Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

Sheila's favorite books »

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Stone Traveler Blog Tour and Kathi Oram Peterson

Here is the exciting news from Kathi Oram Peterson. Her new book, "The Stone Traveler" is out and she is

hosting a HUGE contest. You will want to participate in this contest because the Grand Prize is.........


Read more about the contest below. I also will be reviewing the book on my blog this Thursday. So come on back to learn more about "The Stone Traveler".

The Stone Traveler - Blog Tour Contest

When: Weekdays in September.

Important Rule: Leave a comment on "every" site on the tour.

Monday through Friday commenter names will be collected from the blog tour. On Saturday a name will be drawn to win a prize that includes a very cuddly toy jaguar; a stone necklace; and chocolates with the flavor of South America —real cacao and chili. The winner will be announced on the following Monday.

The GRAND prize for The Stone Traveler blog tour will be a (drumroll, please) Kindle. The cutoff to be eligible is midnight on September 30. The winner will be announced October 4th. If you find the tour midway through and want to participate, you can still go back and comment on every blog simply by going to Starting in September the sidebar will list each stop on the tour as they are posted, making it very easy to click to any of the sites and leave a comment. AND even if you’ve already won one of the weekly drawings, your name will still go in the jar for the Kindle.

Friday, August 27, 2010

It's All "Mockingjay" This Weekend!

I have been waiting for so long, I can't believe that "Mockingjay" by Suzanne Collins is really in my hands. The last book in the "Hunger Games" trilogy has caused great excitement. There were many people I know that had already read the book, while I was still waiting for my copy to come in the mail.

I have been very glad that no one has spilled the beans about the contents of the novel. I also hope that I won't be disappointed with the ending. For example, I really liked Harry Potter 7 "The Deathly Hallows", but I hated the epilogue! This is always the problem when you wait anxiously for the ending of a series. Do we as readers raise our expectations too high? Maybe, we shouldn't expect as much from authors to write the best book of the series at the very end? I know I loved "Hunger Games" the first book in the trilogy SO much; it is on my Top 10 list of favorite books. It is exciting as I anticipate reading "Mockingjay" and hoping that Suzanne Collins comes through for me!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Review of "The Hidden Sun" by J. Lloyd Morgan

"The kingdom of Bariwon is at a crossroads. Ever since Eliana was born, she has been primed to become the kingdom's leader. But she is not to rule Bariwon alone. A contest of sorts, called the Shoginoc, is to be held when Eliana turns twenty one. The victor gains the right to marry Eliana and become king of Bariwon. Rumor has it that the favorite to win the Shoginoc is Daimh, son of malevolent Governor Abrecan. However, Eliana has fallen in love with her personal guardian, Rinan. She is torn between renouncing her title to be with the man she loves or marrying to keep the kingdom out of the hands of those who would rule it unjustly. A plan is hatched to keep her in power while allowing her to marry Rinan, but little does she know the impact this deception will have on everyone in Bariwon for years to come."

The minute I read the premise of this book, I knew I would like this book. I was able to read this book in almost one sitting. I read it while sitting in a car on the way to a family reunion in Idaho. The funny part was, my kids and my parents were able to hear all of my thoughts and feelings about the book as I went along.

I have to admit, I was really worried while reading the first 100 pages of the book. I kept saying, "No, how can he (The author) let this happen?" I am not going to disclose what I was referring to, because I want you to read the book yourself. Then I shouted out, "Not another one? I am not sure I like this book." Again, you will have to read the book to understand what I am referring to.

I am happy to say, after page 95, things picked up for me. This now was the kind of book I loved to read. I started connecting with the characters and having empathy for their individual problems. I also was getting more involved with the mystery of Bariwon. Even though, we as the readers know what it is, we are still on edge waiting for others to figure it out.

My favorite character is Rayne. He stands for everything good in Bariwon and in humankind. There is no way that you can dislike him. He is not perfect, but he is wise, kind and intelligent. An example of this is shown at the end of the book where he is speaking to the people of Bariwon...

"My father had me study the Tome of Laws growing up. It was the one book we owned. We would read and discuss it often. Th Tome of Laws has a pattern of declaring a law followed by the reasoning behind the law. It isn't the words of the law which make it important; it is the spirit of the law. Well intended laws are really of no use unless there are good people to enforce them."

That statement would apply to our country today in all avenues of government.

Overall, this book has action, romance, colorful characters and well written villains. The ending of the story was very fulfilling. I am glad that I kept reading. This is one adventure that is well worth the ride.

J. Lloyd Morgan is writing the sequel to "The Hidden Sun". I am happy about this because I do want to revisit the land of Bariwon, and Rayne and Sunshine.

If you would like to know more about 'The Hidden Sun" and how to pronounce all of the names in the book please go to ...

You can contact J. Lloyd Morgan there if you have any questions for him.

About the Author

Author J. Lloyd Morgan is an award winning television director. He graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in Communications and a minor in English. Morgan has lived all over the United States, but now resides in North Carolina with his wife and four daughters. He is currently working on a sequel to The Hidden Sun.

