivot upon him when he grabbed my hand. I was just opening my mouth to warn him that he would surely be one was allowed to touch me, Princess Nia, without permission. My protesting words were replaced with a swift intake of breath as the soldier produced a strange-looking dagger and drug it lightly over my finger. I stared in wonderment as he gently squeezed my fingertip to produce just one red ball of blood, my blood. Then the man kneeling before me swiped the blood from my finger with his own and plunged it into his mouth. "Your blood is now my blood. Your world is now my world. Your life is now my life," were the words he chanted...

Nia is a young princess who never wants to be Queen. With the death of her mother, and three brothers, she is next in line to succeed to the throne. Her stern father, King Cadell truly does not accept her because Nia is a healer and The King is a man of War.

The book begins when King Cadell and his armies have conquered another kingdom. The king of said conquered kingdom, gives his 4th son, Garreth, to become Princess Nia's peronal guard. Garreth is to stay by Nia's side both day and night. At first Nia hates having this man following her around everywhere. As the story progresses, we see how Garreth and Nia conquer fears that have been with them forever and form a solid friendship.

The story went in a direction I hadn't forseen or expected. I truly wanted something else to happen that never emerged. I do not want to say anything else or I would be giving away many key happenings in the story. Let's just say how happy I was to hear that there will be a sequel. I am hoping to see the "development" that I had assumed would happen. There is no question that my favorite characters are both Nia and Garreth.

This story has character deaths and battle scenes that I would characterize under the term of "mild" violence shown/talked about. This story takes place in a medieval kingdom with no magic or fantasty elements. It seems that there should be more romance in this story considering the situation. Hopefully there will be more romantic elements in book two. The mean and evil characters in this story do their job well, so kudos to Mella Reese and her writing. I was surprised at the departure of two of the most despised characters about half way through the book. The people behind the mayhem at the end is such a HUGE surprise! I had heard that there were twists and turns in this book and it is 100% true.

There was only one element in the story that confused me. There is a big time jump in time near the end of the story. I kind of wish that Mella had gone more in depth what was happening during the two year time period. This time jump is mentioned and a few details of what happened during those two years.

Overall, this book is a fun book full of history, friendship and sacrifice, and a litttle romance. I am hoping for more romance in book two. There is so much more to be explored with my favorite characters Nia and Garreth.

To learn more about Mella and her book Nia you can go to her website or blog.

**I was given a review copy of Nia and in no way did this influence the review written.**

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Retirement Quest Wealth Management...Is This For You?

Most of us are worried and thinking ahead about our future retirement and trying to plan ahead. I was very impressed when I went to the website that explained Retirement Quest's purpose.

Our Mission:
RetirementQuest® was created to help America make better decisions about our financial future. As a society, we are entrenched in a shift of responsibility from reliance on corporations and government in funding relatively short retirement lifespans, and toward the harsh reality that most of us will likely have to rely on our own investment acumen to survive potentially lengthy retirements. In the words of RetirementQuest creator, John Hauserman, CFP®, "like it or not, you are a professional financial planner because, some day, the quality of your life will depend upon the decisions you have made." See how RetirementQuest can help you.

John Hauserman, the man who set it up, has created an online financial planning map to help people chart out their situation and to determine how to make the best choices for their future. There is no charge for the site, he doesn’t ask for any personal information, and it really is a valuable resource.

The most valuable tool he offers is an interactive map to help set things up for your planning:

The Map:
The RetirementQuest Interactive Map is a planning tool designed to help users gain a firsthand understanding of the financial planning process as viewed by creator John Hauserman, CFP®. The material is presented in an easy-to-understand format, which can be used in the quiet of your home and the comfort of your own pace.
The RetirementQuest Map website is an interactive, user-friendly site, designed to help you think like a financial planner. We created this so you can begin “mapping” your future in a way most people find clear, comfortable, and easy.

Once again, I want to express that you do not have to pay anything to use this site. If you want to hire him to be your financial planner you can, but the interactive map is free for your own use. I know that something like this is very useful for me and I wanted to share this with you my readers. I encourage you to go check out the website here. I also wanted you to know about a new book coming out this month by John:
New Book:
Check out John Hauserman's new book, RetirementQuest: Make Better Decisions, which is tentatively due for release in June of 2011 (for more information, e-mail John at: The easy-to-read volume is intended to help responsible savers make wise decisions about their investments and financial planning goals. In a fresh look at the investment landscape, John overlays basic financial planning tenants upon the often confusing influences of the modern day sound-bite world, questionable financial industry practices, governmental tinkering, and the historical basis for the shared "boomer psyche."

