Sheila's Books Read

Sheila's bookshelf: read

The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
More Inspirational Stories for Young Women
The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
The Call of the Sea
Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
The Bad Boy Theory
Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

Sheila's favorite books »

Friday, February 26, 2010

Lynn Parsons: Co-author of (dis) Abilities and the Gospel

In my last post about books I wanted to read in 2010, I told you about a book called (dis) Abilities and the Gospel. I introduced you to one of the co-authors, Danyelle Ferguson. I want you now to meet Lynn Parsons, the other co-author of this book coming out in June. I asked her to share some information about herself with those reading this blog. I have to say, I was quite impressed with Lynn's credentials and accomplishments. As a fellow educator, I know that there is a lot that I could learn from her. Here now is the mini-interview with Lynn Parsons.

" I'm married, mother of four, grandmother of two, educational diagnostician and writer. I entered the field of special education because two of my four children had special needs. I love to read and knit. I taught early morning seminary for seven years. I'm currently working as an educational diagnostician. I spent seven years teaching special ed at the high school level, and one at elementary.

I taught an after school social skills class to students with autism, and that class was featured in District Administration Magazine at ), and inEdutopia Magazine, found at, and documented in Encyclopedia Brittanica Online at

My article about using digital video in the social skills class was published by the Council for Exceptional Children, and I have a book coming out in June about dealing with disabilities at church. It's called(dis) Abilities and the Gospel, and my coauthor has a son with Autism. We wrote the book through the Internet--we have not yet met!
My Blog is at (there's a contest there until Monday), and my web page has loads of information for teachers, parents, and diagnosticians ("

I want to thank Lynn for introducing herself. I look forward to reading (dis) Abilities in the Gospel. If you have any questions for Lynn, you can leave them here or contact her at her blog or website.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Round 5 of 2010 Books I Want To Read: Danyelle Ferguson, and Jane Still in the Spotlight

My Round 5 picks of books I want to read in 2010 are here. There are some names of authors that you may not be familiar with. I am happy to introduce you to them.

Danyelle Ferguson is the co-author of a new non-fiction book coming out in June, 2010. Here is the information I found about it on Valor Publishing's website.

(dis)Abilities in the Gospel: A Guide for Families and Church Leaders

by Danyelle Ferguson andLynn Parsons
Release Date: 1 June 2010

1 in every 70 boys in the US is affected by autism -- and 1 in every 110 children has autism spectrum disease. For every733 babies born, 1 baby is born with Down syndrome.

Every day, families and church leaders are faced with concerns about how to teach the gospel to individuals with special needs and develop eternal family relationships.

(dis)Abilities in the Gospelis the resource these families and church
leaders are seeking.
(dis)Abilities in the Gospelis filled with information and stories to help Church leaders and families of individuals with mental disabilities, such as Autism, Down syndrome, bipolar disorder, traumatic brain injury, and more.

Church leaders will find practical and creative teaching tips and programs to help with issues such as transitions, communication barriers, and behaviors. Families will find answers to questions like, "Should my child be baptized?" or "Will my son serve a mission?" as well as steps to teach prayer and scripture study.

(dis)Abilities in the Gospelhelps church leaders and families understand they are not alone in their struggles. Through this guide, they will find answers to their questions, as well as a renewed hope to continue their journey to build strong relationships and teach individuals withspecial needs the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Price: TBD
Publisher: Valor Publishing Group, LLC (June 1, 2010)
Genre: Non-Fiction
Binding: Trade Paperback

Danyelle wanted me to let my readers know this...

"One thing I want to emphasize with our book is that it's not only for LDS congregations. There are sections of it that answer LDS specific questions - such as baptism, callings, and going to the temple. But the core of the book how to adapt lessons and teach individuals with special needs in a general church classroom setting & developing good communication between church leaders and families are all applicable to any church denomination. Lynn & I are also willing to meet with any church's leadership to teach these skills and answer questions."

This book will be such a valuable resource for all people who work with special needs children in a special setting, such as church.

If you would like to learn more about Danyelle please visit her blog here.You can also go to her official authors website here to learn more about what she is working on.


The next author I want to you meet is Jane Still. She has

written a book called, "Mother's Daze". The title made me laugh so hard when I first read it. There are so many days, I really feel like I am in a daze trying to be a good Mom.

Here is what it says on the back cover:

"The perfect Mother's Day book is finally here! This witty take on what it means to be a mother will leave you with aching sides and a full heart. From the exciting and awkward changes of pregnancy to the quirky ups and downs of adjusting to a new baby, Mother's Daze is full of humorous stories and everyday realities that mothers of all ages will relate to. Author Jane Isfeld Still uses her own mothering experience and her frank wit to celebrate the honest-to-goodness truth about the most difficult-and greatest-job on earth. This hilarious book won't fail to leave you laughing. "

I love to read humorous books about being a Mom. I need to realize that I should laugh more while mothering my kids and that it does not have to be serious all of the time. Jane's book will leave you smiling and able to take a deep breath. Some times we take ourselves too seriously and have to have everything perfect; perfect house, perfect children and perfect "you". This is not realistic and this book points out that this is OK.

