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The Best Intentions
Scotland's Melody
The Secret Society of Salzburg
Secret of the Sonnets
20-40-60-Minute Dinners: Meals to Match the Time You Have
Through the Wilderness: My Journey of Redemption and Healing in the American Wild
Secret Santa Claus Club: A Tool to Help Parents Unwrap the Secret of Santa
Mr. Pudgins
Revenge Never Rests
The Best Mistake
Meriden Park
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The Great Tree: A Christmas Fable
To Capture His Heart
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Livvy and the Enchanted Woodland
Come, Gentle Night
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Guide To Smart Wedding Planning: What You want to know and everything you haven't thought of yet.

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Monday, September 1, 2008

Life on the Refrigerator Door by Alice Kuipers

Life on the Refrigerator Door
By: Alice Kuipers
Harper Collins Publishers (March 2008)

Every once in awhile I read a book that makes me think, really hard, about my life...this is one of those books. I am the Mother of a daughter,and we sometimes experience rocky roads, as we live our lives together. Life on the Refrigerator Door by Alice Kuipers made me stop, re-evaluate and vow to change how I interact with her. You may question the ability of a book to reform my relationship with my daughter? I have to admit though, it did! Sometimes it is true, that simple reminders, such as those found in a book, can change your life. First let me tell you about the book.

About the Book
Life on the Refrigerator Door is a poignant and deeply moving first novel about the bonds of love and frustration that tie mothers and daughters together. Told entirely in a series of notes left on the kitchen fridge—some casual, some intimate, some funny, some angry—it is the story of nine months in the life of 15–year-old Claire and her single mother. Preoccupied with their busy separate lives, rarely in the same room at the same time, they talk to each other in a series of short snippets that reflect the daily drama of school, boyfriends, work and chores that make up their days. Yet the mundane soon becomes extraordinary when a crisis overtakes their lives—a momentous change that will redefine their relationship and unfold in their exchanges on the refrigerator door.

I read this book in one sitting. It is an easy read because of the format, notes written between the mother and the daughter,and none of the notes are very long. This book is short, but very powerfully written. I honestly had a hard time putting it down to answer questions from inquiring children.

Many emotions were stirred up in me about my priorities and how important it is to spend more time with my daughter and my son. None of us know how long we have left on this earth. I hope that the memories I am creating with my children are good ones that they will cherish. If you have children, whether they are still living at home or not, I highly recommend you read this book. I know that if you love your children, it will also touch your heart, as it did mine. Now excuse me, as I need to go play card games with my children, just as I promised.

About the Author
ALICE KUIPERS was born in London, England, and now lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. She is a graduate of Manchester Metropolitan University and has had short stories published in literary magazines and produced for CBC radio. Life on the Refrigerator Door, her first novel, will be published in 21 countries.