Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

Sheila's favorite books »

Friday, July 30, 2010

My review of "Chocolate Roses" by Joan Sowards

Janie Rose Whitaker's world revolved around her chocolate shop until Roger Wentworth and his young daughter moved into the apartment across from Janie's. Anyone would think Roger fit the mold of the "perfect" guy, but soon Janie discovers secrets that could keep them apart forever. Though she resists getting involved in Roger's complicated life, they are drawn further into a bittersweet relationship.

When I first heard of this new book by author, Joan Sowards, entitled "Chocolate Roses: A Jane Eyre Parody...An LDS Novel" I was intrigued. Not only was the topic about one of my favorite things, chocolate, but it was also about one of my favorite classics, Jane Eyre By
Charlotte Bronte. If you are not familiar with Jane Eyre (gasp!!) then here is a basic outline of this classic.

The story starts as Jane suffers life under Mrs. Reed who hates her and treats her poorly. At the age of 10, Jane is sent by Mrs. Reed to a boarding school called Lowood. Jane goes to the school, and despite efforts by Mrs. Reed to make her life hard, Jane enjoys the school and excels in her studies. She stays at the school making many friends (one of whom died of an illness) and becoming a teacher for two years. At the end of the two years, her favorite teacher, Mrs. Temple, gets married and leaves the school. Jane finds little purpose in staying at the school and advertises for a position as governess. She finds a job working for Mr. Rochester teaching a young French girl named Adele at Thornfield. As she teaches there a while, she falls in love with Mr. Rochester, and he falls in love with her. They plan to get married, but on the wedding day, it is found out that Mr. Rochester has a living wife. He confesses it but shows them that his wife is a lunatic. Jane leaves during the night as is homeless and destitute for a few days. She is taken in by the Rivers and lives with them for a while. St. John Rivers finds her a job teaching at a local country school and she does so for a while. St. John Rivers eventually informs Jane that a close relative of hers had died and left his fortune of 20 thousand pounds to her. Finding out that she and the Rivers are cousins, she splits the fortune between the four of them. St. John plans to leave for India as a missionary and wants to take Jane with him as a wife. Jane refuses. After John leaves to say bye to some acquaintances, Jane leaves in search of Mr. Rochester, only to find Thornfield burned down by Rochester’s lunatic wife. Jane inquires about him and finds out that he is living at Ferndean, another of his houses. She goes there and finds Mr. Rochester blind and crippled. They fall in love and get married.

That is a really watered down version of Jane Eyre, but you get the idea. I wondered, how would Joan take this classic and put it into a modern day story? Let's just say, she did a fantastic job.

The main character Janie is likable from the start. She is 27 years old and still single. In the LDS
world, that is not necessarily a fun thing to be. I can say this, because at 27 I was still single. I could relate to everything she was lamenting about. The thing I loved about Janie, is the way that she tries so hard to include humor into her outlook on life. Her best friend is her dog "Flo", her great Dane. I haven't read a book in a long time, where a pet had so much personality! Flo is her best friend that is always there for her, keeping her sane throughout the story.

Another great aspect of this book, is how well Joan writes all of her characters, not just the main female and male leads. All of the people who work in Janie's chocolate shop are also well developed and have fun side stories.

As for the main male character, it took me awhile to warm up to him. I think that is the way Joan wanted it to be. Janie has been in love with this man she sees once a week. He hardly ever says anything to her, but she still falls for his good looks. The conflict of course is when Janie realizes he is married; this is after she has also become attached to Roger Wentworth's 4 year old daughter. Mixed in with this story is a murder mystery and a little bit of blackmail. Of course, let us not forget about the "crazy" wife that is jealous of Janie.

One last thing that I want to add, is that this book holds to LDS standards and covers much about LDS culture. Someone that is not LDS would still like this book and not feel preached to. In conclusion, this is a fun, satisfying and tasty read.

WARNING: Have chocolate on hand before reading, or a trip to the store will be necessary in order to continue reading.

Joan Sowards and Walnut Springs Press have a fantastic contest where you can win some prizes, including a copy of this book. Read the details down below!

We have two great prizes up for grabs! Win either a copy of the book (2 winners) or this fabulous apron created by Joan!

All you have to do is leave a comment (along with your email address if it isn't on your blog profile) and answer the following question.