Here are some of the chapter titles:

-An Eye for Discipline

-It's Not in My Head

-The Miracle of Birth and

-Keep the Guilt and Pass the Chocolate(I think that this chapter will be my favorite!)

Mother's Daze will be released by Cedarfort publishing, on March 8th, 2010. Pick up a copy for yourself as well as one for a friend, sister, neighbor etc.

Also, go to Jane's blog,Mother's Daze or email herhere. You can also follow her on facebook or twitter. I know that she would love to hear from you.


Every day I find something else new that I want to read in 2010. I wish that I had more time to post about all of the books. I will still try to blog about them when I can.

FYI...Earlier, I had reported the title I had heard(The Victors) that supposedly was being given to the new Hunger Games book. Well, the official title is out and the 3rd Hunger Games book will be called....The Mockingjay. The release date is still the same and you will be able to read the new book on August 24th. I can't wait to read this book!! Are you team Peeta or Team Gale?

Friday, February 19, 2010

American Girl Books: The Feelings Book and The Care & Keeping of You

Since I have been figuring grades, doing report cards and Parent Teacher Conferences, my reading has been at a minimum. I am in the middle of reading six different books that are Whitney nominated books. So, I really did not have a finished book to review. Instead, I wanted to share with you a series of books that help Tween Girls between the ages of 9-12. The books are from the American Girl company. I love their motto:

" American Girl celebrates a girl's inner star-that little whisper inside that encourages her to stand tall, reach high, and dream big. We take pride and care in helping girls become their very best today, so they'll grow up to be the women who make a difference tomorrow."

The other day me and my daughter had a disagreement and I lost my cool and yelled at her. About 2o minutes later, she came downstairs with her "The Feelings Book: The Care & Keeping of Your Emotions" in her hands. She had turned to the chapter about anger and a section called, "Keeping Your Cool" and said, "Mom I think that you need to read this." Here is what the book said, "It might help me stay calm if you would___________ (not point your finger, stop and listen to what I'm saying, ask how I am feeling) I have to say I was very impressed! She had found a way to explain how she was feeling and what she would like me to do. This is why I love this book!

Some of the great chapters included in this book are

-The Brain, the Body & Butterflies: In this chapter it discusses Brain Power, Why You Cry, Feeling out of Control and Holding it All In.

-How Do You Really Feel? : This chapter talks about What's Your Reaction, Sorting it Out and Talking it Out.

-The Voice Inside: This chapter includes Thinking Smart, Learning Who You Can Trust and Clearing away the Clouds.

-Help!: This chapter is the best. It includes, I'm Scared, I Feel Anxious, I'm So Jealous, I'm Angry, I'm Lonely, I'm Really Sad, I've Been Disrespected, I'm Grieving and I Don't Feel Safe.

-Feeling Positive: This includes The Good Stuff, Look Around and Keep it Up.

This book has colorful illustrations, small chapters and sub-chapters and is an easy to read format. You can pick the book up and open to any section and find what you are looking for without having to read it straight through. This book is so valuable in that it helps girls understand their emotions and handle them in a positive way. I learned also it is a good tool for parents to learn from our kids and how to help them.

The other book I bought my daughter was ,"The Care and Keeping of You: The Body Book forGirls." This “head-to-toe” guide answers all a girl's questions about her changing body, from hair care to healthy eating, bad breath to bras, periods to pimples, and everything in between. " It makes talking about the facts of life an easy job for parents.

My daughter has been reading this book a lot the past two years. She has been up to date on all of the changes her body has been making. She comes to me often to discuss things and ask questions. We have had some wonderful talks together.

This series also includes the "Care and Keeping of YOU Journal" This journal is a sensitive, interactive companion to The Care & Keeping of You. It includes a period tracker and mood recorder, plus tips, quizzes, and checklists to help girls keep in touch with their changing bodies.
There is also , "The Feelings Journal" that girls can write in.

If you go to their website you will see many other books that could help your daughters/granddaughters. Todays world is a much harder place to grow up in than what we had to deal with. I feel any good resource, such as these books, are beneficial in assisting parents as they raise their children. There are also many books out there that help your boys learn about their changing bodies. Head to to see what books are available.
Good luck with any "tweens" in your life.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Eyes Like Mine By Julie Wright

Eyes Like Mine Eyes Like Mine by Julie Wright

My rating: 4 of 5 stars This is a very heart felt book. The two main characters, the great,great, great,Grandmother and the great, great, great granddaughter (I think I am off a few of the greats!) are very different. Depending upon your own personality you will like the one and be irritated by the other. It also has LDS messages of pioneers and their sacrifices, praying and having faith. This doesn't mean that you still won't enjoy this book if you are not LDS. If you are Christian and believe in God, you will like this novel.