More About John:
John is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM practitioner, creator of RetirementQuest®, and frequent guest financial expert on various Baltimore area news broadcasts. John conducts financial planning through his long-time association with Financial Council, Inc. (FCI), a multi generation planning firm and Registered Investment Adviser located in Towson. With nearly 20 years advising experience, he has helped individuals meet their financial goals and has championed flat fee financial planning as a more fair and conflict free method to deliver financial services. John is also author of the book, RetirementQuest: Make Better Decisions, due to be released in spring of 2011. A graduate of the Business School at Towson State University, he focused on human resources management, believing the quality of the people to be a cornerstone of any organization.

When not working, John enjoys time with his wife, Diane, and kids, Jackson and Leah. Together, they share a love of music, sports, travel, and outdoor activities. One of his favorite memories is coaching his kids' flag football games with Diane cheering them on.

Monday, June 6, 2011

(dis) Abilities and the Gospel: How to Bring People with Special Needs Closer to Christ By Danyelle Ferguson and Lynn Parsons, M.S.

Book Blurb & Endorsements:

Each day, parents and church leaders struggle to teach individuals with special needs. Using helpful

information, real-life stories, and a touch of humor, (dis)Abilities and the Gospel provides ways for you to effectively teach people of all ages with Autism, Down syndrome,

bipolar disorder, memory loss, and other disabilities.

Inside this useful guide, you’ll find

• Guidance for building strong family relationships• Steps to teaching prayer and scripture study
• Practical and creative teaching tips• Programs to help with transitions, communication barriers, and behaviors
• Techniques to help others fee
l welcome and valued

Find the answers you need and overcome the challenges of teaching the gospel. (dis)Abilities and the Gospel will help you
develop each person’s ability to learn and grow

as you build peace in your home or classroom.

(dis)Abilities and the Gospel is a resource that may be read, re

read, and used many times. . . . The authors have beautifully woven the frustrations

that so many people have experienced into an action-

living plan to help children with special needs.
—Lloyd Kinnison, PhD. Texas Woman’s University, Special Education


This book is an unexpected and very welcome gift to the community of churches and their leaders. It addresses so many of the problems that children, you
ng adults,

and adults with disabilities face in church activities.

—Brenda Winegar, Early Interventionist/Cofounder, Kids on the Move

I was Primary President for four years. During those years I had the opportunity to work with many children, many of those with special needs. There were children in our primary that were autistic and many with ADHD, including my own children. Being a teacher, I felt like I had a little bit of knowledge of how to help these children enjoy their experience at church. There wasn't a lot of information available to help me and my counselors to know how to help these children at the time. So when I read the book, (dis) Abilities and the Gospel: How to Bring People with Special Needs Closer to Christ, I knew that this book was inspired. As I read the book, I was so excited to see how Danyelle and Lynn have provided so much information for those working with people that have special needs. The wonderful thing about this book is that even though it is written for people in the LDS church, the ideas will work for anyone of any religion.

Listed here are the section titles and a few of the chapter titles that go
with the sections:

-Gospel Views on Children with Special Needs
-Demystifying the Diagnosis

-A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
-Power Card Strategies

-Every Star is Different
-The Baptism Dilemma
-We'll Be Loyal Scouts

-Teaching Youth with a Broader Gap in Needs
-The Young Women Connection
-Deacons, Teachers, and More-Oh My!

-Church Callings
-Love One Another

-Sacrament Meeting Survival
-Scripture Power
-Can I Make It Through Another Day?
-Building Parent-Child Relationships

-Expressions of Faith and Love

One other thing that I feel needs to be pointed out. Many of the things talked about in the wonderful book can be applied to all children, not just those with special needs. I was so impressed with the information and ideas that Lynn and Danyelle shared in this book. My hope is that all wards/branches/homes will purchase this book and then use the ideas found in the book. I think that this would be a worthwhile way of using ward budget money, so the books can be given to Primary and Young Men and Young
Women leaders. Just my humble opinion people. I give this book 5 stars!!

Now the exciting thing about this blog tour is a giveaway...

Blog Tour Giveaways:

Enter to win one of two $25 Amazon gift cards! One name will be drawn for a $25 Amazon gift card on June 30th. Another name will be drawn for a $25 Amazon gift card on July 22nd. Winners will be announced There are many ways to enter. You must leave a comment on the reviewer’s blog letting us know what you’ve done. Please include your email address.