What's your favorite type of chocolate: white, dark, or milk?
The more blogs you comment on the more entries you'll receive.
All comments must be left by midnight MST on August 8 to be eligible.

July 26
Margaret Turley
Nichole Giles--
Joyce DiPastena--JDP News

July 27
Deanne Blackhurst--Annie Speaks Her Mind
Tristi Pinkston--*Tristi Pinkston

July 28
Taffy Lovell--Taffy's Candy
Alison Palmer--Tangled Words and Dreams

July 29
Ronda Gibb Hinrichsen--The Write Blocks
C.S. Bezas--For the Love of the Written Word

July 30
Sheila Staley--Why Not? Because I Said So!
LDSWomen's Book Review

August 2
Kerry Blair--Now & Here
Marsha Ward--Writer in the Pines

August 3
Kaylee Baldwin--Kaylee Baldwin
Amy Orton--Amesbury Reads

August 4
Anna del C.--Anna del C. Dye's Blog
Laurie Lewis--A View from the Other Side

August 5
Valerie Ipson--Of Writerly Things
Anna Arnett--Insights and Ramblings from Anna Arnett

August 6
Lynn Parsons
Danyelle Ferguson--Queen of the Clan

Chocolate Roses can be purchased
from Deseret Book, Amazon, and of
course your local LDS bookstore.

FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Walnut Springs Press. In no way did this influence me and the review that was written about this book.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Review of “Hometown Girl” by Michele Ashman Bell

“Hometown Girl” is the second book in the Butterfly Box Series. In the first book we were introduced to the Butterfly Girls; a group of friends from high school. Every year they get together for a reunion to catch up on each other’s lives. They also remember their friend Ava that was killed in a car accident the night that they graduated from high school. They gather together every year on the anniversary of Ava’s death. They also bring out the Butterfly Box that holds objects that represent each girl personally, then an object that represents the group as a whole. The box would then be passed to one of them to guard and protect. The contents of the box would bring its bearer good luck and keep her safe until the next Butterfly Girls ceremony in exactly one year.

The first book, “A Modest Proposal”, covered the life of Lauryn, a clothes designer that lives in New York City. In “Hometown Girl” we follow the life of Jocelyn Rogers as she sets out with a leap of faith and moves to a new town. Jocelyn is hiding a secret from her friends; something that happened her junior year in high school.

Michele knows how to write a romantic story that fulfills. There is always the right amount of romantic tension to make it realistic. I really like the main character, Jocelyn, not only because she is a teacher, but because she has a dream and sets out to fulfill it. Jocelyn also is very humble and not always sure of herself. She has many of the same concerns that all women have at one time: Am I pretty? Will people like me? Can I really succeed at a new job? I know that readers will like Jocelyn because she is believable. She really is a “Hometown Girl” or “The Girl Next Door”.

I have one suggestion for readers to truly enjoy this book. I would recommend that you read the first book in the series, “A Modest Proposal”. The second book could be a stand- alone book, but there are many places you would be wondering what they were talking about.

The man in this romance is also very likable. Jack is not perfect, but has so many good qualities. Jocelyn and Jack take awhile to get together, but they suit each other very well. I like that they don’t fall for each other in a few days. This also makes the romance seem more genuine. They also have such fun as good friends do.

If you are looking for a good romance, where you can cheer for the underdog, you will enjoy “Hometown Girl”. If you like a story that takes place in a small town, this will appeal to you. Fans of this series are also left with many questions that still need to be answered. We are left wondering about things happening in the other Butterfly Girl's lives. We also are thrown a curve ball, as far as questions about Ava's death many years ago. I can't wait to read the next book in this series.

Michele Ashman Bell

Michele Ashman Bell grew up in St. George, Utah, where she met her husband, Gary, at Dixie College. They are the proud parents of four children: Weston, Kendyl, Andrea, and Rachel.

A favorite pastime of Michele’s is supporting her children in all of their activities, traveling both in and outside the United States with her husband and family, and doing research for her books. She also scuba dives. Aside from being a busy wife and mother, Michele is an aerobics instructor at the Life Centre Athletic Club near her home.
Michele is the best-selling author of several books and a Christmas booklet and has also written children’s stories for the Friend magazine.

You need to go visit Michele at her blog here. She has a wonderful blog with many great interviews with authors.

Friday, July 16, 2010

My Review of "Seventh Earth" by Richard Bradford and Win a Free Copy of This Book!!