Liz, the granddaughter, is forced into a harsh situation as her parents are divorced and she is forced to be Mother, Father and sister to her younger siblings. I have to say, Julie Wright does an excellent job of portraying a family adjusting to life after a divorce. I have been divorced for a year and felt myself totally relating to the thoughts and feelings of the Mom and the children. I praise Julie, for bringing this hard situation to life. Those who have never experienced divorce in their lives can see the devastating consequences of divorce. Hopefully, the readers will also see how they can be of help, to those families in this situation, and offer much love and support.

This book does have time travel involved without the fantasy aspect. I still really liked how it was all portrayed. It is a book that shows how to love and show gratitude for your ancestors. It also is a book that teaches how wading through trials and hardships requires sacrifices on our part.

I enjoyed reading "Eyes Like Mine". Julie Wright is a very great author that knows how to tell a good story. View all my reviews >>

Friday, February 5, 2010

Whitney Finalists Announced This Morning!!

The announcement came out early this morning around 7:15. Here is the official press release....




Robison Wells, President, Whitney Awards



SALT LAKE CITY, UT: The Whitney Awards committee today announced the finalists for the 2009 Whitney Awards, a program which honors the best novels by Latter-day Saint writers.

To be eligible for consideration, a book must have received at least five nominations from its fans. More than one hundred works by new and established authors in both the LDS and national markets met the preliminary criteria. Once a book is nominated, juries of authors and critics narrow the nominees down to five finalists per category.

This year’s nominees are listed below in alphabetical order by author:

BEST ROMANCE: Counting the Cost, by Liz Adair; Illuminations of the Heart, by Joyce DiPastena; All the Stars in Heaven, by Michele Paige Holmes; Santa Maybe, by Aubrey Mace; Previously Engaged, by Elodia Strain.

MYSTERY/SUSPENSE: Lockdown, by Traci Hunter Abramson; Methods of Madness, by Stephanie Black; Murder by the Book, by Betsy Brannon Green; Lemon Tart, by Josi Kilpack; Altered State, by Gregg Luke.

YOUTH FICTION: Princess of the Midnight Ball, by Jessica Day George; Fablehaven IV: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary, by Brandon Mull; My Fair Godmother, by Janette Rallison; Bright Blue Miracle, by Becca Wilhite; The Chosen One, by Carol Lynch Williams.

SPECULATIVE: Servant of a Dark God, by John Brown; The Maze Runner, by James Dashner; Wings, by Aprilynne Pike; Warbreaker, by Brandon Sanderson; I Am Not A Serial Killer, by Dan Wells.

HISTORICAL: Tribunal, by Sandra Grey; The Undaunted, by Gerald Lund; Alma, by H.B. Moore; The Last Waltz, by G.G. Vandagriff; In the Company of Angels, by Dave Wolverton.

GENERAL FICTION: Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, by Jamie Ford; No Going Back, by Jonathon Langford; Gravity vs. The Girl, by Riley Noehren; The Route, by Gale Sears; Eyes Like Mine, by Julie Wright.

This ballot now goes out to members of the voting academy, a select group of LDS publishers; bookstore owners, managers, and employees; LDS authors; print and online magazine publishers; reviewers; and others working in the field of LDS literature.

Unlike previous voting, this year the academy can choose from any of the thirty finalists for the overall award, Best Novel of the Year. Similarly, any of the finalists who meet the eligibility requirements can be chosen for Best Novel by a New Author. (Those eligible this year: John Brown, Jamie Ford, Jonathon Langford, Riley Noehren, Aprilynne Pike, Dan Wells, and Becca Wilhite.)

Winners will be announced at a gala banquet on Saturday, April 24 at the Marriott Hotel in Provo, Utah. Tickets are now on sale at

Special awards will also be presented that night to two persons whose bodies of works and tireless efforts have made a significant impact on the field of LDS popular fiction. Gerald Lund will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award, and Dave Wolverton will receive an Outstanding Achievement Award.

For more information on the Whitney Awards, visit

For a more colorful view of the nominees/books you need to go

I am thrilled that I have already read 18 of the books that are nominated. I only have 12 more to read. I also want to add, I think that this years group of nominees are the best we have ever seen! Every category has excellent books. The final voting is going to be so hard.

I want to congratulate all of the nominees for this years Whitney Awards. I can't wait for April 24th, when the winners will be announced. If you have never been before to the Gala, you need to be there this year. There is nothing else like it, to be able to rub shoulders with some of your favorite authors. The food is really also very good and it is fun to dress up for the evening. It is wonderful to be part of the LDS Literary World.

Once again, check out the list of nominees and get reading. I promise you that you won't be disappointed. There are some fantastic books out there written by LDS authors.