1 Point Each:

- Leave a thoughtful comment about the blogger’s review.

- Add the book to your “to-read” list on GoodReads

- Follow the reviewer’s blog

- Follow Danyelle’s blog

- Follow Lynn’s blog

- Follow Danyelle on FB

- Follow Lynn on FB

- Follow Danyelle on Twitter @DanyelleTweets

- Follow Lynn on Twitter @ParsonsLynn

2 Points Each:

- Tell your friends about (dis)Abilities and the Gospel on Facebook with a person links to Danyelle Ferguson & Lynn Parsons

- Tell your friends about (dis)Abilities and the Gospel on Twitter with links to @DanyelleTweets

5 Points:

- Interview Danyelle or Lynn for your blog or write a blog post about why you’re excited about (dis)Abilities and the Gospel. Be sure to leave a direct link to your post in your comment so we can visit and say hello!

Blog Tour Schedule

June 2nd - Christine Bryant @ Day Dreamer

June 7th - Tristi Pinkston

June 9th - Tamera @ 3 Boys & a Dog

June 14th - Ashlee @ Topsy Turvy Cakes

June 17th - Heather Justesen

June 23rd - Rebecca Talley

June 27th - Don Carey

July 6th - Danette @ Everyday Adventures

July 8th - Sheila Staley @ LDS Women's Book Review and Why Not? Because I Said So!

July 11th - Kathy @ I Am a Reader, Not a Writer

July 13th - Jessica @ Fringies

July 15th - Heather @ Fire and Ice by Little Red Reads

July 18th - Nichole Giles @ Star Crossed Book Reviews

Purchase & Review Links:

Barnes & Noble

Deseret Book


Danyelle’s Info:



Danyelle Ferguson is a wife, mom, book editor, reviewer, and writer. She keeps busy

raising four angels-in-training, the oldest of which has Autism. She and her husband,

John, co-founded a non-profit organization, called Friends of GIANT Steps, which raises

money to supplement an Autism preschool in Orem, UT. Danyelle has been active in the

Autism community for over eight years, during which time she

learned that prayer and a sense of humor are the keys to not only enduring but

enjoying the special needs journey.

Danyelle discovered her love for the written word in elementary school. Her first article

she placed runner up in the Pennsylvania School of Excellence for Arts program, specializing

in creative writing. Since then, she's won several awards for her poetry, short stories,

articles, and other writings. Her work has been published in newspapers, school journals,

and online. Some of her short stories appear in the book ofMormon Mishaps

and Mischief: Hilarious Stories for Saints by Cindy Beck and Nichole Giles. Her book,

(dis)Abilities and the Gospel, will be published in May 2011 through Cedar Fort Publishing.

Danyelle served as Treasurer for the League of Utah Writers - Utah Valley Chapter.

She's a member of Authors Incognito, Super Edits critique group,

and meets weekly with her local writers group. She was also a member of the

Whitney Awards Committee.

Danyelle grew up surrounded by the beautiful Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania.

Then she lived for ten years among the majestic Wasatch Mountains. She is currently

experiencing mountain-withdrawal while living in Kansas with her husband and family.

She enjoys reading, writing, dancing and singing in the kitchen, and the occasional

long bubble bath to relax from the everyday stress of being “Mommy.”

Lynn’s Info:



I am a wife, mother, grandmother, educational diagnostician, and writer. I entered the field of special education because two of my four children had special needs.

My thesis for BYU was titled, “Non-Drug Treatments for Attention Deficit Disorder.” After receiving my Bachelor of Independent Studies degree from BYU, I became certified as a special education teacher, primarily working with students with Autism.

My classes and teaching methods were featured in “District Administration Magazine”, the online magazine “Edutopia”, and several web sites on disabilities including “Positively Autism” and “The Family Center on Technology and Disability“.

My thesis for my master’s degree through Walden University was published by the Council for Exceptional Children. I have also been a community columnist for the “Fort Worth Star-Telegram” and I continue to work on my writing skills. I'm also working on a PhD in Special Education through Northcentral University.

I am an experienced speaker and presenter. I have taught many teacher in-services, given presentations on using technology for learners with special needs, and done presentations about disabilities for the community.

I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, but now call Texas home. I enjoy spending time with my family, reading, and needlework. I am currently works as an Educational Diagnostician. I continue to seek out and develop innovative teaching methods for children with special needs.