Every once in awhile, a new author comes along that blows you away with their first book. Let me introduce you to an author that fits into that category, Richard Bradford. Here is what he says about his book on his website...

"Look, if you’re searching for some cute little book about vampires or werewolves, this book isn't for you. If you’re looking for a love story set in the 1800’s where grown men walk around in turned up collars and top hats, this isn’t for you either. This isn’t some neat little cookie cutter book with trendy words, a flashy movie-poster cover and a plot thinner than a runway model. No, this book is the real thing. This is a book so original, so intriguing, so captivating tha
t you will beg for more. This is one of those books that your friend tells you about, not because they saw it on some talk show’s book club, but because they’ve read it four times and can’t put it down. This is one of those books where if you were going to be stranded on a desert island and could only take three things, this book would be on your list right above water. Yeah, this is one of those books."

I have to concur, yes, this is one of those books! Yes, this book was gripping. Yes, I could not put this book down. This is the book I have been telling people about. I first picked it up one night at midnight thinking I would just read the first chapter to see if I would like it. Three hours later, my eyes could not stay open any longer. This story moves quickly but does not feel rushed. The two main characters are high school aged, but this does NOT feel like a "high school" book. Aura and Zack are both smart kids that you learn to like from first meeting them. Here is a little more about what the book is about...

"Aimed at readers ages 13-30, Bradford wastes no time jumping into Seventh Earth with an intriguing opening scene that captures his reader's attention and lures them in for a ride full of excitement and romance.Entrenched with thought provoking symbolism, Seventh Earth welcomes readers to the world of Aura Maples--a quirky seventeen-year-old who would like nothing more than to glide through her final year in high school well below the social radar. But after mysteriously passing out in English class and falling in love with the engaging, athletic "new kid", Aura realizes that getting through her senior year at Willits High unnoticed may be a little tougher than she thought. And as if all this weren't enough, her body begins going through some very bizarre changes that have nothing to do with the hormonal madness of late adolescence.

At her wits' end and desperate for answers, Aura finds herself face to face with a stranger who seems to know exactly what she's going through and why. But there's more in the bargain: along with the desperately sought answers comes a mind-blowing story that will change her--and perhaps everyone's--life forever.

The first thing I thought of when I finished the book was, "When is the next book coming out?". This story just flies off the pages. You read this book and think that there is no way that this is a first time author. His writing style is mature, it flows and it captivates. What this all comes down to is that, you are going to have to read this book and experience this for yourself. I use the word"Experience", because reading this book is like taking a fast moving ride, with twists and turns and breathlessly finally
getting off.

Here is another little excerpt from the book to wet your interest...
"Here's something I need to show you, she said above the soft patter of the rain. Turning toward the fallen log, she could see the little clump of purple flowers growing out of the rotting bark above her that she had reached for when she slipped. She raised her hand toward them, and the flowers, as if picked by an invisible force, broke free from the bark and floated smoothly down to her waiting hand.

Zack's eyes were wide with astonishment.
Are you scared? Aura asked."

Seventeen years ago, on a distant planet skirting the far reaches of the galaxy, two fantastic warriors from different worlds fought on a secret field of battle. One carried the gift of life and hope, the other, the icy hand of death. Seventeen years ago, that battle ended with both warriors succumbing, one to a blade, the other to a bullet. The battle and the war were over…or so it was thought.

A short time later, a trillion miles from the edge of the galaxy on small class-four planet known as earth, two babies were born, one a boy, the other a girl. Those two babies, now hormone infused teenagers, meet for the first time in the auditorium of their Northern California high school. Their chance meeting sparks the birth of innocent new love and the rebirth of an epic and forgotten war.

After I finished reading the book, I quickly shot off some questions for Richard about him and his book. Of course he sent back some great answers.

1.When did you first get the ideas for the book "Seventh Earth"?

The original idea for Seventh Earth actually came from my wife. A few years ago we were house sitting for a family and one night she woke me up and told me about this idea. I instantly fell in love with it and began writing. It’s interesting because the final story of Seventh Earth is much different than the original idea. For example, the entire story involving the two main characters Zack and Aura were not at all part of the original idea.

2. Is this your first book written or your first book published? Now that I am writing books, I know that there is a big difference here.