J Lloyd Morgan and his family

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Blog Tour Contest for Michele Ashman Bell's New Book: "Hometown Girl"

I first want to apologize to Michele for not getting this up earlier in the month. Something happened, I had to get ready for the new school year. I had to move to a new classroom, so I was unpacking boxes and arranging my new room. School started last Monday, so life has gone somewhat back to normal.(What ever normal means.) This is such an awesome contest I wanted you to know about it! You still have 10 more days that you can enter to win the $50.00 gift card. I previously posted a review for "Hometown Girl"...a month early because I got the date/month mixed up. I will be re-posting my review on my scheduled blog tour date. Here is what Michele posted on her blog announcing about the contest.


Hi fans and friends! I'm so excited to announce my month-long blog tour for my new release HOMETOWN GIRL. Enter to win a $50.00 gift card!

All blog tour participants are listed down below. My thanks to them for helping me spread the word of my book.

To enter:
Leave a comment telling me who sent you 1 entry
Follow my blog 1 entry
Tweet about this 1 entry daily
Follow me on Twitter here 1 entry
Add my button to your blog 1 entry

Follow me on Facebook here 3 entries

Blog about the giveaway and leave me a link 5 entries (please leave a comment for each entry)

Giveaway ends on Tues. Aug. 31st, 2010!

*I personally will be providing the $50 Visa Gift Card


Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Review of "Trapped" By Rhonda Gibb Hinrichsen

Trapped by Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen

Publication Date: April 29th 2010 by Walnut Springs Press

Paperback, 293 pages

isbn 193521764X

A Forged Letter, A Golden Vial, An Ancient Curse...Filled with family secrets, intrigue, and romance The blog tour for Trapped by Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen will have it all.

You know how writers are told to use a "hook" at the beginning to pull the reader in? Well the beginning of Ronda Hinrichsen's book, "Trapped" does exactly that. Here is the great introduction of the book...

"Secrets thrive in my family.” I wasn’t sure if I’d said the words or dreamed them, but when I heard a drawer slide open in the empty bedroom next to my own, my heartbeat jumped into overdrive, and I pulled the comforter up to my neck. “Sylvie? Is that you, kitty?”

Suddenly, a beam of light flashed across the hall wall just opposite my open doorway, pausing momentarily on my mother’s favorite Mansfield painting, and I no longer doubted what the noise was.
Barely breathing, I stared wide-eyed at the now-dark hallway, my ears tuning out the sounds of rain and thunder to focus on the groan of the floorboards as the intruder crossed my mother’s room just through the wall. Then I heard a soft, metallic thwack. A click. A jingle of music. My mother’s jewelry box! I clamped my lips over my mouth, silencing a gasp."

I was very impressed from the very first paragraph of this novel. The thought that went through my head, was that this book needs to be used as an example, at a writers conference, to show how to write a fantastic hook! If you are not a writer or an aspiring writer, you are just going to think that this is a great book from the very first.

I also was pleasantly surprised by the storyline. It was so exciting and suspenseful.
Here is more about the storyline of "Trapped" found on the back of the book....

Her expression remained somber, but excitement crept into her voice. You are the Firstborn She...You must go to them. You want me to act as bait? Not bait, Emi. A spy. Our Trojan horse.

When Emi Warrin wakes one night to find a thief in her mother's house, she has no idea the intruder has planted a trap - a mysterious letter that will change her life forever. Lured to the Austrian Alps with Daniel, the man she loves, Emi is thrown into a perilous, mafia-like world of feuding families and a devastating curse that spans generations. As the Firstborn She - the only firstborn female in hundreds of years - only Emi can free her family from the curse that will soon afflict her as well. But for Emi to break the curse, she must delve into evil designs.

As Emi struggles to understand her destiny as the Firstborn She, she learns that everything isn't as it seems and that all choices have consequences. Can Emi break the curse before it's too late?"

I recommend this book to those who like mystery, romance and want to read a tension filled thriller until the last page. Guess what? You can win your own copy from Mountain Spring Press, here's how...

We will be giving away THREE autographed copies! All you have to do is leave a comment (along with your email address if it isn't on your blog profile) and answer the following question. Which Austrian city would you most like to visit? The more blogs you comment on the more entries you'll receive. All comments must be left by midnight MST on August 27 to be eligible.

A blog tour Filled with family secrets, intrigue, and romance!

August 9
Heather Gardner

August 10
Jewel Adams

August 11
Mary Greathouse
Teri Rodeman

August 12
Lynn Fowlstone
Christine Bryant

August 13
Valerie Ipson
Sheila Stayley

August 16
Deanne Blackhurst

August 17
Connie Hall
C.S. Bezas

August 18
Kimberly Job
Tristi Pinkston

August 19
Karen Hoover
Nichole Giles

August 20
Alison Palmer
Jessica Williams

August 23
Joyce DiPastena
Laurie Lewis

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Winners of copies of "Seventh Earth" by Richard Bradford

Yes, you read that correctly, I said winners!! I heard from Richard and he said there were so many good comments on my blog and also on his website, he decided instead of giving one book away, he is giving FIVE books away!!! Wow! That really blew me away!!

Here are the five lucky winners:

-Tiffany Felix,



-Tycksen Family

-Mommy of four

Here is what you need to do in order to get your copy of "Seventh Earth". Send an email to with your address and he will send you your free signed copy.

I know that all of you will enjoy reading this great new book! I am thrilled for all of you winners.

Thanks so much for entering the contest! Please spread the word about "Seventh Earth" and my blog. Hope to see you here again soon!