Seventh Earth is the first book I have finished writing. I currently have two other books that are in various stages of being written, one is the sequel to Seventh Earth—which I hope to have finished by the end of this year. The second is an urban fantasy novel about a teenage guardian angel who finds himself being hunted by the dark side

3.Do you have any authors that have influenced you or your writing through the years?

There are many authors that have influenced my writing. I grew up reading John Grisham and Tom Clancy books. I love the mystery, action and intrigue each of those authors bring to their pages. However I would have to say that much of my writing now is inspired by authors such as Scott Westerfield, Suzanne Collins, Stephanie Meyers and Ian McEwan. I think each of these authors has the ability to captivate an audience and tell a great story, and I like to think of myself as not so much as a writer, but as a story teller who likes to write.

4. Can you tell me a little about this series? How many books will there be ? Will they center around the two main characters in the first book or will other main characters take center stage?

There will be three books in the Seventh Earth series. I am currently working on the sequel which takes place a short time after the first one ends. The sequel will continue to center around the two main characters, Aura and Zack and will also include the Reficul which is the evil alien race in the first book that drives much of the story. I will also be introducing some new characters that will be playing some major roles—characters readers will both love and hate. I am very excited about the sequel as it contains a few twists that readers will not expect but it will also carry over some of the themes from the first book. I tried to infuse quite a bit of symbolism in the first book and I am going to carry that over into the next book. I want it to be something that someone can read several times and learn something new each time.

#5 Why do you think people will like your book? I know why I liked it!

Most people tell me that when they start my book it’s difficult to put down. I had a really good editor that taught me a great lesson—to leave out the parts that people normally skip. I have tried to implement this principle in my writing which has seemed to pay off as the story moves along keeping readers entertained from start to finish. It’s also a book that appeals to a wide audience in that it straddles the line between action/adventure and a great love story.

#6 Which character can you relate to more in your story, Aura or Zack? Is there one that you like better than the other?

Zack is the character that I relate to most. In fact, the character Zack is based on my experience in high school. Like Zack I moved up to Willits right before my senior year. I didn’t experience everything Zack did but his character is roughly based on me. This helped in creating Zack because I could look to myself to and how I would react to certain situations. I think this brought a level of legitimacy to the character and made him more real and more relatable to the readers.

#7 Are there other genre's of books that you would like to write some day?

Before I started Seventh Earth I was actually writing a young adult chick lit book. I’m not sure if I will stray too far from the young adult urban fantasy/sci fi realm in that I really enjoy reading this genre and enjoy writing in it. There is something about losing yourself in another worlds that you have created that is highly intoxicating.

#8 What is your best advice to beginning writers who hope to be published some day?

My advice would be to write what you are passionate about. There has to be passion in your writing. The second you are not fully engaged in your writing your readers will notice and will walk away. If you write from the heart your words will contain power and will be the means of inspiring others. If you write just to write, your words will be just that, words.

Now the BEST part of today's blog post...You can WIN a free copy of Seventh Earth!!!!

You need to do the following things to receive as many entries as you can. After you do these things you will need to come back here and leave a comment letting me know what you did.

#1 Become a follower of my blog. If you are already a follower, let me know when you leave your comment about everything else that you did.

#2 Post about this contest on facebook and Twitter with links back to my blog. They will count as separate entries.

#3 Post on Richard Bradford's facebook page letting him know you heard about him and the contest here at my blog.

#4 Go to Richard's website and sign the guestbook.

OK, so there are 5 ways that you can enter the contest. I hope to see many entries here, because it will be well worth your time so you can win a copy of this fantastic book ,that I am giving 5 stars to on

If you would like to buy your own copy of "Seventh Earth" go here to purchase.

About the Author

"I am a graduate of Brigham Young University with a degree in International Law and Diplomacy. Although originally from California, I currently live in College Station, Texas with my wife, four kids and two dogs.

I have traveled extensively throughout the world including a two year stint in Thailand of which I have considered writing about many times. There is a mystery and magic that lies within the borders of the orient that could spawn a thousand novels.

My interests included writing (obviously), and spending time with my wife and kids. If there is one thing that I have learned in my travels, it's that there is no suitable replacement for family. am currently working on the sequel to Seventh Earth (haven't come up with a good name yet) "

Richard can be reached by email at or you can visit his website at and his blog at

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

My Review of "Spells" by Aprilynne Pike

Six months have passed since Laurel saved the gateway to the faerie realm of Avalon. Now she must spend her summer there, honing her skills as a Fall faerie. But her human family and friends are still in mortal danger--and the gateway to Avalon is more compromised than ever.

When it comes time to protect those she loves, will she depend on David, her human boyfriend, for help? Or will she turn to Tamani, the electrifying faerie with whom her connection is undeniable?

I finished "Spells", the second book in the Young Adult Fantasy series of four books, that started with "Wings". Before I read this book, I had heard and read many other opinions about this second book. Many comments centered around how it wasn't as good as the first, to it was better than the first. Some were unhappy that Laurel didn't spend as much time in Avalon as they wanted. Then others complained that the time spent in Avalon was boring. The complaints seemed to go on and on.

I really liked Aprilynne's first book, "Wings". It was a new, fresh look at faeries. I had high hopes for "Spells". By now, I should know not to judge a book until I have read it. The things I like in a book can vary greatly from what others may like. I have such a great love for a variety of genres of books, that I usually give most books a great deal of leeway, where others may not let themselves get past the first or second chapter.

So...I picked up "Spells" and read it quickly. Aprilynne has a very smooth writing style, that adults and teens like. I was happily surprised about the chapters centered around her stay in Avalon. There is a lot written about Laurel's studies at the Academy of Avalon. She had to make up for lost time in learning how to be a "Fall Faerie" and what her future job would be. I found all of the information interesting, where others said it was "Boring". I enjoyed learning about the Faerie World's dynamics and how the society was structured. World building is a hard job. I have heard some complaints about this end of Aprilynne's storytelling. I say to these people, this is not high-fantasy where world building is crucial. This is a teen romance, set in the real world, with a dose of fantasy world on the side. I think Aprilynne did a good job in describing this world and keeping it low- key enough as she wrote for her main audience of teens.

The love triangle in this book rears it ugly head to extremes. Laurel, in her own unintentional way, is leading both young men along. She wants both of them, but knows that this can't be. I picked which team I was on in the first book. David is her human boyfriend and Tamani is her boyfriend from the Faerie World. I think we as readers know which man would be best for her in the long run, Tamani. I really like him and what he stands for. He also has the same life span as Laurel where David, being human, will be dead and gone before Laurel even starts to look old.

**sigh** Young love is such a bummer. It is so easy to look back and figure out what you should have done as a teen and what really happened. I will warn parents here, there is much more kissing in this book and some references to sex. It is nothing that you would find in an adult book, but you probably want to read through it first, depending on the age of your future reader.

The book ends with a cliff hanger that makes you excited for the third book. In a series of four books, the second is usually filler information and you do find a lot of that in "Spells". Over all, this book was a fun, fast and enjoyable read. If you liked "Wings", you will enjoy reading "Spells" and will look forward to reading the rest of the series.

My Waffle Wedded Wife

I don't know about you, but these days I need something that will make me laugh. I have been watching many funny things on youtube lately. My kids and I sit around the computer and laugh our heads off. A friend on facebook posted this very funny video today and I could not stop laughing. I shared it over there and I am sharing it here at my blog. So take a minute to stop and be happy and laugh a little; you won't regret it!

Friday, July 9, 2010

"The Silence of God" By Gale Sears

The Silence of God

By: Gale Sears

Publisher:Deseret Book

Published: June 15th, 2010


Hardcover: 400 pages

Reviewed by: Sheila

At the turn of the twentieth century, St. Petersburg offers the best of Imperial Russia. The vast country is filled with grand cathedrals, a faithful populace, and many people who love and revere Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov family. But as Russia becomes further entrenched in the Great War, a revolution begins brewing within her own borders.

For the wealthy Lindlof family, the only Latter-day Saints living in St. Petersburg at the time, the glitz and glamour of the Silver Age soon dissolves into mass rebellion, dividing their family and testing their faith. Life for Agnes Lindlof will never be the same—changed forever by an ideology that forces equality and demands the silence of God.

Agnes’s lifelong friend, Natasha Ivanovna Gavrilova, is the daughter of a professor and a firm supporter of Bolshevik ideals; she doesn’t believe in God at all. Yet, when the waves of the revolution wash over her family and her friends, Natasha must examine her own heart and decide for herself what to believe and what voice to listen to.

Based on an amazing true story of the only Latter-day Saint family living in St. Petersburg during the Bolshevik Revolution, The Silence of God is a rare glimpse into a fascinating period of history and a powerful, extraordinary novel of devotion and loyalty.

I finished reading this historical novel over the 4th of July holiday weekend. The story had been gripping from the start, but even more when you realize it is based on a true, LDS family, from Russia. As I pondered about the freedoms that we partake of in the United States, it only made what happen to the Lindlofs and God fearing Russians seem ever more brutal. The Bolshevik Revolution did in fact "silence" God in Russia. The rights of the people were taken away to worship as they may and live as they wanted.

Gale Sears masterfully tells the story of the Lindlof family. Gale has a way of bringing history to life in a way that educates, without being boring. The time Gale spent to research the book is evident. You can tell, that the events portrayed about the revolution,are historically accurate. I love reading about history, but this is one time period I have not read about as much as others. After reading "The Silence of God" I want to read more abut the Russian Revolution and Tsar Nicholas and his family.

The thing I loved the most about this book were the characters; the Lindlof family and their neighbor Natasha. We as readers, are brought along on Natasha's journey of being a firm supporter of Bolshevik ideals, to slowly letting God into her life and her heart. Agnes Lindlof was a fountain of courage with unfailing faith. The friendship between these two young women is not only heart warming, but inspiring. I became so lost in the story, I had to remember that this was a story "based" on true people and the actual events did not all happen exactly as told in the story. Gale truly is a great writer to be able to bring history to life, as well as wrapping the readers up in a fascinating story with meaningful characters.

I highly recommend this book to readers that love history, and also love a faith inspiring read. This also is a great book to read to help you realize, how lucky most of us are, to live where freedom reigns. I can tell you that I will always remember this book and it's characters.

If you would like to learn more about Gale Sears, please visit her at her website here.

I know that I will be revisiting this book again, especially around the 4th of July.

To end, I wanted to share with you the book trailer found on youtube about "The Silence of God".

Monday, July 5, 2010

School is Finally Out: Time to Make My Summer Goals

We all have experienced that joyful feeling of completing another school year. I have felt it both as a student and now as a teacher. With the summer break comes my summer goals. I know I have a short time in which I usually want to get a lot done. It feels good to accomplish things and mark them off of my list.

Some of the things I put down on my list were:

1. Write, at least 1-2 hours a day.

2. Blog 3-4 times a week.

3. Clean and organize my bedroom and my books.

4. Exercise every day. (Which I haven't done yet today but will later when it cools down.)

5. Help my kids re-organize their bedrooms and go through their things.

6.Clean out things in the basement; organize and dejunk.

7. Rotate food storage.

8. Help my son in passing off his cub scout things and my daughter with her Personal Progress goals.

9. Do some fun activities with my kids and my parents.

10. READ A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so proud of myself when I looked back at my goals. I know I will be able to accomplish several of these things. At least I have a plan, where before there was nothing there. I wanted to read about other peoples summer goals. I browsed the internet looking to see what other people had planned. Many people (similar in age and circumstance as me) had goals much like mine. The funniest goals I found were from teen-agers (no names listed). They made my good intentioned goals seem rather boring.

~~Eat stale popcorn
~~Catch a blind squirrel
~~Sing in a public bathroom
~~Scuba dive in a pool
~~Play hide and seek with Pierce Brosnan and Tyra Banks
~~Gain 190 pounds
~~Teach Jerry Springer Salsa dancing
~~Get granola bars banned
~~Drink diet coke over a bowl of cereal
~~Square dance on my Dining table
~~Style Britney Spears' hair
~~Do Paris Hilton's nails
~~Meet the travelocity gnome
~~Learn how to say "Elvis has left the building"
~~Spend as much time on the internet as possible.
~~Do a little internet clothes shopping..
~~Get out of the house at least three times.
~~Reread the Harry Potter books.
~~Have some human contact.
~~Watch at least 15 movies.
~~Find Clementines in a grocery store.
~~Finish painting my room.
~~Hang I Love Lucy pictures all over the bathroom.
~~Figure out a place to hang those Harry Potter posters that look stupid wherever I put them.
~~Sleep as little as possible.

I had to laugh at most of them, but I did like the idea of re-reading the Harry Potter books again.

Speaking of laughing, I found this video on facebook and posted it to my wall there. It is so hilarious, I had to also post it here.

Have a good laugh and a great summer!!